Ensign--S. Laura (History Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 60 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Administering the Normal School
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.71
Duties of the Principal and the Board with regard to appointments and curriculum; continuing difficulties with the Model School; salary controversies; photo.
2 Changing the leadership
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.82
Analysis of the Board's dismissal of Principal Gilchrist and election of Principal Seerley; photo.
3 The quest for adequate financial support
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.37
Early changes in faculty; General Assembly actions affecting the Normal School; the building of the second hall: South Hall, later Old Gilchrist Hall; photo.
4 The Alumni Office received a letter about L. H. Hart's article
Alumnus 35:3, p.14
Clement L. V. Craft lives in LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
5 Word has been received from Mrs. Charles B. Fountain
Alumnus 22:3, p.32
The former Clarissa A. Ensign's sister, S. Laura Ensign, died on November 25 ,1937.
6 Later early instructors
Fifty Years at the Teachers College 0:0, p.72
Biographical sketches of early members of the Normal School faculty.
7 T. C. Reunion
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.2
The annual alumni reunion is held at the Y. M. C. A. in Des Moines. Speakers are presnted by Emma Bradley, and include President Seerley, J. W. Jarnagin, Professors Wright and Ensign, and President Seerley.
8 I. S. N. S. in 1878 and 1879
College Eye 11:23, p.2
Ella Rich describes experience of attending college here in its earliest days; describes campus and buildings.
9 Des Moines alumni
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.1
The Des Moines alumni held a banquet with 250 in attendance. Many were involved in planning and leading it.
10 Books by members and ex-members of the faculty
College Eye 8:25, p.2

Bibliography of the work of past and current faculty members.

11 Alumni literary program
College Eye 3:1, p.3
Commencement reunions resulted in a literary program conducted by alumni.
12 Miss Laura Ensign
College Eye 1:18, p.8
Attended YWCA anniversary celebration.
13 Anniversary days were inspiring; dinner on Saturday evening was a great event; historical meeting interesting
College Eye 1:18, p.1
Review of the lengthy program celebrating the 25th anniversary of the YMCA and YWCA.
14 Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. 25th anniversary
College Eye 1:16, p.2
Program for the upcoming celebration; roster of YMCA and YWCA presidents.
15 Miss Laura Ensign
College Eye 1:10, p.8
Visited the East during last summer.
16 The annual alumni banquet
Normal Eyte 19:15, p.235
Held at ISTA meeting; faculty and alumni exchange greetings.
17 Official
Normal Eyte 18:28, p.440
Owen J. McManus and Cap Miller are running for state Superintendent of Public Instruction; J. M. Hobron writes to President Seerley.
18 Miss Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 18:5, p.77
Visited campus last week; lives in Des Moines; teaches as a volunteer in the Iowa Deaconess Training School.
19 Normalites hold great banquet at Des Moines
Normal Eyte 17:15, p.226
Normal reunion and banquet held in Des Moines.
20 Books written by our faculty
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.14
Bibliography of work by Normal School faculty.
21 Last night, Miss Rice
Normal Eyte 13:24, p.378
Entertained in honor of Laura Ensign.
22 Official
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.6
Announces changes and additions in the faculty and staff; preparing foundation for the Auditorium Building.
23 S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 8:6, p.83
Still teaching in Maryland.
24 Faculty; Iowa State Normal School
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.
Faculty in 1886; photo.
25 Authorship and publications in the Normal School
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.7
Bibliography of publications by faculty.
26 The faculty; past and present
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.4
Brief sketches of all faculty, 1876-1898; growth of the department faculties; photo.
27 Authorship and publications in the Normal School
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.446
A look at faculty publications.
28 Prof. S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 6:17, p.195
Elected vice principal of school in Baltimore, Maryland.
29 Miss S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 6:12, p.136
Enjoying study at Yale University.
30 Miss S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 6:3, p.28
Will study at Yale.
31 Alumni banquet
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.372
Description of program.
32 Miss Ensign
Normal Eyte 3:15, p.118
Visited Cedar Falls.
33 Our quondam professor
Normal Eyte 2:36, p.279
Miss Ensign spends a few days at the Normal; attends Field Day.
34 Miss S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 2:15, p.122
Visits old friends at Normal.
35 The State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 2:15, p.115
Description of the program and the reunion of Normalites at the state meeting; list of those who attended.
36 The following letter was recently received
Normal Eyte 2:11, p.89
Stella Herbert writes about her mission work in Utah.
37 Miss S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 2:3, p.23
Enjoys new work at Stanley Hall in Minneapolis.
38 Miss Ridley
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.7
Ann Arbor graduate now has Miss Ensign's history assignment.
39 The old students miss the faces
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.7
Wish Miss Ensign and Mr. Whitcomb the best in their new work.
40 Miss Emma Ridley
Normal Eyte 1:21, p.162
Will replace Miss Ensign as teacher of history and geography.
41 The annual seniors' prayer meeting
Normal Eyte 1:20, p.158
Miss Ensign will lead.
42 Miss Ensign will the lead the Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 1:20, p.158
Last meeting of term.
43 Miss Ensign and niece
Normal Eyte 1:16, p.125
Visit home.
44 Miss S. Laura Ensign
Normal Eyte 1:12, p.93
After teaching at the Normal for fourteen years, Miss Ensign will move on to teach at Stanley Hall in Minneapolis.
45 Miss Ensign
Normal Eyte 1:12, p.93
Visits New Hartford.
46 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A
Normal Eyte 1:5, p.40
Meeting leaders announced; delegates to state convention; meeting reports.
47 Last Thursday evening
Normal Eyte 1:3, p.23
Misses Ensign and Dahlin thrown from sleigh; no one hurt.
48 One of the most enjoyable events
Normal Eyte 1:1, p.2

Normal reunion held at ISTA convention; agree to meet every year at the convention and elect officers to make arrangements; at least eighty alumni and ten faculty attended the convention.

49 Misses McLagan and Miller
Students' Offering 8:36, p.8
Misses McLagan and Miller spend vacation in Des Moines; Miss McGovern goes to Dubuque; Miss Ensign goes to New Hartford.
50 Those of our number
Students' Offering 8:32, p.9
Normalites studying at Iowa City.