Evans--Naomi (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 40 of 40 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Four teachers get jobs here; H. L. Eells and Miss Miller get leaves; Miss Evans, Miss Sliter, resign College Eye 23:6, p.1 |
Brief profiles of new faculty as well as roster of those taking leaves. | |
2 | College Club meets College Eye 23:3, p.3 |
Enjoyed meal, discussion, and singing. | |
3 | Tau Sigma Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.254 |
Advisors, honorary members, sorores in college, and pledges; photo. | |
4 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.34 |
Aims of the department; photos. | |
5 | An open lecture on class piano methods College Eye 21:43, p.5 |
Given by Naomi Evans. | |
6 | Naomi Evans College Eye 21:42, p.3 |
Professors Evans and Freeman went to Chicago to the opera. | |
7 | Supplementing last year's group College Eye 21:39, p.2 |
Group goes to Chicago for weekend of music study. | |
8 | George W. Samson College Eye 21:38, p.2 |
Will drive to Chicago with Elizabeth Burney Schmidt, Naomi Evans, and Alta Freeman. | |
9 | Community singing features music hours College Eye 21:37, p.2 |
Will meet for singing every Tuesday evening. | |
10 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Aims of the department; photos. | |
11 | Tau Sigma Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.283 |
Honorary members, sorores in college, and pledges; photos. | |
12 | Jessie Ferguson, circulation librarian Public Relations News Release 1929:528, p. |
Ferguson elected president of College Club; other officers elected as well. | |
13 | Music recitals College Eye 21:32, p.3 |
Performers and programs. | |
14 | Miss Iva Smith College Eye 21:32, p.5 |
Will be a guest of Alpha Mayfield. | |
15 | Little folks from the second to sixth grade in the Training School Public Relations News Release 1929:501, p.1 |
Training School elementary students show ISTC students piano methods at Gilchrist Chapel. | |
16 | Musicians attend Chicago meeting College Eye 21:25, p.1 |
A number of students and faculty will attend. | |
17 | C. A. Fullerton, head of the music department Public Relations News Release 1929:307, p.1 |
Professor Fullerton and other faculty members attend conference in Chicago. | |
18 | Music professors will attend Chicago supervisors' convention College Eye 21:23, p.1 |
19 | Music federation clubs plan for contest in April College Eye 21:22, p.6 |
Professor Fullerton will speak there. | |
20 | Approximately seventy-five young aspirants Public Relations News Release 1929:287, p.1 |
A music contest will be held on campus in April. | |
21 | Music Federation plans annual meeting here College Eye 21:18, p.1 |
Iowa branch will meet in Cedar Falls. | |
22 | Miss Naomi Evans College Eye 21:15, p.5 |
Spoke to the music and drama section of the Cedar Falls Women's Club. | |
23 | Miss Naomi Evans College Eye 21:14, p.5 |
Spent vacation in New Orleans, Milwaukee, and Chicago. | |
24 | Latham addresses capacity assembly College Eye 21:3, p.1 |
Speaks on changes at ISTC. | |
25 | Tau Sigma Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.267 |
Honorary members, sorores in college, and pledges; photos. | |
26 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.28 |
Aims of the music department; photos. | |
27 | Piano instructor to teach in Chicago College Eye 20:28, p.1 |
Naomi Evans will be on faculty of Chicago Musical College. | |
28 | Tau Sigma Delta College Eye 20:21, p.8 |
Members visit homes; attend bridge party; visitor. | |
29 | Tau Sigma Delta College Eye 20:6, p.8 |
Pledges and advisors announced, visitors, and visits home. | |
30 | Tau Sigma Delta College Eye 20:5, p.8 |
Entertain rushees, visits, and visitors. | |
31 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
Department roster; photos. | |
32 | Naomi Evans College Eye 19:15, p.5 |
Takes piano lesson in Chicago; visits friends in Milwaukee before returning to classes. | |
33 | Miss Evans to study with Heinze College Eye 19:11, p.1 |
Naomi Evans will take private lessons from Victor Heinze. | |
34 | Junior recital held Tuesday evening College Eye 19:10, p.5 |
Recital of two students in Gilchrist Chapel on November 15. | |
35 | The Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.29 |
Overview of the department from Professor Fullerton; staff photo. | |
36 | Melody-Way course given this summer College Eye 18:43, p.1 |
Naomi Evans will offer Miessner Melody-Way piano instruction. | |
37 | Coming Events College Eye 18:41, p.5 |
Dates, times, and places for upcoming events. | |
38 | Recitals College Eye 18:41, p.7 |
Piano student recitals. | |
39 | Miss Barker hostess at faculty party College Eye 18:38, p.1 |
Many faculty attend. | |
40 | Miss Naomi Evans elected to succeed Mrs. Johnson College Eye 18:9, p.1 |
Brief profile of piano instructor Naomi Evans. |