Euterpean Glee Club
Displaying 1 - 50 of 175 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Ruth Behrens Alumnus 25:4, p.32 |
Is teaching music in the Red Oak, Iowa, High School and Junior College. In college she was a member of the college symphony orchestra, the Euterpean and Cecilian Glee Clubs, mixed chorus and Madrigal Singers. She is a former president of Sigma Alpha Iota. | |
2 | Bel Cantos Old Gold 0:0, p.226 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
3 | Euterpean banquet College Eye 29:24, p.3 |
4 | Euterpeans give sacred concert College Eye 29:23, p.3 |
Concert program. | |
5 | Music College Eye 29:6, p.6 |
List of officers for several music groups. | |
6 | Echoes from Central College Eye 29:4, p.5 |
Campus music news, including members of the glee clubs. | |
7 | Music rehearsals scheduled for Glee Club College Eye 29:2, p.3 |
Musical group tryout schedules. | |
8 | Euterpeans Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Officers and members; photo. | |
9 | Euterpeans will hold annual concert next week in auditorium College Eye 28:23, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
10 | Social Societies to exchange parties; sophomore cotillion next Friday College Eye 28:7, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
11 | Untitled College Eye 28:6, p.5 |
List of Euterpean Glee Club officers. | |
12 | Glee clubs announce membership College Eye 28:3, p.1 |
List of members of the glee clubs. | |
13 | Euterpeans Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Began in 1895; performances, officers, and members; photo. | |
14 | Euterpeans to give concert in Gilchrist College Eye 27:34, p.3 |
Concert program. | |
15 | Tryouts for women's glee clubs have been completed Public Relations News Release 1935:60, p.1 |
Waterloo students included in the personnel of the various music groups. | |
16 | Tryouts for women's glee clubs have been completed Public Relations News Release 1935:61, p.1 |
Cedar Falls students included in the personnel of the various music groups. | |
17 | Euterpeans Old Gold 0:0, p.191 |
Established in 1895; brief description, officers and members; photo. | |
18 | Irving Wolfe will direct the Euterpean girl's glee club in their annual concert Public Relations News Release 1934:873, p.2 |
Program for the event. | |
19 | Euterpeans to give concert Thursday College Eye 26:29, p.1 |
Concert program. | |
20 | Variety of activities planned for winter College Eye 26:22, p.1 |
Brief schedule of winter term activities. | |
21 | Programs for the Campus Leaders dinner contain the 1934 edition of "Who's Who" among student leaders Public Relations News Release 1934:631, p.4 |
Program for the event. |
22 | Two hundred join women's glee clubs College Eye 26:14, p.1 |
List of club members. | |
23 | Mayfield leads Music Hour of August 17th College Eye 26:10, p.1 |
Professor Russell and the Euterpeans also performed. | |
24 | Euterpeans to sing at Music Hour Tuesday; Searight will present cello solo by Popper at hour College Eye 26:9, p.1 |
Performance programs. | |
25 | Euterpeans entertain guests at Commons College Eye 26:6, p.3 |
Professor Fullerton performs at tea. | |
26 | Extensive departmental reorganization effected Alumnus 18:3, p.1 |
Three academic departments eliminated; M. J. Nelson is Dean of Faculty; Alumni Relations and Bureau of Research established; responsibilities of new offices; several faculty retire; photo. |
27 | Glee clubs elect summer officers College Eye 26:4, p.1 |
List of officers. | |
28 | Try-outs for summer term Glee Clubs end; members are named in four summer groups College Eye 26:2, p.1 |
About two hundred applied; list of those selected. | |
29 | Pirates of Penzance Old Gold 0:0, p.197 |
Description and photo. | |
30 | Euterpean Troubadour Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
The Troubadours began in 1899; the Euterpeans began in 1895; members; photo. | |
31 | The Iowa State Teachers College Symphony Orchestra has been added to the Black Hawk county music festival. Public Relations News Release 1934:472, p.2 |
The program will be Friday, May 11, in Cedar Falls; performance program. | |
32 | Concert to be April 5, 6 College Eye 25:35, p.2 |
Euterpeans and Troubadours will perform. | |
33 | Fullerton will lead "Messiah" oratorio here; two hundred eighty to engage in music production College Eye 25:24, p.1 |
Description of the program. | |
34 | Combined Glee Clubs start rehearsals College Eye 25:18, p.1 |
Preparing for Messiah performance. | |
35 | Glee club officers elected at recent meeting of groups College Eye 25:15, p.3 |
List of glee club officers. | |
36 | Announce Glee Club members; majority of candidates are recruited by women's organizations College Eye 25:14, p.1 |
About three hundred students will participate in the glee clubs. | |
37 | Large showing at Glee Club tryouts; talent discovered College Eye 25:13, p.1 |
Faculty believe that it will be a good year. | |
38 | How to get all A grades Public Relations News Release 1932:359, p.1 |
Margaret Watson and Margaret Schrubbe, who attained all A grades, has tips for other students. | |
39 | The Messiah Old Gold 0:0, p.173 |
History; first presentation in auditorium was December 19, 1926; photo. | |
40 | Euterpean-Troubadour Old Gold 0:0, p.170 |
History of the groups; photo. | |
41 | Black Hawk county Music festival Public Relations News Release 1932:305, p.1 |
Nine-hundred Black Hawk county children from the sixth grades and rural schools will sing in a huge chorus, as part of the fourth annual Mother's Day events on campus, May 12. | |
42 | Glee clubs join to present annual concert Tuesday College Eye 24:31, p.1 |
Euterpeans and Troubadours will perform. | |
43 | When 500 college students Public Relations News Release 1932:189, p.1 |
Students and faculty get festive for Christmas; schedule of activities. | |
44 | Two hundred eighty students Public Relations News Release 1932:137, p.1 |
Twenty-eighth anuual singing of Handel's "The Messiah" is December 17; discussion of performers. | |
45 | Glee Club rosters are announced by music department College Eye 24:4, p.1 |
Minnesingers will have thirty-four members, Troubadours will have thirty-eight, Cecilians will have thirty-nine, Bel Cantos will have forty-five, Euterpeans will have fifty-one, and Aeolians will have seventy-two. | |
46 | Try-outs for Men's Glee Clubs will be completed tonight College Eye 24:3, p.4 |
Minnesingers and Troubadours will complete selection; women's clubs already chosen. | |
47 | Minneapolis voice professor appears at Tuesday 'sing' College Eye 23:53, p.1 |
Robert Fullerton will perform. | |
48 | Music faculty chooses four new glee clubs; tryouts are completed for three women's and one men's vocal groups College Eye 23:46, p.1 |
List of members of three women's and one men's glee clubs | |
49 | Euterpean and Troubadour Glee Clubs Old Gold 0:0, p.191 |
Names of officers and members; photo. |
50 | "The Messiah" Old Gold 0:0, p.193 |
Program for "The Messiah"; photo. |