
Displaying 1 - 50 of 925 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 2022 midterms approach
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.1
Mallory Schmitz gives readers information on early voting and absentee ballot requests for the upcoming midterm election; photo.
2 UNI among top colleges for student voting
Northern Iowan 119:10, p.1
Luke Nelson reports on events happening surrounding the mid-term elections coming up in November. UNI is planning a social media campaign to raise awareness and encourage young college students to vote; photo.
3 The Liberal left has not won
Northern Iowan 117:28, p.3
Rawwas discusses liberal politics after the election of President Joe Biden and the storming of the Capitol.
4 Biden wins election, UNI reacts
Northern Iowan 117:24, p.1
Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election after delays in vote counting and UNI students give their opinions; photo.
5 UNI receives award for voter registration efforts
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.6
UNI was awarded the Pursuing Victory with Honor award, in part for the high turnout of student-athletes who voted. UNI has routinely had some of the best voter turnouts across America's college campuses; photo.
6 A Country Divided: UNI reacts to Election Day
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.1
UNI students and professors discuss the 2020 presidential election as well as the state-wide elections for the United States Congress. Both students and professors express their opinions on the uncalled race and the role of mail-in ballots; photo.
7 A disappointment for Iowa youth
Northern Iowan 117:23, p.3
Although the 2020 precedential election is still too close to call, Goedken discusses the Iowa "red shift" results and feels scared and victimized as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and a female; photo.
8 Election Day: Where, how to vote
Northern Iowan 117:22, p.2
Information about voting in the 2020 election; photo.
9 This election could turn into a split electoral vote
Northern Iowan 117:21, p.3
Horning discusses possible outcomes of the 2020 election; photo.
10 Profs compare past, present politics
Northern Iowan 117:20, p.2
Professors from the History and Political Science Departments discuss past politics and the 2020 election in a panel hosted by Phi Alpha Theta of the History Department; photo.
11 The election is not the end of the world
Northern Iowan 117:19, p.3
Horning discusses the 2020 election.
12 2020 Election
Northern Iowan 117:14, p.8
The Northern Iowan staff reminds students how to vote in the upcoming election and gives brief summaries about ballot candidates; photos.
13 First Presidential debate: a fail
Northern Iowan 117:13, p.3
The author summarizes the Tuesday, Sept. 2020 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and gives their opinion on the performance of the candidates; photo.
14 Address discusses women's suffrage
Northern Iowan 117:11, p.1
The annual Constitution Day Address was held on September 22. It was hosted by Scott Peters, professor and Department Head of Political Science. The speaker was Professor Christina Wolbrecht from the University of Notre Dame. She spoke on Zoom about her background, book, American voting, and women's suffrage; photo.
15 UNI-Dome to become voting site
Northern Iowan 117:11, p.2
The UNI-Dome will be a voting site for early and general election voting for Black Hawk County residents; photo.
16 Taking a look at 1968 vs. 2020 election years
Northern Iowan 117:6, p.3
Colin Horning compares similarities in the 1968 and 2020 elections; photo.
17 'Super Tuesday' leaves uncertainty
Northern Iowan 116:41, p.3
Horning comments on Super Tuesday, which resulted in a narrower Democratic nominee field: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard are still in the race. In the author's opinion, Donald Trump has strong voter support and a high probability of being re-elected, since Democratic front-runners Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden either can't win over more moderate voters or don't have energy surrounding their campaign; photos.
18 Democrats should not divide the vote
Northern Iowan 116:40, p.3
In the author's opinion, once a candidate is chosen for the Democratic nomination, voters should cast their ballots for them regardless of who they supported as a nominee. Seybert discusses the divides over candidates in the Democratic party and how such divisions could harm the party's chances in the general election against Donald Trump; photo.
