Erickson--Carl I. (Class of 1914)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 74 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Schools, colleges like Teachers College alumni
Alumnus 20:1, p.7
Many alumni serve on college and school faculties; photo.
2 J. L. St. John and C. I. Erickson
Alumnus 15:3, p.16
Elected officers of Sigma Xi at State College of Washington.
3 With a second school on its debate schedule
Public Relations News Release 1930:109, p.1
Debate team prepares for upcoming season; ISTC debates ISU for the first time since 1912.
4 Alumni
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.5
Former students meet at the home of J. L. St. John, where they are entertained with musical selections and stories connected to the Teachers College.
5 Carl I. Erickson
Alumni News Letter 5:4, p.4
Professor Carl I. Erickson accepts his professorship in education at the Washington State College in Pullman after receiving his doctorate at the State University of Iowa.
6 Carl Erickson
College Eye 9:17, p.7
Is teaching in Texas now; he recently visited Iowa.
7 Brian Condit
College Eye 8:5, p.1
Brian Condit and Carl Erickson are in the glee club at the University of Iowa.
8 Official
College Eye 7:25, p.5
Alumni news; national education news.
9 "Milestones"
Old Gold 0:0, p.231
Character list; synopsis of the play produced on June 8, 1914; photo.
10 Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Drawing of a man walking a dog; review of the years events; Oratory, Triangular and Basketball teams, photo.
11 Oratorical Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Brief description of the association; photo.
12 Carl Erickson
College Eye 4:26, p.6
Visited his brother and sister on campus.
13 Carl Erickson
College Eye 4:25, p.4
Carl Erickson visited campus.
14 What? When? Where?
College Eye 4:20, p.7
I. S. T. C. will face Coe College in debate.
15 Debating team is chosen; men are selected who will present the Teachers in the Coe-Morningside-I. S. T. C. triangular
College Eye 4:14, p.2
Field narrowed to six men who will compete in intercollegiate debate in March.
16 Philos win Sage trophy; place six men on intercollegiate debate; Aristos four, Orios 2; Orios hold trophy at present
College Eye 4:14, p.1
Painting donated by Dr. Sage of Waterloo will hang in the Philomathean Hall.
17 Editorial
College Eye 4:3, p.4
Encourages students to contribute news items; claims that upcoming oratorical contest will benefit all who participate.
18 Misses Emma and Helen Erickson
College Eye 4:1, p.8
Attended the graduation of their brother Carl.
19 "Milestones"
College Eye 4:1, p.1
Review of play given by the Class of 1914.
20 Alumni day
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Review of Alumni Day events.
21 Young Men's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.184
Roster of officers and cabinet members; description of activities; photos.
22 Delta Sigma Rho
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Roster of members and officers; description of fraternity; photos.
23 Public Speaking and Drama
Old Gold 0:0, p.157
Illustration of actors taking final bow; description of department; cast of plays announced; photos of dramatic productions.
24 Oratorical Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Description of association; photos.
25 The Mill
Old Gold 0:0, p.331
Cartoons, jokes, and poems about I. S. T. C. students, faculty, and staff; photos.
26 Debating League
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Description of league; roster of debaters; history of Ames/ISTC debating record back to 1894.
27 Educational Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.286
Description of newly formed club; photo.
28 Our B.A. bies
Old Gold 0:0, p.97
Photos of students when they were small.
29 B. A. Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Roster of senior class officers; photo.
30 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.57
Photos of graduates.
31 Commencement play cast is announced
College Eye 3:29, p.478
Will perform "Milestones"; roster of cast members.
32 Preparations almost completed for nineteenth annual oratorical contest
College Eye 3:27, p.444
Contestants from Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois will compete; photo.
33 Midwinter play will be given Friday night
College Eye 3:21, p.348
Students encouraged to attend performance "All of a Sudden Peggy";roster of cast members.
34 The oratorical contest
College Eye 3:19, p.315
Kenneth McFee from Parsons College won first place.
35 Preliminary oratorical to be held soon
College Eye 3:15, p.252
Debate held between schools in Iowa and the surrounding states.
36 Erickson chosen as oratorical representative
College Eye 3:9, p.152
Carl Erickson will represent ISTC at state contest; new officers elected.
37 Lichty chosen cheer leader
College Eye 3:6, p.104
Pep Club elects council as well.
38 Christian Associations
College Eye 3:3, p.55
Officers elected; annual conference held at Lake Geneva; Newman Society held reception.
39 Christian associations
College Eye 3:2, p.34
News about the YMCA and the YWCA; schedule of activities.
40 Commencement play
College Eye 3:1, p.12
Performed "When Knighthood was in Flower"; review of the play.
41 Fussers' Frat
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Humorous group.
42 Debating
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Featured debates; photo.
43 Public Speaking
Old Gold 0:0, p.171
Instructors, bulletins from plays; photo.
44 Y. M. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Roster of officers, cabinet members, and a brief history of the group; photo.
45 Y. M. C. A. elects officers
College Eye 2:20, p.3
Roster of officers.
46 Oratorical contest; date for the final set for January thirtieth; nine contestants
College Eye 2:16, p.1
No preliminaries will be held due to diminished interest.
47 Debate; merits of "recall" thoroughly threshed out by the Cedar Falls and Ames College Debaters; negative won at both ends; Ames 4, Teachers College 2
College Eye 2:12, p.1
This debate was one of the most interesting and easy to understand in the past five years.
48 Dual debate; Ames-Iowa State Teachers College forensic contest Friday, November fifteenth
College Eye 2:11, p.1
The big debate against Ames is coming up; support your fellow students; they are well prepared; Peter Hansen, Arben Young, and Williard Patty; photo.
49 The Ames debaters
College Eye 2:10, p.1
Carl Erickson, Brian Condit, and John Partington, photo.
50 Ames debate; November fifteen chosen as date for Ames debate
College Eye 2:6, p.1
A big debate against Ames is scheduled for November 15; both Ames and Teachers College are expected to have strong teams.