Fortgang--Stephen J. (Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 101 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 New Kappa Delta Pi members initiated during fall ceremony
Public Relations News Release 2009:241, p.1
The PSI chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education initiated 52 students during a ceremony held during the fall 2009 semester. Stephen Fortgang, associate professor educational psychology is faculty adviser. Initiates are listed.
2 Kappa Delta Pi members receive scholarships during initiation program
Public Relations News Release 2009:206, p.1
Three members of the fall 2009 call were awarded a $3,000 scholarship; recipients were Holly Gleich, Christina Goering, and Emily Powers. Other scholarships were awarded and recipients are listed.
3 Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 24
Public Relations News Release 2008:483, p.1
The conference is designed to help the high school participants make informed choices about their futures as they explore the idea of becoming a teacher. KDP has been hosting the conference for 20 years.
4 UNI Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi initiates new members and announces scholarship recipients
Public Relations News Release 2008:232, p.1
KDP initiated 41 new members and announced scholarship recipients during its initiation program held this fall. Keynote speaker was Mallory Smiens Stubbers, a 2007 graduate and former chapter officer, originally from Ankeny.
5 UNI Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi initiates new members and announces scholarship recipients
Public Relations News Release 2007:718, p.1
The International Honor Society in Education initiated 77 new members and announced scholarship recipients during its fall 2007 and spring 2008 initiation programs. Education scholarships were awarded.
6 Trial German class at Orange Elementary, led by UNI student, proves popular
Public Relations News Release 2007:637, p.1
Sara Steffen of Cresco will lead the newly-formed KDP-Orange German Club next year.
7 UNI students will lead German lessons for students at Orange Elementary
Public Relations News Release 2007:600, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society to hold German lesson on language and culture. Kappa Delta Pi is also involved in a Girls Basketball Program, an Elementary Partnership Program, and the Adopt-a-School Program.
8 UNI students inducted into teacher education program
Public Relations News Release 2007:270, p.1
More than 200 students were formally inducted into the teacher education program October 23; list of students.
9 University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education
Public Relations News Release 2007:220, p.1
The Teacher Education Induction Convocation will take place October 23.
10 Self-esteem criticized in education
Northern Iowan 104:4, p.9
Professors and students disagree on the promotion of self-esteem in the classroom; photo.
11 Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 20
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
High school sophomores and juniors will be attending the "Challenge of Teaching Conference" Friday, April 20.
12 High school students interested in teaching to participate in "Challenge" at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Education honor society Kappa Delta Pi hosts event on campus to show prospective teachers what teaching entails.
13 UNI Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi awards new member scholarships
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
List of scholarships given by Kappa Delta Pi, and the winners.
14 Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society takes on the Windy City
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Society takes trip to Chicago to observe education in large urban settings; students listed.
15 Scholarships awarded at UNI by Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education
Public Relations News Release 2002:11, p.1
The scholarship winners are listed.
16 New members inducted into UNI chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society
Public Relations News Release 2001:265, p.1
Ninety-three education majors were received into the Kappa Delta Pi educational honor society; new members are listed.
17 Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 27
Public Relations News Release 2000:388, p.1
About one hundred high school sophomores and juniors are expected to attend.
18 University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insight after trip to Chicago schools
Public Relations News Release 2000:392, p.1
Eleven education majors from UNI visited six Chicago inner city and alternative schools; list of participants.
19 'My Three Angels' bestows blessings on Cedar Falls Community Theatre
Northern Iowan 96:28, p.12
Cedar Falls Community Theatre presents "My Three Angels"; photo.
20 New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society
Public Relations News Release 1998:186, p.1
UNI's Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society inducted new members. Speaker at the ceremony was Stephen Fortgang. Special guest was Michael P. Wolfe.
21 Students awarded scholarships at the University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society initiation
Public Relations News Release 1998:182, p.1
UNI's Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education announced scholarship winners at their 75th Anniversary Celebration Initiation. Stephen Fortgang was the featured speaker.
22 UNI students step out of classroom, experience Chicago education system
Northern Iowan 94:58, p.1
Eleven Kappa Delta Pi members visited inner-city and alternative schools in Chicago last spring.
23 University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insights during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago
Public Relations News Release 1997:339, p.1
UNI education majors traveled to Chicago for a four-day tour of inner-city and alternative schools. Trip sponsored by Kappa Delta Pi.
24 High school sophomores, juniors from across state to attend "Challenge of Teaching Conference" Friday, April 24 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1997:322, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi education honor society will sponsor conference for high school students to explore teaching field.
25 University of Northern Iowa Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society members present at Biennial Convocation in St. Louis
Public Relations News Release 1997:127, p.1
UNI Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society for education majors attended convocation November 5-9. List of students who attended with counselor Stephen Fortgang.
26 Kappa Delta Pi rewarded for excellence in programs
Northern Iowan 94:20, p.2

Campus Psi chapter wins Ace award for second consecutive year.