19 Fascism, neoliberalism, and oligarchy
Northern Iowan 116:39, p.3
In the author's opinion, candidate Bernie Sanders should be the next president of the United States. Rawwas discusses democracy, capitalism, the state of the economy in the US and China, and the similarities between Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg as oligarchic authoritarians; photo.
20 The rise of Michael Bloomberg
Northern Iowan 116:38, p.3
Horning speculates on Michael Bloomberg's entry into the 2020 Democratic nomination race, discussing potential outcomes of primary season and the general election depending on who secures the nomination; photo.
21 Iowa braces for 2020 caucuses
Northern Iowan 116:32, p.2
Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses will be held on February 3. A record number of 28 Democrats are seeking the nomination. Incumbent Donald Trump will likely receive the Republican party's nomination. There is a brief listing of Democratic candidates, if they visited UNI, and their main focus. The list includes Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tom Steyer, Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet, Michael Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, and Deval Patrick.
22 Values might prove obstacle for Dems in 2020
Northern Iowan 116:31, p.3
In the author's opinion, the Iowa caucus is an important moment in deciding who will be the Democratic presidential nominee. Horning discusses the four leading candidates - Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg - and analyzes what early caucuses and primaries could mean for their campaigns and the future of the party as a whole; photo.
23 UNI voter turnout top among IA public universities
Northern Iowan 116:21, p.2
UNI had the highest voter turnout among Iowa's three public universities. UNI participated in Iowa Campus Compact's Voting Challenge and anticipated a 40% turnout, and had a 46.2% turnout. The school had originally been part of the ALL IN Challenge, and Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), academic departments, and student organizations had formed the #PanthersVote coalition for the 2018 midterm election. Political science professor Justin Holmes and graduate Brenna Wolfe discussed on the initiative.
24 Candidate Julian Castro visits UNI
Northern Iowan 116:17, p.1
Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro visited UNI on October 24 in the College Eye Room of Maucker Union. More than 30 attended the event; photos.
25 Candidate Tom Steyer visits UNI
Northern Iowan 116:16, p.2
Presidential Candidate Tom Steyer came to UNI and held a discussion with faculty, UNI students, and community members at Maucker Union. Around 30 people were in attendance, a smaller gathering compared to other rallies at the college. Steyer asked those in attendance to tell him what they were most concerned about and then responded to them all. He shared his plans and ideas for the future; photo.
26 Warren holds town hall in West Gym
Northern Iowan 116:16, p.1
Presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) came to UNI while on her "Weekend of Action." The rally was held in the West Gym and over 700 UNI students attended. Warren spoke on what led her into politics and how that experience changed her mind about economics. She stated her plans for office and then opened the floor to take questions from the audience; photos
27 Presidential candidates to visit UNI
Northern Iowan 116:15, p.2
UNI will host Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer for a meet-and-greet on October 21, 2019, in the Presidential Room of Maucker Union. UNI will also host Democratic presidential candidate and Iowa's front-runner Senator Elizabeth Warren on October 22, at the UNI West Gym; photos.
28 Kamala Harris visits UNI
Northern Iowan 116:7, p.1
Presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris visited UNI on her Iowan campaign tour. During her visit, she held a conference at the Maucker Union and invited questions from the audience; photo.
29 How much power should students have?
Northern Iowan 116:5, p.3
Stekl discusses the power that students and workers have had in history to make change and the challenges faced today including disempowered unions and student debt. In the author's opinion, students should exercise power to change systems, and voting for Bernie Sanders upholds that ideal.
30 The time is now to initiate political change
Northern Iowan 116:2, p.3
The author discusses nationwide student debt, climate change, and healthcare along with challenges specific to UNI. In Stekl's opinion, this is unacceptable, and Bernie Sanders is the person to change it.
31 On praxis: From campus to global politics
Northern Iowan 116:2, p.3
Call to action to engage in politics especially when it affects one directly. The author discusses global capitalism's role in the climate catastrophe, wealth inequality, and war, and states the importance of the 2020 election. In Rawwas's opinion, people are called to participate in politics because they are already involved whether or not they realize it, including students at UNI, and encourages votes for Bernie Sanders; photo.
