Film Appreciation Club (FAC)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Film Appreciation Club features 'best worst movie ever'
Northern Iowan 118:36, p.1
"The Room," a film written, directed, and acted in by Tommy Wiseau, was screened by the Film Appreciation Club. The audience participated in throwing spoons and quoting lines from the "worst best movie ever."
2 Show your support in protests
Northern Iowan 117:14, p.3
Tyler Montgomery, as well as many members of the Cedar Valley community, attended a Black Lives Matter rally on Main Street. Montgomery calls out the campus for ignoring racial issues and miscommunication; photo.
3 'MountainFilm' comes to UNI
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.4
The Film Appreciation Club, in collaboration with the Philosophy Club and Green Project, hosted the "MountainFilm on Tour" screening event on March 6 in the Kamerick Art Building. The ten short films covered topics from India to mountain biking and bee keeping; photo.
4 'MountainFilm' event to be held
Northern Iowan 116:40, p.4
The Film Appreciation Club, Philosophy Club, and Green Project will co-host the MountainFilm On Tour film festival screening event in the Kamerick Art Building on March 6; photo.
5 Welcome Back
Northern Iowan 116:1, p.1
Students that work at the Northern Iowan share advice to new and returning UNI students. Gabrielle Leitner (Executive Editor), Gabrielle Cummings (Art Director), Elizabeth Kelsey (News Editor), Sofia Legaspi (Campus Life Editor), Jacob Potter (Sports Editor), and Cecilia Mitchell (Copy Editor) give advice and answer questions; photo.
6 Mountainfilm On Tour makes first visit to Iowa
Northern Iowan 115:42, p.1
Film Appreciation Club, Green Project, and Philosophy Club hosted Mountainfilm On Tour, a film festival, with funding from the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG). The evening consisted of 11 short documentaries focused on environmental, political, and social issues; photos.
7 UNI hosts advanced screening of 'Film Lounge'
Northern Iowan 115:32, p.4
Student Tarrell Christie's "The Spaceman" and professor of art Jeffery Byrd's "Proving Ground" short films were aired during an episode of "The Film Lounge," an Iowa Public Television program showcasing Iowan artists; photos.
8 Student and professor featured in 'Film Lounge'
Northern Iowan 115:31, p.4
Two short films, created by student Tarrell Christie and professor Jeff Byrd, will air as a part of Iowa Public Television's 'Film Lounge" which airs short films created by Iowans; photos.
9 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.