Esperson--Issak (Student--2018)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 New NISG Upper Cabinet commences
Northern Iowan 115:50, p.2
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Upper Cabinet positions, selected from applications by newly-elected president Jacob Levang and vice President Jacot Stites, were sworn in on April 10. They include Chad Schafer as Chief of Staff, Amela Music as director of finance, Isaak Esperson as director of government relations, Sara Goodman as director of public relations, and Mahlia Brown as director of diversity; photo.
2 New NISG Legislation Liaison Team chosen
Northern Iowan 115:25, p.2
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) announced its newly-appointed Legislative Liaison Team, which advocates with legislators at the Capitol on UNI's behalf. Members include Ann Metz, Isaak Espersen, Jacob Madden, Jacob Levang, and Joshua Dausener.
3 NISG hosts 2018 election debate
Northern Iowan 114:40, p.1
NISG candidates faced off in the annual debate. Both presidential and senatorial candidates spoke.