Duea--Jerry M. (Classes of 1958 and 1966; Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Nielsen memorial set for Saturday
Northern Iowan 97:55, p.1
A look back at the life Ross A. Nielsen.
2 Profile: the retirement class of '96-'97
Campus News Network 7:18, p.2
Thirty UNI employees will retire this year; photo.
3 Long term employees retiring from University of Northern Iowa to be recognized May 3
Public Relations News Release 1996:380, p.1

Thirty employees will be honored at the 39th Annual Recognition Breakfast.

4 Planning strategically
Campus News Network 6:9, p.2
Response Team is currently examining the recently revised University Strategic Plan and will meet today with Writing Committee.
5 Seeking to meet the institution's financial needs
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.325
UNI's relations with the General Assembly; rising costs for students and increased financial aid; the university begins to seek federal grants for various programs; photo.
6 Mini-grants provide for infusion of technology
Campus News Network 3:17, p.1

Roster of winners and their topics of research.

7 UNI teacher education grads top national average on tests
Northern Iowan 83:7, p.4
Dean Carver talks about the new tests.
8 Test offered free to education majors
Northern Iowan 82:49, p.7
May take battery of standardized teaching exams free.
9 Non-credit courses set
Northern Iowan 80:13, p.7
Description of the courses.
10 Students get taste of teaching through experience
UNI Century 11:1, p.5
PLS faculty talk about the student teaching experience at the lab school; photo.
11 Demand for teachers expected to rise
Old Gold 0:0, p.24
The birthrate in Iowa has gone up causing the demand for teachers to rise; photo
12 Faculty leaves cost $132,000
Northern Iowan 78:36, p.1
List of faculty who received PDLs and their topics of research.
13 Money problems rank #1 on college presidents' worry list
Alumnus 65:4, p.8
Professor Jerry Duea and Walter Bishop reveal results of survey.
14 PROBE reveals college problems
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.1
Inflation and financial problems are the chief worries of college and university presidents and school superintendents, a nationwide survey shows; photo.
15 PROBE surveys
Public Relations News Release 1980:61, p.1
Professor Jerry Duea received 544 Reponses to a higher education questionnaire.
16 UNI faculty members survey what superintendents, college presidents think
Public Relations News Release 1980:60, p.1
A survey based at UNI finds the chief worries of college and university presidents and school superintendents to be inflation and financial problems.
17 Name droppers
Northern Iowan 76:49, p.8
John F. Ketter was named president of the Association of College Unions-International; Jerry Duea elected to national lab school association.
18 Price Lab School--one big package of success
Alumnus 63:2, p.2
Purposes, programs, services of the Lab School; photo.
19 Regents approve business
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.1
Approve fourteen PDLs; Professor Rhum resigns as Dean of the Graduate College; department re-named Department of Industrial Technology; Dome seats approved; change in interior design contracts for Speech/Art Complex.
20 UNI Upward Bound Students Discover Learning Can Be Exciting Experience
Public Relations News Release 1969:678, p.1
Four students participate in UNI's "Upward Bound Program" The program is open to Iowa high school students and is being held at Price Lab School from June 7 to July 26.
21 Project is success
Northern Iowan 65:61, p.1
Detailed description of Upward Bound program.
22 Upward Bound motivates non-college bound student
Northern Iowan 65:11, p.5
Profile of program designed to motivate non-college-bound high school students with the capability to succeed in higher education.
23 90 participate in UNI Upward Bound project
Northern Iowan 64:58, p.1
Will introduce students to college life.
24 Trackmen Complete Undefeated Season
Old Gold 0:0, p.244

The tutors, under the leadership of Art Dickinson went undefeated in dual and triangular competition this year. They placed first in the N. Central Conference indoor meet, the Iowa College Indoor Relays, and the Cornell Relays; photos

25 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.267
Graduates; photo.
26 Tutors finish in third place; South Dakota pushed down to fourth spot
College Eye 49:9, p.4
Football team defeats South Dakota, 27-7, for third place in North Central Conference; photo.
27 Phi Sigs Stress the Golden Rule
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
Phi Sigma Epsilon had a fall smoker, a Homecoming dinner held at the Waterloo Elks Club, a winter formal dance held at the President Hotel, where a Phi Sig queen was elected, a spring banquet, and a Father and Son dinner for graduates; photo.
28 Phi Sigma Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.253
Brief description of the group; photo.