Felter--Erva Mae (Class of 1936)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goodrick
Alumnus 27:4, p.31
The former Mae Felter and her husband are the parents of Thomas Felter, who was born on May 11, 1943.
2 Mae Felter
Alumnus 23:4, p.24
Married Lawrence O. Goodrick, in August. He is teaching in the Owatonna, Minn., High School.
3 Women's Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.103
Description, activities, officers, and members; photo.
4 Cecilians
Old Gold 0:0, p.200

Began in 1889; performances, officers, and members; photo.

5 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Graduate photos.
6 Music department will present two seniors in recital
College Eye 27:39, p.5
Erva Mae Felter and Grace Nymeyer will perform.
7 Students taking part in the opera, "Martha," are now in intensive rehearsal
Public Relations News Release 1935:655, p.1
Cast and crew members.
8 Players of the principal roles in the opera and the two Christmas oratorios have been selected
Public Relations News Release 1935:111, p.1
Cast members.
9 Irving Wolfe will direct the Euterpean girl's glee club in their annual concert
Public Relations News Release 1934:873, p.2
Program for the event.
10 Lloyd Ruby composed two Christmas carols played on the Campanile
Public Relations News Release 1934:759, p.1
Erva Felter wrote words for the carols, and Fredrick Feldman played the music on the bells of the Campanile.
11 Erva Mae, Felter composed the words for two Christmas carols played on the Campanile
Public Relations News Release 1934:761, p.1
Miss Felter is involved in many musical organizations on campus.