32 LTE: midterm elections matter
Northern Iowan 115:2, p.3
Corbin, professor emeritus of marketing, discusses the importance of midterm elections and the possible impacts on issues; photo.
33 Campus is challenge in election year
Northern Iowan 113:1, p.5
Columnist Sam Hawley discusses the political climate on campus in wake of the 2016 election; photos.
34 Trump has plan for income inequality
Northern Iowan 112:30, p.3
Columnist Reid Slaughter discusses presidential candidate Trump's plan for income inequality; photo.
35 "Divine inspiration" brings Trump truck to UNI
Northern Iowan 112:28, p.2
A supporter of Donald Trump attends the January rally in the West Gym, driving from New York state to Iowa in a truck painted with a mural of the presidential candidate. The painting contains a facial portrait of Trump, as well as an Eagle holding the American flag in its talons over a depiction of the earth. Julian Raven, the artist, claims that his motivation to create the piece and promote it on a truck was a result of "divine inspiration;" photos.
36 Support and dissent at rally
Northern Iowan 112:28, p.1
2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump draws crows of both support and protest at a rally in the West Gym; photos.
37 Campaign spending IS scary
Northern Iowan 112:21, p.5
Student Bradley James talks about how he feels the massive spending during the 2016 presidential elections is a scary sight.
38 Informing the voters of Iowa
Northern Iowan 112:20, p.7
"Islam and Iowa Politics" is a lecture series aiming to educate voters on Islam before the elections begin; photo.
39 All staff opinion column: What's the most important Vote 2016 issue?
Northern Iowan 112:19, p.3
Student columnists weigh in on what they believe is the biggest issue for the 2016 presidential election; photo.
40 Students to 'shred for Bernie' at Octopus on the Hill
Northern Iowan 112:17, p.2
Students for Bernie Sanders will be hosting an event that combines music and politics at the Octopus on College Hill.
41 Time for America to un-stupid itself
Northern Iowan 112:15, p.3
Columnist Michael Jackson criticizes the republican GOP candidates.
42 Paul courts youth vote at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.1
Senator and presidential candidate Rand Paul visited the UNI campus as part of his eleven campus tour; photo.
43 Columnist misses the mark on tuition 'truth'
Northern Iowan 112:13, p.3
Columnist Abbi Cobb points out some of Gabe Gravert's errors in his article "The truth about college tuition"; photo.
44 Iowa pays the price
Northern Iowan 112:13, p.1
A new organization called "Iowa Pays the Price" visited campus to inform students about the alarming increases in spending of outside money by presidential candidates.
45 Corporations, not people: the Citizen's United disaster
Northern Iowan 112:12, p.3
Columnist Amanda Wagner attacks the use of Super-PAC's in elections, and claims that these groups produce a corrupt system; photo.
46 Trump stumps in Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 112:12, p.1
Presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at the Waterloo Electric Park Ballroom, attracting supporters and protesters from around Iowa; photo.
47 The truth about your college tuition
Northern Iowan 112:11, p.3
Columnist Gabe Gravert suggests solutions to the problem of rising student debt, such as loan forgiveness programs and providing less student aid; photo.
48 Rubio hosts CF town hall
Northern Iowan 112:11, p.1
2016 Presidential candidate Marco Rubio visited Cedar Falls and spoke at Mudd Advertising; photo.
49 Why is Donald Trump 'inconvenienced' by political correctness?
Northern Iowan 112:9, p.3
Columnist Abbi Cobb comments on Donald Trump's stance on political correctness, and shares why she believes he would not make a good President; photo.
50 Iowa pays the price
Northern Iowan 112:7, p.2
A new organization called "Iowa pays the price" will be visiting the Maucker Union to show students the importance of fiscal transparency in presidential elections; photo.