Finnerty--Diane L. (Class of 1983)

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Sexist policies' causes upset
Northern Iowan 79:49, p.3
Student is upset with the Northern Iowan.
2 Students deplore exploitation
Northern Iowan 79:40, p.2
Students dislike insert in Northern Iowan.
3 Program fights rape problem
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.1
Women's Action League holds vigil; presents petition to President Kamerick; photo.
4 Kamerick gives (trick or treat)
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.2
Believes that the UNI administration should be more active in preventing rapes on the UNI campus.
5 Program on rape scheduled
Northern Iowan 79:11, p.7
Women's Action League sponsors program.
6 Martin fires vice president for insubordination
Northern Iowan 78:60, p.3
Rusty Martin fires Anne Sundberg.
7 ERA potluck
Northern Iowan 78:58, p.3
Supporters of ERA will hold potluck at Wesley Foundation.
8 Reply to Finnerty's letter
Northern Iowan 78:56, p.2
Student responds to an earlier letter concerning President Reagan.
9 Bus service to end
Northern Iowan 78:56, p.2
Student is upset with decision to end bus service.
10 'Show that students care'
Northern Iowan 78:55, p.2
Student encourages other students to vote.
11 Department teaches the most students in general education
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
The Department of Philosophy and Religion teach more students in general education than any other department; photo.
12 Parent attitudes may foster homophobia
Northern Iowan 78:44, p.5
Advice on understanding homosexuality.
13 Thanks to VP Martin
Northern Iowan 78:38, p.2
Student thanks Vice President Martin for giving attention to student grievances.
14 ERA votes cited
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.2
The candidates' Equal Rights Amendment voting record is shown.
15 Abortion discussion attendance urged
Northern Iowan 78:34, p.2
Students are encouraged to participate in an abortion discussion.
16 UNI women march for return of the night
Northern Iowan 78:17, p.1
UNI Women's Studies Association sponsored "Take Back the Night", a rape awareness event.
17 New student coalition running in UNISA election, urges students to vote
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.2
The concerned student coalition is upset with UNISA and announces its candidacy for UNISA.
18 UNISA VPs appalled
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.3
Finds Faculty Senate's decision to allow ROTC on UNI campus appalling.
19 Martin chooses vice presidents
Northern Iowan 77:44, p.7
Selects Margaret Sulentic, Ray Johnson, Diane Finnerty, and David Burrows.