Fahmy--Tarek M. (Class of 2006)

Displaying 1 - 41 of 41 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Tarek Fahmy
Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.30
Tarek Fahmy was recently awarded a Presidential Management Fellowship with the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington D.C.
2 Langerud to lead UNIAA Board
Northern Iowa Today 92:1, p.22
Brief profile of Steve Langerud; roster of Alumni Association Board of Directors; photo.
3 UNI Lux Service Award recipients and finalists recognized
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Amanda Walston and Thu Viet Mai receive award; brief bio on winners and finalists
4 NISG executives swap out; big shoes to fill
Northern Iowan 102:53, p.1
Newly elected president and vice president take formally sworn in at NISG; photo.
5 Tarek Fahmy wins "Four Hire!"
Northern Iowan 102:43, p.1
Tarek Fahmy offered position with Wells Fargo as result of jobs competition in Des Moines; photo.
6 Controversial cartoons test freedom of speech
Northern Iowan 102:42, p.1
Several students and faculty members offer their views on the publication of cartoons which Muslims find offensive; photo.
7 Presidential search committee offering streamlined video, wants students, faculty, staff involved in candidates' visits
Northern Iowan 102:41, p.6
Committee hopes to hold open forums for candidates; considering video streaming of candidates' presentations.
8 Students still in 'Four Hire'
Northern Iowan 102:41, p.5
Tarek Fahmy and Lucas Casey still in competition for job offers in Des Moines.
9 Students compete in "Apprentice" knock-off, 'For Hire!'
Northern Iowan 102:37, p.1
Tarek Fahmy and Lucas Casey are participating in a program, sponsored by the Greater Des Moines Partnership's Young Professionals Connection, that aims to keep graduates in Iowa; photo.
10 Fridays with Koob
Northern Iowan 102:34, p.1
President Robert Koob discusses how students can lobby and speak to legislators individually, or get involved with a group; photo.
11 Legislature, Board of Regents discuss Vilsack's budget
Northern Iowan 102:33, p.1
Vilsack's plans would distribute millions more to the regent universities; photo.
12 UNI heads to Des Moines for conference
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.1
UNI students lobbied at the capital to increase cigarette taxes to support health care; photo.
13 First NISG meeting of 2006 brings hot topics to the table; personal wellness lecture complaints discussed
Northern Iowan 102:31, p.1
Topics at the meeting included choosing a new president for UNI, student elections, and forming committees to meet student needs; photo.
14 Murphy, Fahmy have big plans for Spring '06
Northern Iowan 102:29, p.3
Members plan to push for the passage of an increased tobacco tax and increased funding for higher education.
15 $112 million raised for UNI
Northern Iowa Today 90:1, p.18
Survey of results of the Students First Capital Campaign; photo.
16 The Koob succession; search committee hits roadblock
Northern Iowan 102:28, p.4
Some faculty members request more representation on committee that selects new president.
17 Board of Regents approves 4 percent tuition hike
Northern Iowan 102:28, p.1
Tuition increase not as severe as in recent years; photo.
18 Student forum brings legislators to UNI
Northern Iowan 102:26, p.1
Members of the General Assembly talked with students about issues such as tuition and teaching; photo.
19 UNI announces Omicron Delta Kappa leadership honorary inductees
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
List of those receiving leadership award.
20 NISG heads to Des Moines
Northern Iowan 102:25, p.3
Student Government will host an event at which legislators will speak and students can ask questions and voice opinions.
21 Students want to help victims of Katrina
Northern Iowan 102:4, p.1
Students and legislators are both working to help victims of the recent hurricane disaster; photo.
22 Ambassadors' Tour of Iowa showcases state, world leaders
Northern Iowan 102:1, p.4
Alumni and US Senator Charles Grassley leads Ambassadors' Tour of Iowa with a stop at UNI; photo.
23 UNI breaks ground on new business building; east campus structure will be completed by fall 2006
Northern Iowan 101:58, p.1
Newest addition to UNI campus will be Business and Community Services Building (BCS); cost will be about $4.6 million; should be completed by fall of 2006.
24 New NISG President, VP sworn in
Northern Iowan 101:53, p.1
Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy take the oath of office; photo.
25 The Fab 4: students, athletes, coaches, employees; students fit volunteer hours into hectic work week
Northern Iowan 101:45, p.11
A profile of four students who volunteer as coaches in the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Association; photo.
26 Cost of on-campus housing expected to increase
Northern Iowan 101:45, p.1
The cost of a double-occupancy room is estimated to increase $258 or 4.9%; yearly cost will be $5519.
27 Congratulations to Murphy-Fahmy
Northern Iowan 101:41, p.8
Believes the students of UNI made a good decision in electing Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy.
28 Panther Shuttle budget falls short; students take longer walks after spring break
Northern Iowan 101:41, p.1
Due to a budget cut of $29,000, the Panther Shuttle will cease operation on March 11 for the remainder of the school year; photo.
29 UNI student government elects senators
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Forty students elected as senators; list of all senators elected.
30 Murphy-Fahmy win NISG election
Northern Iowan 101:40, p.1
Won the election with 60.2% of the vote; a total of 2444 students voted, a 6.5% increase over the previous year; photo.
31 Murphy, Fahmy, to lead Northern Iowa Student Government
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy were elected president and vice president, respectively.
32 Murphy-Fahmy only qualified candidates
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.9
Urges students to research all the candidates and then support Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy.
33 Ticket's experience makes them the only choice
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.9
Encourages students to vote for Fahmy-Murphy in the NISG elections.
34 NISG visits state capitol
Northern Iowan 101:38, p.1
Senators from NISG, along with State Representative Bob Kressig, are at the state capitol; photo.
35 NISG debate sparks discussion about platform issues, election
Northern Iowan 101:38, p.1
The Political Science Society's sponsored debate of the candidates for NISG election allowed each group of candidates a two minute response to each question along with time for rebuttal.
36 Overall agreement=change not worth it
Northern Iowan 101:38, p.6
Endorses Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy.
37 Support for Murphy-Fahmy ticket
Northern Iowan 101:36, p.6
Author states her support for Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy in the upcoming NISG elections.
38 Support for Murphy-Fahmy ticket
Northern Iowan 101:32, p.6
Grant Schultz announces his support for Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy for NISG President and Vice President positions.
39 Time to vote again; NISG to hold election
Northern Iowan 101:32, p.1
Joe Murphy and Tarek Fahmy have announced their campaign and platform for the NISG President and Vice-President positions; photo.
40 Regents select president
Northern Iowan 100:53, p.1
The Board of Regents elected John Forsythe president and Bob Downer as president pro tempore.
41 MSA kicks off Islam Awareness week Monday
Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1
The Muslim Student Association's goal is to inform people about their religion.