Evans--Gladys I. (Training School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Teachers faculty to be increased by ten members
College Eye 28:1, p.1
Brief profiles of new faculty.
2 Dr. Harbeson and Miss Evans wed
College Eye 28:1, p.6
R. W. Harbeson married Gladys Evans.
3 V. O. V. Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.75
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.
4 V. O. V. Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.229
Founded in 1896; advisors, honorary member, officers, and members; photos.
5 First "Little Tutor" published April 1
College Eye 26:37, p.1
TCHS newspaper will be published every three weeks.
6 Campus This Week
College Eye 26:24, p.3
News from around campus.
7 Five Iowa State Teachers College fraternities and sororities had their annual spring dances
Public Relations News Release 1934:492, p.1
8 "Little Tooter" will resume publication
College Eye 25:36, p.1
Plan for six issues of the TCHS newspaper.
9 High School debate team breaks even
College Eye 25:36, p.1
Wins four of eight events at state contest.
10 Maquoketa debaters engage Little Tutors at T.C. High tonight
College Eye 25:32, p.1
11 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.236
Officers, history, aims, members, and pledges; founded in 1907; photos.
12 Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
Purpose and student involvement; photos.
13 Members of teaching staff return to take up fall term duties
College Eye 24:1, p.8
Following leaves of absence to take advanced study.
14 Extension branch at Creston opens today; to close August 19
College Eye 23:44, p.1
Professor Ritter is in charge of the branch school there.
15 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
Advisors, honorary members, sorores in college, and pledges; photos.
16 Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Aims of the department; photos.
17 Six faculty members to attend conference of English and speech; Teachers College alumni will take part in conference program
College Eye 22:7, p.1
Will attend annual program in Iowa City.
18 Gladys Evans speaks before debate group
College Eye 22:6, p.6
At conference in Iowa City.
19 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.280
Officers, honorary members, chapter roll, and pledges; photos.
20 Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Aims of the department; photo.
21 Freshman girls entertained by faculty at Halloween party.
College Eye 21:8, p.5
Details about recent party.
22 Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Curriculum of the department; photos.
23 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.264
Honorary members, sorores in urbe, sorores in college, and pledges; photos.
24 Honor students were delightfully entertained
College Eye 20:27, p.1
Honored by College Club.
25 College Club will entertain honor students
College Eye 20:26, p.1
Will honor women graduates.
26 Alpha Beta Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.262
Honorary members; members; pledges; photos.
27 Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.37

Department roster; photos.

28 Alpha Beta Gamma
College Eye 19:18, p.6
Sorority happenings; initiation.
29 The Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
Brief synopsis of what the department does; staff photo.
30 There has been considerable sickness
College Eye 18:27, p.5
Faculty members and students at the Training School have been ill.
31 T. C. H. S. vs. Oelwein in dual debate meet
College Eye 18:25, p.1
Will debate Haugen farm bill.
32 Miss Gladys Evans
College Eye 18:17, p.3
Attended the State Conference of High School Debating.
33 Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Members of the Student Council; photo.
34 May Queen chosen; fete to be May 12
College Eye 11:31, p.1
Winifred Tuttle was elected May Queen; May Day festival will take place on May 12.
35 Beauties selected by votes; College Eye beauty contest begun
College Eye 11:29, p.1
Eleven women nominated for beauty pageant; student vote will take place on April 28th.
36 Shake Aristo
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
Illustration of an owl in a dark forest; Shake presidents and roster provided; Aristo roster provided; description of the two societies; memorial page for Arnold Arends; photos.