Forum (Column)

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Next CROW Forum to be held Dec. 7
Public Relations News Release 2009:183, p.1
"Notes of Nuevo Amanecer: Weaving a New Beginning?" is the title of a lecture to be given by Jennifer Cooley. The lecture focuses on Cooley's most recent work, a bilingual play based on testimonials from Guatemalan women weavers in Postville, Iowa.
2 Economic issues forum at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:108, p.1
The Center For Economic Education will host an economic forum open to the public to discuss campaign issues related to government spending and taxation.
3 Forum
College Eye 25:42, p.2
Pleased with relatively heavy turnout for Men's Union elections.
4 Forum
College Eye 25:41, p.2
Enjoyed Balloon Dance.
5 Forum
College Eye 25:39, p.2
Unhappy with perceived influence of Old Gold over campus elections.
6 Editor's quandary
College Eye 25:39, p.2
Should the editor print Forum articles with misinformation?
7 Forum
College Eye 25:38, p.2
Would like to have seen more participation at the meeting to organize the Men's Union.
8 Forum
College Eye 25:36, p.2
Considers "Dutch Treat" dating.
9 Forum
College Eye 25:32, p.2
Observations of students.
10 Forum
College Eye 25:31, p.2
Observations of students.
11 Forum
College Eye 25:29, p.2
Observations of students.
12 Forum
College Eye 25:28, p.2
Observations of students.
13 Forum
College Eye 25:27, p.2
Observations of students.
14 Forum
College Eye 25:26, p.2
Observations of students.
15 Forum
College Eye 25:25, p.2
Observations of students.
16 Forum
College Eye 25:24, p.2
Student observations.
17 Forum
College Eye 25:7, p.2
Wishes students would leave bulletins on the bulletin boards at least until the event has been staged.
18 Forum
College Eye 25:5, p.2
Wants pot hole filled.
19 Forum
College Eye 25:2, p.2
Annoyed by persistent men at library.
20 Forum
College Eye 24:29, p.2
Professor Mach notes that his comments on what students can learn on weekends was meant to contrast weekends on campus versus weekends at home.
21 Forum
College Eye 24:28, p.2
Believes students should enjoy their time in college, because study will have little to do with their later lives.
22 Forum
College Eye 24:26, p.2
Believes class officers, especially for the freshman class, are useless.
23 Forum
College Eye 24:24, p.2
Comments on handshaking, hanging around, and socialism.
24 Forum
College Eye 24:21, p.2
Observations of students.
25 Forum
College Eye 24:20, p.2
Observations of students.
26 Forum
College Eye 24:19, p.2
Believes fraternities influenced voters to select most popular students on campus.
27 Forum
College Eye 24:18, p.2
Believes that some students do not feel that they are a part of the college; others choose to associate with only a small group.
28 Forum
College Eye 24:17, p.2
Wendell Bragonier believes that the matter of class attendance has been thoroughly discussed; believes attention should turn to participation in organizations, theft, and vandalism