
Displaying 1 - 50 of 365 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Responding to tragedy with kindness
Northern Iowan 114:12, p.3
Columnist Barikor encourages people to be kind to one another. She gives a list of things readers can try: photo.
2 Have some (un) common courtesy
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.4
Author feels there is a lack of consideration and respect for each other as human beings. Discussion of other countries' customs.
3 Politeness is not just an outdated notion of the past
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.4
America has adopted a new concept of manners-- one that lacks respect and regard for others. Author believes manners and social graces are not a thing of the past, but should be passed on and encouraged today and in the future.
4 Movie theater etiquette is dead
Northern Iowan 109:22, p.3
Author rages against people in movie theaters who show no respect for people around them. Texting and carrying on conversations with friends shows no regard for others.
5 L8er G8er
Northern Iowan 107:24, p.8
Students warned to show respect when contacting professors via email. Do not use the texting lingo you use with friends. Include your name and course and always end the note with a thank you.
6 Cellular Addiction
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.11
Believes cell phones do not belong in the classroom. Students should be paying attention to the professor during lectures. Cell phones are a tremendous convenience, but they should not rule your life.
7 Texts change how we communicate
Northern Iowan 106:52, p.5
Considers the positive and negative effects of text messaging.
8 Time to insert an obligatory "life isn't fair" speech
Northern Iowan 106:41, p.4
Students need to learn how to handle situations where they experience unfair treatment. These situations need to be addressed with grace rather than temper tantrums. Summer internships may be the first test of gracefully handling situations.
9 Walking etiquette
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.8
Be careful when walking with umbrellas. Be alert not to block traffic if you walk at a slower pace. Being kind and courteous to other walkers will result in friendly interactions.
10 Noisy nuisances
Northern Iowan 106:8, p.5
Consideration for others concerning noise in dorms or apartments is merely respect for others. Keep radios to a "normal level". Be careful when closing doors and when having friends over to visit. Remember the "Golden Rule".
11 Register now for UNI workshop on business etiquette
Enrollment deadline is July 3

Public Relations News Release 2008:578, p.1
Participants will learn what is appropriate when communicating on the job, observe examples of acceptable and unacceptable communication and identify proper business attire."The workshop will teach the written and unwritten rules of etiquette in business.
12 Teaching children manners, courtesy
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.6
Finds behavior in public places by children aged three through twelve lacking. Parents need to teach and demonstrate proper behavior in public to their children.
13 Opine with me
Northern Iowan 105:34, p.7
Urges people to listen to opposing viewpoints and not to hold unreasonable positions.
14 Cell phone etiquette
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.7
Students reminded that cell phone conversations should be off limits in areas such as museums, theaters, dentist and doctor waiting rooms, locker rooms, and classrooms.
15 Register now for business etiquette workshop at UNI
Enrollment deadline is Jan. 27

Public Relations News Release 2008:313, p.1
Workshop participants will learn what is appropriate and not appropriate when communicating by telephone, cell phone, e-mail and voicemail; ovserve examples of acceptable and unacceptable ways to communicate and be able to identify the subtle nuances.
16 Behavior tips for movie theatre patrons
Northern Iowan 105:23, p.15
Children, cell phones, making noise while eating, talking about the movie, and sitting right in front of someone noted as the five top annoying actions by movie goers.
17 Please live politely
Northern Iowan 105:11, p.7
Readers urged to value each other and treat others with respect.
18 Restore my faith in humanity please
Northern Iowan 104:41, p.5
Notes lack of smiles, rudeness, and failing to be courteous; urges students to do one nice thing a day for a stranger.
19 Restroom etiquette
Northern Iowan 104:36, p.7
Personal hygiene suggestions.
20 Kindness can change your outlook
Northern Iowan 103:56, p.7
Writer recounts example of how someone helped her; photo.
21 Do your party a favor
Northern Iowan 103:20, p.8
Suggestions for party hosts and guests to help make the party successful.
22 We all need a hug sometimes
Northern Iowan 103:14, p.7
People talk about the meaning of hugs and how to give good hugs; international students offer their perspectives.
