Fortgang--Stephen J. (Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 101 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | New Kappa Delta Pi members initiated during fall ceremony Public Relations News Release 2009:241, p.1 |
The PSI chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education initiated 52 students during a ceremony held during the fall 2009 semester. Stephen Fortgang, associate professor educational psychology is faculty adviser. Initiates are listed. | |
2 | Kappa Delta Pi members receive scholarships during initiation program Public Relations News Release 2009:206, p.1 |
Three members of the fall 2009 call were awarded a $3,000 scholarship; recipients were Holly Gleich, Christina Goering, and Emily Powers. Other scholarships were awarded and recipients are listed. | |
3 | Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 24 Public Relations News Release 2008:483, p.1 |
The conference is designed to help the high school participants make informed choices about their futures as they explore the idea of becoming a teacher. KDP has been hosting the conference for 20 years. | |
4 | UNI Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi initiates new members and announces scholarship recipients Public Relations News Release 2008:232, p.1 |
KDP initiated 41 new members and announced scholarship recipients during its initiation program held this fall. Keynote speaker was Mallory Smiens Stubbers, a 2007 graduate and former chapter officer, originally from Ankeny. | |
5 | UNI Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi initiates new members and announces scholarship recipients Public Relations News Release 2007:718, p.1 |
The International Honor Society in Education initiated 77 new members and announced scholarship recipients during its fall 2007 and spring 2008 initiation programs. Education scholarships were awarded. | |
6 | Trial German class at Orange Elementary, led by UNI student, proves popular Public Relations News Release 2007:637, p.1 |
Sara Steffen of Cresco will lead the newly-formed KDP-Orange German Club next year. | |
7 | UNI students will lead German lessons for students at Orange Elementary Public Relations News Release 2007:600, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society to hold German lesson on language and culture. Kappa Delta Pi is also involved in a Girls Basketball Program, an Elementary Partnership Program, and the Adopt-a-School Program. | |
8 | UNI students inducted into teacher education program Public Relations News Release 2007:270, p.1 |
More than 200 students were formally inducted into the teacher education program October 23; list of students. | |
9 | University of Northern Iowa to induct students into Teacher Education Public Relations News Release 2007:220, p.1 |
The Teacher Education Induction Convocation will take place October 23. | |
10 | Self-esteem criticized in education Northern Iowan 104:4, p.9 |
Professors and students disagree on the promotion of self-esteem in the classroom; photo. | |
11 | Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 20 Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
High school sophomores and juniors will be attending the "Challenge of Teaching Conference" Friday, April 20. | |
12 | High school students interested in teaching to participate in "Challenge" at UNI Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Education honor society Kappa Delta Pi hosts event on campus to show prospective teachers what teaching entails. | |
13 | UNI Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi awards new member scholarships Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
List of scholarships given by Kappa Delta Pi, and the winners. | |
14 | Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society takes on the Windy City Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Society takes trip to Chicago to observe education in large urban settings; students listed. | |
15 | Scholarships awarded at UNI by Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education Public Relations News Release 2002:11, p.1 |
The scholarship winners are listed. | |
16 | New members inducted into UNI chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society Public Relations News Release 2001:265, p.1 |
Ninety-three education majors were received into the Kappa Delta Pi educational honor society; new members are listed. | |
17 | Kappa Delta Pi members to conduct Challenge of Teaching Conference Friday, April 27 Public Relations News Release 2000:388, p.1 |
About one hundred high school sophomores and juniors are expected to attend. | |
18 | University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insight after trip to Chicago schools Public Relations News Release 2000:392, p.1 |
Eleven education majors from UNI visited six Chicago inner city and alternative schools; list of participants. | |
19 | 'My Three Angels' bestows blessings on Cedar Falls Community Theatre Northern Iowan 96:28, p.12 |
Cedar Falls Community Theatre presents "My Three Angels"; photo. | |
20 | New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society Public Relations News Release 1998:186, p.1 |
UNI's Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society inducted new members. Speaker at the ceremony was Stephen Fortgang. Special guest was Michael P. Wolfe. | |
21 | Students awarded scholarships at the University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society initiation Public Relations News Release 1998:182, p.1 |
UNI's Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education announced scholarship winners at their 75th Anniversary Celebration Initiation. Stephen Fortgang was the featured speaker. | |
22 | UNI students step out of classroom, experience Chicago education system Northern Iowan 94:58, p.1 |
Eleven Kappa Delta Pi members visited inner-city and alternative schools in Chicago last spring. | |
23 | University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insights during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago Public Relations News Release 1997:339, p.1 |
UNI education majors traveled to Chicago for a four-day tour of inner-city and alternative schools. Trip sponsored by Kappa Delta Pi. | |
24 | High school sophomores, juniors from across state to attend "Challenge of Teaching Conference" Friday, April 24 at University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1997:322, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi education honor society will sponsor conference for high school students to explore teaching field. | |
