Du Bois--Grace (Classes of 1907--1908--1910 and 1912)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 53 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Grace Du Bois
College Eye 4:3, p.7
Returned to Iron Mountain, Minnesota, to continue her work there.
2 Grace Du Bois
College Eye 2:28, p.7
Re-elected to teach in Mountain Iron, Minnesota.
3 A fine trip
College Eye 2:25, p.4
Faye Palmer writes regarding her travels with the University Girls Orchestra on their North American tour.
4 The alumni in all parts of the U. S.
College Eye 2:12, p.8
The alumni are writing to the college about the Coordination Controversy.
5 Large number of graduates secure prominent positions
College Eye 2:4, p.7
Roster of students who have found jobs.
6 Grace Du Bois
College Eye 1:27, p.5
Will teach in Minnesota.
7 Science Club program
College Eye 1:10, p.4
Students present papers to the group.
8 Cliorio banquet
College Eye 1:7, p.6
Annual joint banquet celebrated twenty-fifth anniversary of Cliosophic Society.
9 Clio
Old Gold 0:0, p.173
Roster of officers; recap of the year; quotes and sayings; basketball team roster; photo.
10 Miss Jennie Daubenberger
College Eye 1:4, p.69
Spent last week visiting Grace Du Bois.
11 Mr. Bagby and Miss Grace Du Bois
College Eye 1:3, p.52
Acted as judges at the declamatory contest at New Hartford.
12 Cliorio banquet
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.385
The Clio and Orio literary societies held a banquet with Grace Du Bois acting as toastmaster.
13 On the last Friday evening
Normal Eyte 21:14, p.247
The English Club met for a program.
14 Official Notes
Normal Eyte 21:12, p.199
Roster of those who received degrees on November 22, 1910; George Muhleman joins chemistry faculty to replace Professor Page for winter term.
15 The Kappa Theta Psi
Normal Eyte 21:12, p.209
Gave a farewell dinner party for Grace Du Bois and Margery Graham.
16 Y. W. C. A. notes
Normal Eyte 21:12, p.204
Enjoyed at home program.
17 The Kappa Theta Psi
Normal Eyte 21:9, p.159
Held a luncheon at the home of Grace Du Bois.
18 Miss Mildred Kurlin of Storm Lake
Normal Eyte 21:9, p.157
Spent time with Grace Du Bois.
19 The English Club
Normal Eyte 21:8, p.129
The development of the new English Club; English and Public Speaking departments organize group; elect officers; Professor Lynch delivers paper.
20 Banquet was enjoyed; Teachers College club banquet proved great success; many alumni present
Normal Eyte 20:29, p.476
Many attend alumni meeting in Chicago.
21 Alumni Association meets; Teachers College club at Chicago holds its first annual banquet
Normal Eyte 20:28, p.462
About sixty-five attended.
22 The Cedar Falls Record
Normal Eyte 20:3, p.51
Following alumni will be enrolled at a college or university this fall.
23 The Misses Grace and Vera Du Bois
Normal Eyte 20:1, p.12
Will be taking classes in Chicago.
24 Grace DuBois, Jennie Daubenberger, and Vera DuBois
Normal Eyte 19:24, p.382
Visited Cedar Falls.
25 A trio of school teachers from Gladbrook
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.332
Visited campus.
26 Miss Grace DuBois
Normal Eyte 19:17, p.271
Visited Cedar Falls.
27 Grace Dubois
Normal Eyte 19:14, p.220
Assistant principal in Gladbrook.
28 Society; Neo, Clio-Orio, Ossoli, Zetalethean, Shake-Aristo
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.110
Present musical program.
29 Grace Dubois
Normal Eyte 19:6, p.92
Will teach in Gladbrook.
30 Mary McDonald and Grace DuBois
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.61
Visited friends.
31 Commencement
Normal Eyte 18:33, p.522
Commencement program; cast members of "If I Were King"..
32 Report of the Young Women's Christian Association for the year 1907-1908
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.356
Report on the administration, Geneva meeting, and committee work of the group.
33 Clio open session
Normal Eyte 18:13, p.201
Printed text of program.
34 Helen Dickinson
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.46
Has been visiting Grace DuBois.
35 The Cliosophic Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Society officers, members and description of activities; photo.
36 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
1907 graduates; photo.
37 Clios get the cup: Shakes lose to Clios 11 to 7
Normal Eyte 17:22, p.340
The Clios are the women's intersociety basketball champions.
38 Society
Normal Eyte 17:6, p.89

Shakes and Aristos hold banquet; Ossolis focus on race; Clios consider American Indians.

39 The Cliosophic Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.85
Brief organization of the organization; photo.
40 Grace Du Bois
Normal Eyte 16:31, p.495
Visited Waterloo.
41 The Dubois girls
Normal Eyte 16:27, p.429
Visited Waterloo schools.
42 Last evening
Normal Eyte 16:24, p.383
Women's basketball team has party.
43 Miss McDuffie
Normal Eyte 16:20, p.317
Visited the Du Bois sisters.
44 Society
Normal Eyte 16:20, p.310

The Shakes say that one of the wonders of the world is boys; Clios hire Sherlock Holmes to find a stolen mascot; Zenos held a normal meeting; and the Neos had a debate.

45 Grace Du Bois
Normal Eyte 16:20, p.316
Was sick.
46 Mary Soltow
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.302
Visited Waterloo with friends.
47 One evening last week
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.303
The Du Bois sisters entertained friends.
48 The Du Bois girls
Normal Eyte 16:18, p.285
Visited Waterloo.
49 Society
Normal Eyte 16:15, p.230
Orios tell how their members are going to spend the upcoming vacation; Clios gave performance of scenes from William Tell; Philos gave a skating program.
50 Miss Cattermole
Normal Eyte 16:12, p.189
Visiting Grace and Vera Du Bois.