Formanack--Irma (Classes of 1929 and 1931)
Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Irma Formanack Alumnus 28:1, p.29 |
Married Joe L. Dickson on July 1, 1943. | |
2 | Lieut. (j.g.) Irma Formanack Alumnus 27:1, p.26 |
In the navy nurse corps in Corona, California. | |
3 | Irma V. Formanack Alumnus 26:3, p.23 |
Assistant nursing arts instructor at St. Joseph Hospital School of Nursing in Omaha, Nebraska. | |
4 | Irma Formanack Alumnus 19:2, p.26 |
Teaches third grade and lower grade music in Beresford, South Dakota. | |
5 | Irma Formanack Alumnus 18:2, p.28 |
Teaches first and second grades at Castlewood, South Dakota. | |
6 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.56 |
Graduate photos. | |
7 | "Believe it or Not"; read and learn about the graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.94 |
Humorous look at the graduates' personalities. | |
8 | Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
A look at the purposes of the WAA; photos of the executive council. | |
9 | Life Saving Corps Old Gold 0:0, p.168 |
Officers and roll; photos. |
10 | Shield Club Old Gold 0:0, p.170 |
Description of the women's physical education honor society and officers; photo. | |
11 | Sioux Club Old Gold 0:0, p.211 |
Members of the group for South Dakota women; photos. | |
12 | Alpha Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.214 |
Officers, members, faculty advisors, and history; photos. | |
13 | Catholic Students Association Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Officers and members; photos. | |
14 | Tau Sigma Delta Old Gold 0:0, p.254 |
Advisors, honorary members, sorores in college, and pledges; photo. | |
15 | Athletic honors were conferred upon nine women students Public Relations News Release 1930:214, p.1 |
Nine women initiated into Shield Club. |
16 | Fraternities and campus organizations Public Relations News Release 1930:13, p.1 |
Fraternities and social organizations elect officers for new school year. | |
17 | W. A. A. Executive Council Old Gold 0:0, p.180 |
Officers and sport managers; photos. | |
18 | Life Saving Corps Old Gold 0:0, p.184 |
Officers, members, and brief history of the corps, which was organized in 1921 by Doris White; photos. |
19 | Shield Club Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Criteria for membership in the Shield Club; photo. |
20 | Sioux Club Old Gold 0:0, p.229 |
Officers and members; photos. | |
21 | Alpha Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.234 |
Officers, members, and history; photos. | |
22 | W. A. A. College Eye 21:31, p.3 |
Roster of officers. | |
23 | Shield Club admits three new members to its honor roll College Eye 21:18, p.1 |
Three join women's physical education honorary society. | |
24 | Membership in the Shield Club Public Relations News Release 1929:190, p.1 |
The Shield Club added three new members. | |
25 | Alpha Literary Society College Eye 21:15, p.5 |
Program for recent meeting. | |
26 | W. A. A. news College Eye 21:12, p.5 |
Plans for regular meeting and initiation; membership drive being conducted; held sports banquet. | |
27 | Alpha Literary Society College Eye 21:2, p.5 |
Meeting program. | |
28 | Sioux Club Old Gold 0:0, p.211 |
Officers and members; photos. | |
29 | Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.168 |
Officers and sport managers; photos. | |
30 | Second Year Kindergarten Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Officers and members; photo. | |
31 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.73 |
Graduate photos. | |
32 | Sioux Club College Eye 20:34, p.5 |
Hold luncheon and attend movie. | |
33 | Alpha College Eye 20:30, p.5 |
Last week's program, spring banquet, new members announced, and informal initiation. | |
34 | Sioux Club College Eye 20:24, p.5 |
Elect officers. | |
35 | Candidates for graduation on March 12, 1929 College Eye 20:23, p.4 |
Roster of graduates. | |
36 | C. S. A. meeting College Eye 20:14, p.2 |
The Reverend J. C. Wineke led the discussion. | |
37 | C. S. A. College Eye 20:12, p.5 |
Meeting information; office roster. | |
38 | C. S. A. College Eye 19:39, p.8 |
Meeting information. | |
39 | Sioux Club Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
Office roll; members; purpose; photo. | |
40 | First Year Kindergarten Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
Office roster; class roll; photo. | |
41 | Society; kindergarten girls hold banquet College Eye 19:36, p.5 |
Banquet information. | |
42 | Catholic Student Association College Eye 18:51, p.8 |
News about recent and upcoming events. |