East--J. Philip (Computer Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Faculty Senate debates access to course graduation distribution
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.1
Senate shows support of making grade distributions more public. Senate members discuss concerns and implications of this decision. Business student gives supporting opinion.
2 October is Computer Learning Month
Public Relations News Release 2003:102, p.1
Benefits of computer knowledge explained.
3 Awards/honors/services: Keith Crew and Philip East
Campus News Network 6:3, p.4
Keith Crew elected chair and Philip East vice chair of Graduate Council for 1995-96.
4 UNI Sigma Xi to sponsor speaker on cross-disciplinary approaches to general education April 12
Public Relations News Release 1994:363, p.1
Robert Root-Bernstein will speak at UNI April 12.
5 Search progressing for new UNI president
Northern Iowa Today 23:1, p.4
Joel Haack, Aaron Podolefsky, Taggart Frost, Leander Brown, Scharron Clayton, Phillip East, Allen Hays, Martha Reineke, Clark Elmer, Alan Petersen, Colin Brennan, Kara Lindaman, Joan Poe, LeRoy Redfern, Peter Voorhees, Grace Ann Hovet develop criteria.
6 Mini-grants provide for infusion of technology
Campus News Network 3:17, p.1

Roster of winners and their topics of research.

7 Blame it on the PC--a ten-year landmark
Public Relations News Release 1991:8, p.1
The first personal computer was introduced by IBM ten years ago.
8 Intemann named new dean of natural sciences at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:354, p.1
UNI College of Natural Sciences names new Dean.
9 University of Northern Iowa professor puts academic theories into classroom practice
Public Relations News Release 1990:235, p.1
Teaches third grade to observe if theories taught in college classrooms work in real classroom situations.