27 University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insight during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago
Public Relations News Release 1996:392, p.1
Eleven students get a broader view of inner city schooling on a four day trip in Chicago, visiting six inner-city schools and alternative schools.
28 High school sophomores, juniors from across state to attend 'Challenge of Teachers Conference' Friday, April 25 at The University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:375, p.1
One Hundred high school students attend workshops about becoming a teacher.
29 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names scholarship recipients
Public Relations News Release 1996:170, p.1
Four students received Kappa Delta Pi Education Scholarships.
30 New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi
Public Relations News Release 1995:393, p.1
several students were newly inducted into the UNI Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi.
31 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names scholarship recipients
Public Relations News Release 1995:392, p.1
Three students were named the recipients of the Kappa Delta Pi scholarships.
32 Absorbing culture in the Windy City
Public Relations News Release 1995:361, p.1
Eleven students spent four days visiting inner-city and alternative schools in Chicago.
33 University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insights during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago
Public Relations News Release 1995:355, p.1
Eleven education majors from the University of Northern Iowa spent four days visiting inner-city and alternative schools in Chicago.
34 High school sophomores and juniors from across state to attend 'Challenge of Teaching Conference' Friday, April 26 on University of Northern Iowa cam
Public Relations News Release 1995:332, p.1
Participants in the 'Challenge of Teaching Conference' will do group teaching activities, learn about the qualities teachers possess and hear about student life, and other matters.
35 New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society
Public Relations News Release 1995:210, p.1
78 UNI students inducted into education honor society. Students listed.
36 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names recipients of Kappa Delta pi scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1995:209, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi scholarship winners announced.
37 University of Northern Iowa students attend national Kappa Delta Pi education honor society convocation in Alabama
Public Relations News Release 1995:136, p.1
UNI students attend national convention.
38 High school sophomores and juniors from across state to attend "Challenge of teaching Conference" Friday, April 28 on University of Northern Iowa cam
Public Relations News Release 1994:401, p.1
"Challenge of Teaching Challenge" to be held on UNI campus.
39 Agenda set for Critical Writing Contest to be held at the University of Northern Iowa on April 7
Public Relations News Release 1994:366, p.1
UNI will host the 1995 Celebrating Critical Writing Contest and Conference April 7.
40 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names initiates receiving scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1994:296, p.1
Scholarship winners announced by Kappa Delta Pi.
41 New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society
Public Relations News Release 1994:297, p.1

Kappa Delta Pi announces new members. Members listed.

42 KDP and Waterloo schools: partnering up for the future
Northern Edition 2:22, p.3
Kappa Delta Pi will assist area schools.
43 Jodi Jean Jelken is awarded the Wayne P. Truesdell scholarship from the University of Northern Iowa Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa
Public Relations News Release 0:603, p.1
Winner of the Phi Delta Kappa scholarship is announced.
44 Education majors gain insight during inner-city school visit
Northern Iowan 90:57, p.4
Eleven students on four day visit to Chicago.
45 University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insights during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago
Public Relations News Release 0:523, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi sponsors Chicago trip for 11 UNI students in education. Students listed.
46 New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society
Public Relations News Release 0:518, p.1
Inductees into Kappa Delta Pi at UNI are named. Students listed.
47 High school sophomores and juniors from across state to attend "Challenge of teaching Conference" Friday, April 29 on University of Northern Iowa camp
Public Relations News Release 0:520, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi to host 160 high school students, helping them explore the idea of becoming a teacher.
48 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society elects officers
Public Relations News Release 1993:359, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi announces officers for the coming year. Students listed.
49 New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi honor society
Public Relations News Release 1993:362, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi inducts 107 new members. Students listed.
50 University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names recipients of Kappa Delta Pi scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1993:363, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi announces winners of scholarships.