Fletcher--Trevor (Student--2018)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Student Leadership Awards list
Northern Iowan 115:48, p.2
The winners of the Student Leadership Awards.
2 NISG election voting results released
Northern Iowan 115:42, p.2
Further Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) election results were announced; student body president and vice president Jacob Levang and Jacob Stites were announced February 28. Senators elected included Joe Link, Katie Wempen, Ethan A. Vance, Kristin Rasmussen, Elle Boeding, Timothy Dirksen, Trevor Fletcher, Alissa Wade, Laura Jimenez, Allison Noggle, Lucas Gremler, Chad Schafer, Sasha Nagle, Mahlia Brown, and Ryan Frank; photo.
3 NISG hosts 2018 election debate
Northern Iowan 114:40, p.1
NISG candidates faced off in the annual debate. Both presidential and senatorial candidates spoke.
4 Students walk out for gun control
Northern Iowan 114:39, p.1
A large number of students participated in a walkout for gun control organized by UNI student Emily Paul. The gathering was in reaction to the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School; photos.