Dubbert--Ruth C. (Class of 1916)

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Claxton
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.6
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Claxton give birth to a daughter in Fayette, Iowa.
2 Young Women's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.294
Cabinet and officers of the Y.W.C.A.; photo.
3 The Classical Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.257
Officers and members; photo.
4 Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.153
Activities of the Alpha Literary Society, 1915-1916. Candid photos. Photo of Ruth Egbert Imlay, drama, declamatory, and oratorical contest winner; photo.
5 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
6 The B. A.'s
Old Gold 0:0, p.91

Drawing of woman graduate dressed in cap and gown, standing on top of the world, and throwing her books into the sky. Officers, spirit of the class, and personal messages from the B. A. class; photo.

7 Alpha reception
College Eye 7:16, p.7
Held reception for new members, Philos, and faculty members.
8 English Club
College Eye 7:15, p.3
Had a larger number of attendees than normal; gives program.
9 B.A.s elect officers
College Eye 7:12, p.3
Officers listed.
10 Y. W. C. A.
College Eye 7:5, p.4
Meeting was led by those who attended the Lake Geneva Conference.
11 Society
College Eye 7:4, p.5
News notes from the literary societies.
12 Miss Dorothy Condit and Miss Ruth Dubbert
College Eye 7:3, p.7
Giving music lessons at Shell Rock.
13 Alpha
Old Gold 0:0, p.77
Overview of the society and its history; roster of society presidents; photo.
14 Classical Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Classical Club was organized January 20, 1915, to promote classical scholarship at the college; roster of officers; photo.
15 English Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.295
Roster of officers; review of the year's events; photo.
16 Ruth Dubbert
College Eye 4:6, p.8
Visited Shell Rock.
17 The Alphas
College Eye 4:4, p.8
First reception held at the home of Inez Radell.
18 Misses Ruth Dubbert and Rachael Robertson
College Eye 3:22, p.376
Enjoyed a visit to Charles City with Florence Moss.
19 Alma Cutler, Prof. Conrad
College Eye 3:20, p.344
Along with others, traveled to Cedar Rapids to hear Paderewski.
20 Ruth Dubbert
College Eye 2:29, p.5
Visited Charles City with Florence Moss.
21 Untitled
College Eye 2:11, p.3
Campus news notes.
22 The Convention of the Iowa Federation of Woman's Clubs
College Eye 1:8, p.7
Held a meeting on campus.
23 Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 1910-11
Old Gold 0:0, p.111
Y.W.C.A. cabinet and brief description of organization.