Educational Policies Commission (EPC)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 97 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Proposal favors student choice in class material
Northern Iowan 94:16, p.1
UNI student Elaine Jaquith presents proposal governing situations in which sexually explicit materials are used in class; several groups consider proposal.
2 The Educational Policies Commission
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.154
The foundation and role of the EPC; its early work; its relationship with college administrators; photo.
3 Committee debates a UNI grade 'forgiveness' policy
Northern Iowan 90:55, p.1
Consider policy which would lessen effects of early grades for those who come back to school after a period of years.
4 Committee recommends no change; current withdrawal policy approved by Educational Policies Commission
Northern Iowan 90:51, p.1
Discussions lead to no change.
5 Withdrawal policy decision postponed
Northern Iowan 90:49, p.1
Considers limit to number of withdrawals.
6 Meeting dissolves into debate over parliamentary procedure
Northern Iowan 90:45, p.1
Commission approves motion to keep add/drop policy as is.
7 NISG concerned over proposed academic policy changes
Northern Iowan 90:44, p.2

Concerned over changes in add and drop periods.

8 New grievance policy halted
Northern Iowan 90:27, p.1
Faculty Senate considers revised student grievance policy.
9 Grievance policy addressed
Northern Iowan 89:10, p.5
Faculty Senate refers policy to EPC; considers education curriculum procedures.
10 Faculty approves dead week proposal
Northern Iowan 85:32, p.1
No final comprehensive examination should be given within last two weeks of class, though unit tests and papers may be assigned to be due during that period.
11 'Dead Week' is needed, logical
Northern Iowan 84:54, p.2
Points out the proposal was not defeated, but sent to EPC.
12 Faculty Senate sends Dead Week to committee
Northern Iowan 84:53, p.1
EPC will report to Senate in the fall.
13 Drop/ad policy remains same
Northern Iowan 83:23, p.4
Faculty Senate accepts EPC recommendation to leave policy unchanged; text of the policy.
14 News briefs
Northern Iowan 83:15, p.6
EPC recommends that current add/drop system not be changes; Jo Ann Zimmerman will speak; Dave Nagle and John McIntee will appear on KCRS.
15 Current drop/add policy favored
Northern Iowan 83:11, p.6
EPC considering policy.
16 Proposed changes to be discussed in open hearing
Northern Iowan 83:10, p.1
EPC will consider drop-add policy.
17 Withdrawal policy considered
Northern Iowan 82:26, p.1
EPC hears arguments for and against reduction of time allowed to add or drop a class.
18 Austin proposes policy
Northern Iowan 82:14, p.7
Policy change would reduce time for adding and dropping courses; referred to EPC.
19 Early final exams questioned
Northern Iowan 81:11, p.24
Athletic schedule sometimes leads to final examination conflicts; EPC is looking into the matter.
20 What type of finals do you prefer?
Northern Iowan 74:56, p.1
Professor Winsberg reports on EPC study of final examinations; most prefer a five day exam period.
21 Who should make educational policies?
Northern Iowan 71:51, p.2
Unhappy that EPC and Faculty Senate made decision regarding pass/fail option.
22 Faculty Senate raises pass/no credit to C-
Northern Iowan 71:50, p.1
Previous level had been D-.
23 Present pass/no credit system retention favored
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.2
EPC outlines four possible plans.
24 Pass/no credit modified? Students must decide now
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.3
Presents brief history of grading option; believes the option may be modified in unfortunate ways.
25 Pass/no credit issue lingers . . .
Northern Iowan 71:8, p.2
Supports action of Faculty Senate in sending issue to EPC for recommendations.
26 Finals earn a passing grade
UNI Century 2:1, p.3
Faculty Senate considers EPC study of final examinations; will continue policy of allowing faculty to make their own decision on administering examinations.
27 Stamp discusses some recommended revisions
Northern Iowan 68:23, p.3
Outlines possible revisions in grievance procedures.
28 Organizational News
Northern Iowan 67:39, p.5
Activities and meetings.
29 E. P. C. anticipates fruitful year
Northern Iowan 67:15, p.4
30 EPC of pass-fail needs clarification
Northern Iowan 66:44, p.2
Professor Longnecker attempts to clarify status of pass/fail in EPC.
31 Educational opportunities should be equal for all
Northern Iowan 66:19, p.8
Professor Oppleman proposes new program of teacher education.
32 Plan to implement pass/fail gen ed
Northern Iowan 66:15, p.1
Will take broader focus than just physical education.
33 EPC debates pass fail
Northern Iowan 66:13, p.12
Considers proposal to make general education physical education pass/fail.
34 EPC studies program for minority students
Northern Iowan 65:39, p.12
Consider program under which students would receive no formal grades for first two years.
35 Faculty to study strike bill
Northern Iowan 65:34, p.1
Committee will study proposed bill which would curb strikes and protests.
36 Students gain equal voting representation on EPC
Northern Iowan 65:32, p.8
There will now be eight students and eight faculty.
37 E. P. C. expands to include eight student members
Northern Iowan 65:28, p.4
There will be eight voting student members and nine faculty members.
38 Student Senate discusses campus traffic problems
Northern Iowan 65:27, p.8
Also considers student representation on Redress Committee and Educational Policies Commission.
39 Students may demand student EPC hearing
Northern Iowan 65:22, p.12
Professor Longnecker explains procedure.
40 Academic affairs area demands 'arrogant' students
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.1
Students discuss ways in which to participate in the academic portion of the university.
41 EPC urges SS to begin student policy committee
Northern Iowan 65:14, p.6
James Albrecht urged the Student Senate to establish a student educational policies committee; pass-fail and plus-minus grading were discussed; list of students who attended.
42 EPC plans open session
Northern Iowan 65:12, p.19
Open session October 21 will discuss a variety of topics, including the possibility of pass-fail grading in general education courses.
43 EPC
Northern Iowan 65:9, p.4
Will hold open hearings on October 21, 1968.
44 Defends plus-minus
Northern Iowan 65:4, p.2
Reprint of reply letter by David R. Crownfield to Des Moines Register editorial on plus-minus and pass/fail grading; states that these reforms should reduce grade pressures, not increase them.
45 Stand still
Northern Iowan 65:3, p.2
Editorial supports pass/fail grading but feels plus/minus grading will promote excessive grade-consciousness.
46 Adoption of plus-minus pass-fail promising
Northern Iowan 65:2, p.1
Planned changes for the grading system in the 1968-69 spring semester are outlined.
47 UNI grading system is undergoing revision
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.1
Detailed comments on addition of plus and minus grades and pass/fail option.
48 It can be done
Northern Iowan 64:55, p.2
Pleased with recent passage of pass/fail grading option.
49 EPC recommends profs adopt grading revisions
Northern Iowan 64:51, p.4
Recommends adoption of plus and minus grades and limited ungraded credit.
50 EPC to vote Thursday on new grading systems
Northern Iowan 64:44, p.4
Will consider pass/fail and plusses and minuses.