Erickson--Dwight (Class of 1934)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Dwight A. Erickson
Alumnus 52:1, p.14
Dwight A. Erickson has accepted a post as director of education in a 17-county area of western South Dakota System in cooperation with the Douglas School at Ellsworth Air Force Base near Rapid City. Mr. and Mrs. (former Pauline Moothart) and their family reside in Rapid City, South Dakota.
2 Mrs. Pearl M. Cowden
Alumnus 34:2, p.14
The former Pearl Quass returned from Frankfurt, Germany.
3 Graduates Teach in Germany
Alumnus 33:4, p.19
Three teachers college graduates work in Germany.
4 Alumni pictured in German book
College Eye 40:38, p.3
In yearbook of American school in Germany.
5 Comments on Germany
College Eye 40:17, p.2
Gives an overview of German high schools.
6 Dwight A. Erickson
Alumnus 32:1, p.12
Superintendent of the schools in Bad Nauheim, Hanau and Hochst in Germany; his wife is the former Pauline Moothart.
7 Graduate chosen German school superintendent
College Eye 38:41, p.1
Profile of Dwight Erickson.
8 Dwight Erickson
Alumnus 29:1, p.23
Is living in Belle Plaine, Iowa, where he is superintendent of schools.
9 Dwight A. Erickson
Alumnus 26:2, p.25
Superintendent in Farnhamville, Iowa; his wife is the former Pauline Moothart.
10 Alumni win in tourney . . . .
Alumnus 23:2, p.15
Teachers college alumni are coaches on winning high school basketball teams.
11 Dwight Erickson
Alumnus 21:4, p.27
High school principal and athletic coach in Hubbard, Iowa.
12 Pauline Moothart
Alumnus 20:1, p.28
Married Dwight A. Erickson on August 23, 1935.
13 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.150
Description, purposes, and officers; photo.
14 Approximately 288 students will be candidates for graduation from the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1934:515, p.5
Program for the fifty-eighth annual spring commencement.
15 The Iowa State Teachers College wins the Iowa loop track championship seven times in a row
Public Relations News Release 1934:516, p.1

Picture of the track team.

16 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.74
Graduate photos.
17 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Organized in 1899; Officers and members; photos.
18 Varsity track squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.250
1934 schedule, season highlights, outstanding athletes, and squad members; photos.
19 1934 track team prepares for season
Public Relations News Release 1932:397, p.1
Coach Dickinson's track team has been drilling outdoors for the last two weeks to prepare to compete for their seventh consecutive track championship.
20 Tutor Harriers lose cross-country tilt with Cornell, 24-31
College Eye 25:18, p.4
Although they took an early lead, Panthers fell to Cornell.
21 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.233
Officers, history, members, and pledges; founded in 1899; may be oldest fraternity on campus; photos.
22 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Officers, purpose, and members of group that offers opportunities for public speaking; photos.
23 Annual track and field meet
Public Relations News Release 1932:296, p.1
Coach Fritzel's entire freshman squad and Coach Bender's varsity team (those who did not compete in the South Dakota relays) will compete in as many events as possible on May 4 and 5.
24 Debate is theme of Hamilton Club spring banquet program
College Eye 24:29, p.1
Roster of speakers who will talk about debate.
25 Hamilton Club give dinner and speeches
College Eye 24:25, p.3
Dwight Erickson presides.
26 Debate teams chosen today; Brindley will announce teams to compete at Manchester meet
College Eye 24:20, p.1
Two men's teams will compete.
27 Erickson and Johnson debate before the Lion's Club
Public Relations News Release 1932:241, p.1
On February 16, at 6:30 p.m., Dwight Erickson and Neil Johnson debate before the Lion's Club.
28 Debaters will continue active schedule
Public Relations News Release 1932:234, p.1
After winning honors in the tournament last week, the debaters will continue their active schedule.
29 Teachers college debaters have been busy
Public Relations News Release 1932:228, p.1
Debaters will participate in six debates. Professor Brindley has secured as many debates as possible for his squad.
30 Debaters engage in practice contests
Public Relations News Release 1932:209, p.1
Debaters engage in practice contests with Mason City Junior College and another between campus teams on January 19, 1933, in preparation for their regular schedule of debates and tournaments. Debate topic is war debts.
31 The Iowa State Teachers College harriers
Public Relations News Release 1932:45, p.1
Cross country team's first match of the season is against Cornell.
32 The first cross country meet
Public Relations News Release 1932:25, p.1
Will be held this weekend against Cornell.
33 Campus leaders will be feted; organizations represented at campus banquet Wednesday
College Eye 24:4, p.1
Meeting will give leaders perspective on their responsibilities.
34 Sophomore B. A. and B. S.
Old Gold 0:0, p.88
Photos and names of the Class of 1934.
35 Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.183

Overview of the 1932 debate season and names of members.

36 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.248
Names of officers and members; photo.
37 Hamilton Club chooses Erickson, Shane and Moothart as officers
College Eye 23:43, p.2
38 Dwight Erickson, Marathon
Public Relations News Release 1931:400, p.1
Hamilton Clubs elects officers; new members listed.
39 Prospects for a powerful Iowa State Teachers College track team
Public Relations News Release 1931:287, p.1
Rainy weather forces track team indoors; other problems for the team include tracksters who graduated last year.
40 Untitled
College Eye 23:12, p.3
Comments on intercollegiate sports, and new equipment available.
41 Freshman Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Class roll; photos.
42 Euterpean and Troubadour Glee Clubs
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Officers and members; photo.
43 Iowa State Teachers College freshman tracksters
Public Relations News Release 1930:394, p.1
Team prepares for meet against Grinnell.
44 Nighthawks
Alumnus 15:2, p.21
Intramural basketball team pulls pranks; photo.
45 "You just got in? You're captain,"
Public Relations News Release 1930:252, p.1
Maurice Manly manages the Nighthawks, a team in the intramural basketball finals.
46 Debaters from the Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1931:215, p.1
Team debates Coe and University of Dubuque.
47 Three hundred sixty-eight people chosen by six glee clubs
College Eye 22:4, p.6
List of glee club members.