Douglas--Richard S. (Administrative Staff)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 31st annual recognition breakfast May 6 to honor 30 long-term University of Northern Iowa employees.
Public Relations News Release 1988:458, p.1

University employees, both instructional and non-instructional, who have retired after accumulating at least 10 years of service, will be honored. List of persons to be honored.

2 Students want more AT machines
Northern Iowan 85:23, p.1
Procedures and background for the installation of ATMs on campus.
3 New state smoking law may force smoking rule change
Northern Iowan 84:59, p.3
Richard Douglas talks about the need to come into compliance.
4 Verna Kennedy retires after 45 years in UNI Controller's Office
Public Relations News Release 1986:469, p.1

She says "What I'll miss are the people I've worked with through the years, as well as the University community. This has been a wonderful place to work;" there was a reception held in her honor; only one other person has worked at UNI longer.

5 New plant shutdown--UNI sues for $385,000
Northern Iowan 82:41, p.1
Transformer explosion and other problems lead to months' long shutdowns; University hopes to settle lawsuit against contractors and suppliers out of court.
6 Information's hours cut
Northern Iowan 82:8, p.7
Telephone information service hours cut.
7 Administration reorganizes
Northern Iowan 81:16, p.1

Many changes are taking place in the Administration and Finance division, including the retirement of James L. Bailey.

8 Housing department: no jurisdiction over conditions
Northern Iowan 76:55, p.3
University control of the housing surrounding campus is explained.
9 Soot sticks to cars by Gilchrist
Northern Iowan 76:11, p.1
Because of humidity, soot from the Physical Plant, has been sticking to cars.
10 Negotiation team named for UNI
Northern Iowan 73:29, p.1
Regents team will include Larry Pope, Provost Martin, Dean Morin, and Richard Douglas.
11 Douglas
Northern Iowan 72:61, p.1
Richard Douglas named Director of Personnel Services; office will increase responsibilities.