
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Swimmers fare well in St. Louis
Northern Iowan 95:25, p.14
Men finished third and women second at St. Louis Invitational last weekend.
2 Swimmers splash into season tonight with a new facility
Northern Iowan 95:16, p.17
Men's and women's swim teams will kick off their season tonight in the Panther Co-Ed Relays in the new Wellness/Recreation Center pool; photo.
3 Year remembered for shuttle, shooting
Northern Iowan 94:55, p.1

The top events for 1997-98 school year are described; photo.

4 Renovations, expansion approved for Lang Hall
Northern Iowan 94:52, p.1
Student fee monies will fund a portion of the expansion and renovation of Lang Hall; drawing and floor plan.
5 Panthers fall at home
Northern Iowan 94:19, p.15
Western Illinois defeats UNI in swimming competition.
6 Panther swimmers land two on All-Academic team
Northern Iowan 93:29, p.19
Molly Edwards and Angie Rittgers were named to the Missouri Valley Women's All-Academic Swimming and Diving Team.
7 Swim teams set to race ISU, N. Illinois
Northern Iowan 92:30, p.14
Women finish third, men finish first at Bradley.
8 Swimmers soak up, size up competition; fresh from Florida
Northern Iowan 92:29, p.18
Results of meet at Bradley.