Emeritus Faculty

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Alumni Association to present Heritage Honours Awards during Homecoming
Public Relations News Release 2008:79, p.1
Nancy Powell, a 1970 graduate, currently living in Kathmandu, Nepal, will receive an Alumni Achievement Award, recognizing outstanding professional accomplishments. Adrienne Hallett of Washington, D. C., will receive the Young Alumni Award.
2 University of Northern Iowa Emeritus Association to host annual spring luncheon Saturday (May 2)
Public Relations News Release 1991:600, p.1
UNI Emeritus faculty to hold annual luncheon.
3 University of Northern Iowa Emeritus Association spring luncheon scheduled for Saturday (May 4)
Public Relations News Release 1990:510, p.1
Spring luncheon of the UNI Emeritus Association will be held May 4.
4 University of Northern Iowa presents minority recruitment plan to Regents
Public Relations News Release 1987:268, p.1
The Board of Regents reveals their plans to increase minority enrollment to over eight percent in state universities. Strategies include the creation of equal opportunity programs, scholarships, and outreach to emeritus faculty and minority alumni.
5 Faculty Senate discusses issues
Northern Iowan 80:17, p.6

Retirement of Fred Lott announced; Faculty Senate chair will handle emeritus requests; hear reports on instructional development and experiential learning.

6 Upper Iowa students may establish credit through UNI's ROTC
Northern Iowan 78:49, p.1
ROTC program may add faculty member; considers emeritus status procedures.
7 Senate changes emeritus eligibility
Northern Iowan 76:39, p.3
Retiring faculty may now be granted emeritus status regardless of age; title will be Professor Emeritus; Senate, department head, dean, provost, and president will approve.
8 Emeritus faculty granted privileges
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.4
Emeritus faculty receive library services, parking, office space, secretarial assistance, and student assistants.
9 Privileges expanded
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.8
Emeritus faculty may park free.
10 Manion appointed SCI Associate Physical Plant Director
Public Relations News Release 1960:568, p.1
Melvin Manion is placed as the new Associate Director of the Physical Plant, as approved by the Board of Regents. Manion is to replace E. E. Cole as Director of the plant as Cole reaches Emeritus status on July 1, 1962.
11 Retiring faculty at ISTC to be honored
Public Relations News Release 1960:424, p.1
Professor Valiant D. French, Agnes R. Gullickson, and Verna J. Adney are honored at the Faculty Recognition Breakfast on Commencement Day. President J. W. Maucker presides over the event, attended by emeritus faculty and their spouses.
12 Future emeritus faculty honored
College Eye 51:23, p.7
Honored at dinner.
13 Faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:402, p.1
Forty new faculty members joined the staff in the fall to replace those who took leave, gained emeritus status, or resigned to accept other positions. Faculty additions the previous year numbered 95.
14 Nearly 250 alumni, faculty and friends attended Sunday's 68th annual reunion and luncheon
Public Relations News Release 1950:383, p.1
Celebrating their 25th year anniversary of graduation were 39 members of the class of 1926. Alice F. Burbeck Harker, Sac City, represented the oldest class present. She was graduated 68 years ago, in the class of 1883.
15 A revised edition of "The Physical Sciences," widely-used college science text, will be published later this month by Prentiss Hall and company
Public Relations News Release 1950:377, p.1
Authors of the book, published in 1940, and the revision are E. J. Cable, Robert W. Getchell, and W. H. Kadesch, all on the emeritus faculty. They are professors of earth science, chemistry, and physics.
16 Reservations for Sunday's, May 27, 68th annual Alumni and Faculty reunion have passed the hundred mark, according to Alumni Director G. E. Myers
Public Relations News Release 1950:375, p.1
Honored this year will be the graduates of 1901 and 1926. Gold medals will be given to members of the Class of 1901 who attend; Thirteen of the original class of 223 have made reservations. Two graduates will be present to receive Sixty-Year medals.
17 A tribute to 28 years of service was given Thursday night, May 3, to Myrtle E. Gaffin of the business education department
Public Relations News Release 1950:346, p.1
Myrtle E. Gaffin will gain emeritus status at the end of the spring quarter. She received her bachelor of arts degree at the college in 1923 and her master's degree at the State University of Iowa in 1930.
18 Miss Patt's fresh cookies praiseworthy
College Eye 39:42, p.5

Bertha Patt talks about her retirement activities.

19 Dr. H. S. Buffum happy in his long dreamed of research work
College Eye 39:40, p.4

Professor Buffum talks about his interests, now that he is retired; photo.