Fagan--William Brock (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 389 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Radio and television at Iowa State Teachers College
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.163
The beginnings of radio and television at the college, including the controversy with KXEL.
2 Prof. W. Brock Fagan
Alumnus 54:1, p.6
Died December 21, 1968.
3 Conventional routine dulls student
College Eye 57:6, p.2
No excitement in the classroom can lead students towards a dull life ahead.
4 Reaction to Fagan: 'Indignation'
College Eye 56:38, p.2
Argues against keeping prisoners locked up permanently; refers to a previous letter.
5 'Ex-convicts oughtn't to be ex'
College Eye 56:37, p.2
Professor Fagan believes many criminals should be locked up permanently in order to keep the rest of society safe from them.
6 Fagan withdraws candidacy for Iowa Governor
College Eye 53:29, p.6

Professor Fagan cites health as reason.

7 Untitled
College Eye 53:15, p.3

Professor W. B. Fagan, who plans to run for the governorship, is congratulated by Governor Erbe for his years of service at SCI; photo

8 Fagan considering candidacy for next Iowa governorship
College Eye 53:11, p.1

Professor Fagan outlines his views including establishing a lottery and six technical schools.

9 Fagan-Eye view
College Eye 53:4, p.2

Humorous look at the old days of the college and the students who attended the school.

10 Education for ignorance?
College Eye 52:31, p.8
Attacks religious beliefs.
11 Fagan likes campus aesthetics with morals
College Eye 52:29, p.6
Humorous response to an editorial about the condition of the campus.
12 Untitled
College Eye 52:22, p.8
Humorous response to Professor Fox's ideas about majors and minors.
13 Fagan puzzled by 'Cut Day' letters
College Eye 52:8, p.8
Fagan feels students' requests to be allowed a cut day were led by misapprehensions.
14 Untitled
College Eye 52:4, p.6
W. B. Fagan notes a recent grammatical error.
15 Alumni get together at 77th reunion
Alumnus 45:3, p.10
Reunion highlights; photo.
16 Faculty Pen; what teaching isn't . . . .
College Eye 51:37, p.4
Responds to William Fagan's comment concerning the definition of teaching.
17 Faculty Pen; in praise of the joys of pessimism
College Eye 51:36, p.4
Claims that the only way to find happiness is to be a pessimist.
18 The best of all possible . . . .
College Eye 51:36, p.4
Reacts to Professor Fagan's philosophy on facing life.
19 'Midwest' magazine sold Mon.; presents students' creations
College Eye 51:12, p.4
Lengthy description of the literary magazine; photo.
20 So, what's education?
College Eye 51:8, p.8
Disagrees with an editorial printed in the Eye that claimed that good teachers should not be promoted to administrative positions.
21 Untitled
College Eye 50:8, p.2
Informs students that a stile will soon be built to allow them to cross the newly erected snow fence.
22 Untitled
College Eye 50:6, p.2
Complains about "the howling mob".
23 Untitled
College Eye 50:2, p.2
Argues in defense of the professors on their first day of classes; counters a recent editorial.
24 Letter to the editor
College Eye 49:32, p.2
Response to Dr. Fox's last Obiter Scripta column.
25 Crying towel, hah!
College Eye 49:22, p.2
Editors appreciate last week's guest editorial, but do not agree that students should be ashamed of their dissatisfaction with campus life.
26 New faces in many T. C. classrooms
Alumnus 39:3, p.6

Appointments, leaves, retirements, and resignations listed.

27 Languages, Speech, and Literature Newly Formed
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Description of the newly formed department that incorporates three former departments; photos.
28 Local ISEA members finish teacher appreciation drive
College Eye 46:16, p.6
Local faculty will be memorialized in Salisbury House fund drive.
29 English and speech
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Brief description of the department; photo.
30 English and Speech
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
The position of full time instructor of philosophy is filled by Professor Thomas Thompson. Professors Wallace Anderson and Norman Stageberg publish a book and a literary map respectively; photo.
31 Fagan to teach again following heart attack
College Eye 44:29, p.8

Resumes teaching April 27.

32 Recent heart attack strikes Professor Fagan
College Eye 44:27, p.9
Suffers heart attack April 4; expects slow recovery.
33 Staff changes in thirteen depts.
College Eye 43:34, p.1
Survey of resignations, leaves of absence, and appointments.
34 English and Speech
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Brief description of the department with photos; photo.
35 News in brief
College Eye 42:38, p.3
News about faculty activities.
36 News in brief
College Eye 42:37, p.6
The Bocks have a new son; Professor Fagan is in the hospital; BAE will meet.
37 English and Speech
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
Brief description of the department; photo.
38 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
List of faculty; photo.
39 English
Old Gold 0:0, p.28
Brief description of the department; photo.
40 Instructional Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
The photo roster of the instructional staff; photo.
41 Marriage course is considered by committee
College Eye 39:3, p.3
Drafting prospectus for the course.
42 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
List of faculty; photo.
43 Rogers, Mouser added to teaching staff
College Eye 38:32, p.1
Very brief profiles of Professors Mouser and Rogers.
44 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 38:30, p.6
Faculty members from the English Department comment on the question, "What is wrong with the attitude other departments take toward English as it is taught in the classroom?"
45 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:28, p.3
Comments on the complaints the Commons is receiving, language, and announces student of the week.
46 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:26, p.3
Mr. Hart responds to a letter written to Flanagan discussing linguistics; Flanagan announces the student of the week and describes the Easter season.
47 Untitled
College Eye 38:25, p.5
Professor Fagan is sympathetic with Jim Flanagan's language usage.
48 Fagan on job again after winter vacation
College Eye 38:24, p.6
49 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:15, p.3
Discusses getting back into school after the vacation, Professor Fagan, and student of the week.
50 Eventful week greets frosh; parties, tours scheduled for new students
College Eye 38:1, p.1
Lengthy description of orientation activities.