Drenner--Andrew (Class of 2001)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 University of Northern Iowa graduates receive 2002-2003 Merchant Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 2001:498, p.1
Elizabeth Kellner, Brian McInnis, Dana Binder, Nathanael Dirks, Andrew Drenner, Elaine Eshbaugh, and Sarah Stoever win Merchant Scholarship.
2 UNI names student employees of the year
Public Relations News Release 2000:363, p.1
Student Employees of the Year are named for the second time on campus.
3 Linux offers cost free alternative to Microsoft Window or Macintosh OS
Northern Iowan 96:7, p.5
Cedar LUG (Linux User's Group) provides information and support for Linux operating system; elects officers: Andrew Drenner, President; Andrew Jones, Vice-President; and Aaron Townsend, Treasurer. [9/24/99, p.2 correction: Aaron Thompson, Treasurer.]