23 Talking like the smart kids
Northern Iowan 103:14, p.5
Tries to understand those who always seem to have something to say.
24 Lazy in the information age
Northern Iowan 103:11, p.7
Believes that modern communication technology has made people lazy; urges people to communicate face-to-face.
25 Monday, April 10
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Etiquette Dinner will be hosted; John Nash will speak on mathematics; "The Harvest of Echoes" will be performed by Julie Josephson.
26 Monday, April 10
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.3
"Etiquette Dinner" hosted by the Northern Iowa Management Association will be held; John Nash will speak in Lang Hall Auditorium.
27 Post-graduation identity crisis for columnist
Northern Iowan 102:34, p.5
Finds position as student teacher caused re-evaluation of actions outside of class.
28 Should women allow chivalry to die?
Northern Iowan 102:31, p.7
Wishes women would accept help when needed, yet not act as if they are helpless.
29 New respect for profs, not for some students
Northern Iowan 102:10, p.7
Writer realizes that professors may be trying their hardest to keep the class interesting, and students should be more sensitive to classroom etiquette.
30 Do we know how to spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T?
Northern Iowan 101:33, p.5
Believes it is important to treat people with respect by using such words as "mister", miss", and "sir".
31 Your assignment is to start a fight
Northern Iowan 101:31, p.5
Believes that it is important for people to consider views different from their own and to voice their opinions in a respectful manner.
32 Parking lot etiquette
Northern Iowan 101:28, p.7
Describes people's struggles and poor behavior when it comes to parking on campus.
33 'Ladylike behavior' belongs in the past
Northern Iowan 100:30, p.5
Comments on role of chivalrous attitudes in today's society.
34 Making good manners a habit helps students use them under stress
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.2
Department of Residence gives presentations on dining etiquette.
35 Don't blame ITS for ResNet gaffs
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.9
Wants students to be polite when they call about Internet issues.
36 Need for etiquette 'rings' true
Northern Iowan 100:2, p.7
Encourages students to be respectful by turning their cell phones off during class, while eating out, and while driving.
37 Columnist vows to hit the issues
Northern Iowan 99:34, p.5
Urges men to act like gentlemen towards the women at the bars.
38 Student voices
Northern Iowan 99:16, p.13
Students respond to the question: What do you think is proper cell phone etiquette in the classroom or in public?; photo.
39 No excuse for rudeness
Northern Iowan 98:48, p.7
A survey claims that seventy-nine percent of those polled said that lack of respect and courtesy is a problem in our society.
40 "Harry" meets "Sally"
Northern Iowan 98:38, p.12
Students discuss dating and whether or not chivalry is dead; photo.
41 Kill them with kindness
Northern Iowan 96:34, p.6
People should be more kind to others on campus.
42 Sportsmanship lost in a sea of money
Northern Iowan 96:10, p.5
Editorial calls for better sportsmanship and cites recent examples of inadequate sportsmanship.
43 Student voices classroom concerns
Northern Iowan 96:5, p.9
Letter from UNI freshman to professor expresses concerns over confusing assignments and classes that run late.
44 Smile a little smile, feed a meter
Northern Iowan 95:21, p.7
Students need to learn basic manners.
45 Be friendly, spread some cheer at UNI
Northern Iowan 95:17, p.7
Editorial encourages students to be friendly to others on campus.
46 Disruptive behavior unnecessary, downright rude
Northern Iowan 95:3, p.6
Editorial comments on a Des Moines Register article on rude students eating, talking, and sleeping during class.
47 Lack of good manners in classroom, on playground cause for concern
Public Relations News Release 1997:245, p.1
Lynn Nielsen, UNI professor of education and principal at Price Laboratory School, reports on the problem of deteriorating manners in children and gives tips on combating the problem.
48 E-mail etiquette; how to properly send electronic mail
Northern Iowan 94:24, p.15
General rules for behavior while using E-mail.
49 Making a good impression at the dinner table
Public Relations News Release 1996:80, p.1
Margaret Empie stresses the importance of dining etiquette especially for students in interview situations.
50 Your kiss is what I miss
Northern Iowan 93:3, p.6
Columnist discusses how kissing in greetings would change society.