Fabrick--John (Class of 1928)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 54 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 John Fabrick
Alumnus 27:1, p.8
Attending Officer's Candidate School in Miami, Florida.
2 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:21, p.8
Alumni expected to return; attend parties; return for home visits; members ill.
3 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:13, p.8
Fall dance held; officers announced.
4 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:9, p.8
Alumni, visitors, visits, dance plans.
5 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:8, p.8
Pledges, visitors, and visits.
6 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:5, p.8
Visitors, home visits, attend game.
7 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:4, p.8
Pledges announced, visitors, and activities.
8 Editorially speaking
College Eye 19:43, p.4
Encourages students to stop labeling groups of people for one person's actions; considers subject of student who chose to work out a fine by labor on city streets.
9 Class of 1928
Old Gold 0:0, p.45
Class of 1928 graduates; photos.
10 Theta Alpha Phi (Iowa Beta Chapter)
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Members and honorary members; brief history; Photos.
11 The Copperhead
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
"The Copperhead" was performed in June 1927 for Commencement. Cast; photos.
12 Smilin' Through
Old Gold 0:0, p.175
"Smilin' Through" performed summer of 1927. Cast; photos.
13 Icebound
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
"Icebound" performed fall of 1927. Cast; photos.
14 Playcraft Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.177

Members; plays given during 1927-1928; Photos.

15 Men's debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
1927-1928 men's debate team and debate question; photo.
16 Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.185
Extempore and oratorical contest placement; photo.
17 College Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Band officers;
18 Aristo Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.234

Office roll; members; debate teams; photos.

19 Chi Pi Theta
Old Gold 0:0, p.276
Honorary members; members; photo.
20 Many graduates obtain positions
College Eye 19:37, p.1
Roster of graduates who have teaching positions lined up for the fall; also tells where they will teach.
21 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 19:26, p.8
Fraternity happenings; office roster.
22 Four to compete in final contests; sixteen speak Friday in auditorium
College Eye 19:24, p.1
Results of recent competition; four selected from sixteen contestants.
23 Six selected for dramatic contest
College Eye 19:22, p.1
Roster of those who will participate.
24 Midwinter comedy to be given Feb. 3; cast for "The Family Upstairs" announced
College Eye 19:16, p.
Preview of the play; cast roster.
25 Debate with Upper Iowa December 16; I. S. T. C. negative team to debate here
College Eye 19:15, p.1
Roster of team members.
26 Theta Alpha Phi
College Eye 19:14, p.8
Dinner party for Bertha Martin.
27 T. C. cops contest with Dubuque; debate with Upper Iowa Dec. 16
College Eye 19:14, p.1
Audience enjoys new format; roster of team members.
28 Oratorical contest Friday; note change of date to Nov. 25
College Eye 19:12, p.1
Speakers and topics.
29 Playcraft Club
College Eye 19:11, p.5
Club meeting information; play cast roster.
30 Aristo
College Eye 19:11, p.5
Literary society meeting information.
31 Oratorical-declamatory contest November 29
College Eye 19:11, p.1
Seven have qualified for final competition.
32 Theta Alpha Phi initiates five; Miss Martin is hostess to Iowa Beta chapter
College Eye 19:10, p.1
Roster of new members.
33 Aristo
College Eye 19:9, p.5
Literary society meeting information.
34 Inquiring reporter
College Eye 19:6, p.3
Students give opinions of having Homecoming on a Friday rather than a Saturday.
35 Theta Alpha Phi to produce play of New England life; cast of characters announced for "Icebound"; resume 'Of Davis' play given
College Eye 19:6, p.
Play preview; cast members.
36 Smilin' Through cast announced
College Eye 18:50, p.1
Roster of cast members for "Smilin' Through."
37 Ma! Where's the towel?
College Eye 18:47, p.4
Author suggests the installment of sanitary towels on campus to prevent the spread of diseases.
38 "The Copperhead" tonight; annual spring play repeated tonight
College Eye 18:46, p.1
Preview of the play; roster of cast members.
39 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 18:44, p.8
News about members.
40 New Brooms, by Frank Craven
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
Roster of characters and students cast in each part; photo.
41 Play Craft Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Roster of officers and members; photo.
42 Aristo debate team
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Debate team photo and basketball team photo.
43 "The Copperhead" cast given; annual play going well
College Eye 18:43, p.1
Preview of the play; roster of cast members.
44 And suddenly the policeman
College Eye 18:41, p.3
Several arrested for initiation activities.
45 "Good Medicine" for Playcraft Club
College Eye 18:35, p.1
Presented one-act play.
46 New fraternity formed on Hill
College Eye 18:33, p.1
Chi Pi Theta will live at 622 West 24th Street; roster of officers.
47 Aristo
College Eye 18:32, p.8
Program for recent meeting; roster of officers.
48 Aristo
College Eye 18:30, p.8
Program for recent meeting.
49 Shakes win the debate trophy
College Eye 18:21, p.1
50 Dramatic Club studies settings
College Eye 18:19, p.1
Students give papers.