Fields--Nate (Class of 1917)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The College Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.224
Members, brief description of band; photo.
2 Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.112
Roster of students and officers; brief overview of the department; photo.
3 Manual Arts Dept.
College Eye 12:21, p.6
News notes from the department.
4 Nate Fields
College Eye 12:15, p.8
Back at ISTC.
5 Wearers of the TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.181

Letter winners of 1917; members of the Athletic Board.

6 Commercial Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.171

Group photo and poem about the members of the Commercial Department.

7 Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.122
Photos of the Commercial and Manual Arts Classes of 1917.
8 The many friends
College Eye 8:16, p.8
Nate Fields has been released from scarlet fever quarantine.
9 Nate Fields
College Eye 8:13, p.8
Cannot return to school due to illness.
10 Mrs. Fields
College Eye 8:9, p.8
Visited Nate Fields.
11 J. Owen Perrine and Nate Fields
College Eye 8:7, p.8
Officiated football game in Nashua.
12 The Spark Plug
College Eye 8:1, p.5
Jokes and commentary on campus life.
13 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Aristotelian Literary Society members; photo.
14 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Inter-Society Debaters, 1915, presidents and Aristo football men; photo.
15 Football in 1915
Old Gold 0:0, p.246
Instruction in football given to all students without regard for making the team. Team members, schedule, and summary of the season; photo.
16 Track men are swinging into line
College Eye 7:26, p.7
Short description of team.
17 Athletic Board awards letters; fourteen men win honor letters in football
College Eye 7:12, p.1
Letter winners for football listed.
18 Our athletic system
College Eye 7:11, p.4
Gives advice to the football team.
19 Shake-Aristos entertain team
College Eye 7:11, p.1
Held an informal supper for football team.
20 Teachers win last game; last year's champions lose, 24 to 0.
College Eye 7:11, p.1
Detailed description of game.
21 Teachers Ellsworth
College Eye 7:10, p.4
Wants students to attend the game.
22 Teachers shatter Wisconsin Normal; Captain Short and Fields out of the game; final score 82-0
College Eye 7:9, p.1
Gives enthusiastic account of game.
23 Teachers win from U. I. U.; score 61-19; game featured by good offensive work, both sides poor on defensive
College Eye 7:7, p.1
Surprised Upper Iowa with student support for the football team.
24 St. Joe beat Teachers; after hard fought game the final score is 13 to 10.
College Eye 7:5, p.1
School spirit stayed strong even though T. C. lost the game.
25 Dubuque Germans beat Teachers: score 25-7; Butler plays strong game
College Eye 7:3, p.1
Recap of the game; photo.