Foster--Austin Prescott (Student--2008)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 After 34 years, Glee Club Christmas still surprises
Northern Iowan 108:26, p.6
Soulful vocals and jazzy tones set the stage for the annual Men's Glee Club concert. Sharrie Phillips led the Glee Club in "He's Done Enough". Her powerful voice improvised calls of praise and gratitude; photo.
2 Is there someone you LikeALIttle?
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.4
This .com site is supposed to be positive, fun, comfortable, and a safe environment for students to anonymously flirt and chat.
3 UNI Unplugged challenges students to reduce energy consumption
Northern Iowan 106:43, p.1
Residence halls will compete during an energy savings competition, April 15-22. Students are urged to shut off lights when leaving the room and unplug appliances that are not in use; photo.
4 A day to appreciate and thank RAs to be held Wednesday
Northern Iowan 106:22, p.10
Resident Assistant role is friend, counselor, resource person, and advisor. RAs do more than unlock doors, offer programs, and keep order on their floors.
5 Torture and presidential power
Northern Iowan 105:7, p.1
Jules Lobel, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, shared his concerns about too much power being granted to the President of the United States.