Fossum--Ernest C. (Speech Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 141 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Radio and television at Iowa State Teachers College
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.163
The beginnings of radio and television at the college, including the controversy with KXEL.
2 Fossum guided placement through hectic era of '60s
UNI Century 1:4, p.7

Professor Fossum retires; recalls work and achievements; photo.

3 New face, new title in UNI's job center
UNI Century 1:4, p.3

Larry Routh replaces Ernest C. Fossum, who recently retired; biographical sketch; photo.

4 Fossum retires after 15 years with Placement
Northern Iowan 69:60, p.1

Professor Fossum looks back on his thirty years at UNI.

5 Untitled
Northern Iowan 69:60, p.7

Dr. Ernest Fossum retired from his position as UNI Placement Director on June 30, 1973; photo.

6 Routh replaces Fossum as director of Career Planning and Placement
Northern Iowan 69:60, p.1
Larry Routh talks about his plans for the office.
7 Teacher placement figures announced; tentative tabulation
Northern Iowan 69:13, p.1
Supply of graduates increases while demand decreases.
8 Placement pictures optional
Northern Iowan 69:7, p.9
Professor Fossum outlines rationale and procedures for including photos.
9 Computer streamlines placement procedures
Alumnus 57:2, p.6
Tape drive will give weekly list of vacancies; photo.
10 Placement Center policy challenged
Northern Iowan 68:46, p.7
Student believes language in job ad is discriminatory.
11 Computers come to aid of future teachers
Northern Iowan 68:27, p.1
Placement Bureau will use computerized system to notify students about job possibilities.
12 Placement meeting for all UNI candidates for teaching positions to be held Jan. 12
Public Relations News Release 1972:237, p.1
A new computerized vacancy notice system will be explained at a meeting.
13 Prospective Teacher Day to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:94, p.1
1971 Prospective Teacher Day to be held Nov. 2 at UNI.
14 Prospective Teacher Day to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:92, p.1
1971 Prospective Teacher Day to be held Nov. 2 at UNI.
15 Grad student takes issue with article
Northern Iowan 68:7, p.2
Disputes claims of recent article on job placement.
16 UNI Placement Bureau
UNI Quarterly 3:1, p.30
A look at the services of this office in the face of an over-supply of teachers; photo.
17 Job prospects looking up; Placement Bureau claims
Northern Iowan 68:4, p.1
Professor Fossum reports on improvement in placement rates.
18 Peace Corps Representatives to be at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:23, p.1
The Peace Corps will be recruiting interested candidates at UNI on Sept. 27, 28, and 29.
19 Placement future bleak; 'Things will get worse . . .'
Northern Iowan 67:60, p.1
Outlook for teacher education graduates is not good.
20 Placement Bureau director responds
Northern Iowan 67:52, p.2
Professor Fossum says that delays were due to unprecedented volume.
21 UNI Placement Director to Attend Regional Conference
Public Relations News Release 1971:473, p.1
Dr. Ernest Fossum will attend the Regional Conference of College Placement Officials March 30-31 as a guest of the Social Security Administration (SSA).
22 U.S. Civil Service Representatives to Interview at UNI Feb. 3
Public Relations News Release 1970:337, p.1
Five recruitors from the U.S. Civil Service Commision will meet with UNI students in Room 220 of the UNI Placement Bureau in the Old Admin Building on Feb. 3
23 U.S. Civil Service to Interview, Give Exam at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:319, p.1
Recruiters from the federal government will meet with students in Room 220 of the UNI Placement Bureau, located in the Old Administration Building.
24 Placement Bureau serves alumni, students
Alumnus 55:4, p.8
Description of programs and services; concern for growing over-abundance of teachers; will institute charges for service to alumni; may computerize some data.
25 1700 Expected to Attend Prospective Teacher Day at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:130, p.1
Prospective Teacher Day is a state-wide program involving 20 Iowa colleges.
26 1700 Expected to Attend Prospective Teacher Day at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1970:129, p.1
Prospective Teacher Day is a state-wide program involving 20 Iowa colleges.
27 Federal Service Recruiters to Interview at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:293, p.1
Federal Civil Service recruiters are scheduled to visit UNI to interview college seniors interested in taking the Federal Service Entrance Examination (FSEE). Exam is used in the hiring of college graduates in careers in 50 agencies through the nation.
28 2000 Expected to Attend Prospective Teacher Day
Public Relations News Release 1969:139, p.1
State-wide program involving 20 colleges.
29 Group supports right of Draft Resisters in interview
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.1
Administration will not allow CADRE to interview on campus because of fears of demonstrations.
30 Quiet demonstration; 'No room for Hellwig'
Northern Iowan 64:31, p.1
Demonstrators staff information desk in Crossroads while CIA recruiter interviews students in Placement Bureau; peaceful picketing; photo.
31 Interviews for CIA Wednesday
Northern Iowan 64:30, p.1
Professor Fossum has received some objections.
32 Patriotism or hypocrisy?
Northern Iowan 64:13, p.2
Questions consistency of those who criticized Ed Hoffmans' article.
33 Confessions of a protest signer
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.3
Professor Wood, a signer of the faculty protest letter, explains his position.
34 Censorship instead of freedom?
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.9
Professor Wilson criticizes those who would limit free speech.
35 Free speech, free press fundamental
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.10
Professor Thompson criticizes the faculty letter protesting publication of the Hoffmans article.
36 Questions 15 faculty members
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.11
Critical of faculty who questioned appearance of Hoffmans article in Northern Iowan.
37 'Letter is insult'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.12
Believes students are mature enough to listen to all sorts of ideas.
38 Admires Hoffmans' courage
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.2
Critical of professors who believed Hoffmans immature.
39 Contrary to best interests of students, staff, school
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3
Believe that Hoffmans letter on draft advised young men to break law; urges Northern Iowan not to publish similar material.
40 13 faculty members are elected to state offices
College Eye 63:21, p.7
List of SCI staff and their offices.
41 New federal programs cause teacher shortage
College Eye 63:7, p.8
Interview with SCI director of placement Dr. Earnest C. Fossum; photo.
42 Dr. Knutson will speak at Prospective Teachers Day
College Eye 60:15, p.1
Program highlights.
43 Wanted by school authorities: SCI's 'high-caliber, non-provincial' grads
College Eye 59:20, p.1
Placement Bureau has high success rate because of its programs and the quality of students; photo..
44 Applications are being accepted for $100 grant
College Eye 59:12, p.5
All currently enrolled students eligible.
45 Nationwide recruiting does not drain teaching supply
College Eye 58:35, p.2
A look at the strength of Iowa's teachers.
46 Desire to teach, motivation aids in student teaching
College Eye 57:10, p.5
Professors Phillips and Fossum talk about teaching and preparing students for the work; photo.
47 Applicants interviewed for overseas teaching positions
College Eye 57:10, p.8
May schedule interviews.
48 Erbe reception Saturday at Dr. Fossum's home
College Eye 57:6, p.1
Governor Erbe will be honored.
49 Dr. Ray Schlicher named to field services position
College Eye 56:31, p.4
Ernest Fossum will direct Placement Bureau; Frances Hill will be administrative assistant in Placement Bureau.
50 Fossum scores Fox's 'non-partisanism'
College Eye 52:5, p.8
Trying to understand what Professor Fox really wants to do.