25 | University of Northern Iowa Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society members present at Biennial Convocation in St. Louis Public Relations News Release 1997:127, p.1 |
UNI Psi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society for education majors attended convocation November 5-9. List of students who attended with counselor Stephen Fortgang. | |
26 | Kappa Delta Pi rewarded for excellence in programs Northern Iowan 94:20, p.2 |
Campus Psi chapter wins Ace award for second consecutive year. |
27 | University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insight during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago Public Relations News Release 1996:392, p.1 |
Eleven students get a broader view of inner city schooling on a four day trip in Chicago, visiting six inner-city schools and alternative schools. | |
28 | High school sophomores, juniors from across state to attend 'Challenge of Teachers Conference' Friday, April 25 at The University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1996:375, p.1 |
One Hundred high school students attend workshops about becoming a teacher. | |
29 | University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names scholarship recipients Public Relations News Release 1996:170, p.1 |
Four students received Kappa Delta Pi Education Scholarships. | |
30 | New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Public Relations News Release 1995:393, p.1 |
several students were newly inducted into the UNI Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi. | |
31 | University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names scholarship recipients Public Relations News Release 1995:392, p.1 |
Three students were named the recipients of the Kappa Delta Pi scholarships. | |
32 | Absorbing culture in the Windy City Public Relations News Release 1995:361, p.1 |
Eleven students spent four days visiting inner-city and alternative schools in Chicago. | |
33 | University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insights during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago Public Relations News Release 1995:355, p.1 |
Eleven education majors from the University of Northern Iowa spent four days visiting inner-city and alternative schools in Chicago. | |
34 | High school sophomores and juniors from across state to attend 'Challenge of Teaching Conference' Friday, April 26 on University of Northern Iowa cam Public Relations News Release 1995:332, p.1 |
Participants in the 'Challenge of Teaching Conference' will do group teaching activities, learn about the qualities teachers possess and hear about student life, and other matters. | |
35 | New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society Public Relations News Release 1995:210, p.1 |
78 UNI students inducted into education honor society. Students listed. | |
36 | University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names recipients of Kappa Delta pi scholarships Public Relations News Release 1995:209, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi scholarship winners announced. | |
37 | University of Northern Iowa students attend national Kappa Delta Pi education honor society convocation in Alabama Public Relations News Release 1995:136, p.1 |
UNI students attend national convention. | |
38 | High school sophomores and juniors from across state to attend "Challenge of teaching Conference" Friday, April 28 on University of Northern Iowa cam Public Relations News Release 1994:401, p.1 |
"Challenge of Teaching Challenge" to be held on UNI campus. | |
39 | Agenda set for Critical Writing Contest to be held at the University of Northern Iowa on April 7 Public Relations News Release 1994:366, p.1 |
UNI will host the 1995 Celebrating Critical Writing Contest and Conference April 7. | |
40 | University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names initiates receiving scholarships Public Relations News Release 1994:296, p.1 |
Scholarship winners announced by Kappa Delta Pi. | |
41 | New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi education honor society Public Relations News Release 1994:297, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi announces new members. Members listed. |
42 | KDP and Waterloo schools: partnering up for the future Northern Edition 2:22, p.3 |
Kappa Delta Pi will assist area schools. | |
43 | Jodi Jean Jelken is awarded the Wayne P. Truesdell scholarship from the University of Northern Iowa Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa Public Relations News Release 0:603, p.1 |
Winner of the Phi Delta Kappa scholarship is announced. | |
44 | Education majors gain insight during inner-city school visit Northern Iowan 90:57, p.4 |
Eleven students on four day visit to Chicago. | |
45 | University of Northern Iowa education majors gain new insights during inner-city and alternative school visits in Chicago Public Relations News Release 0:523, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi sponsors Chicago trip for 11 UNI students in education. Students listed. | |
46 | New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society Public Relations News Release 0:518, p.1 |
Inductees into Kappa Delta Pi at UNI are named. Students listed. | |
47 | High school sophomores and juniors from across state to attend "Challenge of teaching Conference" Friday, April 29 on University of Northern Iowa camp Public Relations News Release 0:520, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi to host 160 high school students, helping them explore the idea of becoming a teacher. | |
48 | University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society elects officers Public Relations News Release 1993:359, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi announces officers for the coming year. Students listed. | |
49 | New members inducted into University of Northern Iowa chapter of Kappa Delta Pi honor society Public Relations News Release 1993:362, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi inducts 107 new members. Students listed. | |
50 | University of Northern Iowa's Kappa Delta Pi education honor society names recipients of Kappa Delta Pi scholarships Public Relations News Release 1993:363, p.1 |
Kappa Delta Pi announces winners of scholarships. |