Francis--Bruce (Class of 1891; Education Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 59 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Bruce Francis Alumnus 26:3, p.13 |
Works for the Central Life Insurance Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota. | |
2 | Alumni follow new tradition Alumnus 26:3, p.6 |
Reunion included "alumni chapel". | |
3 | You, too, would have enjoyed it Alumnus 24:3, p.19 |
Description of reunion activities and roster of many who attended; Minnesingers celebrate fiftieth anniversary; photo. | |
4 | Grads and memories will rule College Hill on June 2 Alumnus 24:2, p.17 |
Outline of activities for 61st alumni reunion; 50-year grads will receive gold medal; Class of 1890 featured. | |
5 | 1890 Alumnus 23:4, p.26 |
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of their graduation from the College, members of the Class of 1890 are making plans for their golden reunion. Roster of class members. |
6 | Alumni units busy with organization plans Alumnus 21:1, p.13 |
News from Des Moines, northwest Iowa, Twin Cities, Council Bluffs, and Chicago groups. | |
7 | Twin City alumni plan meeting in February College Eye 23:49, p.4 |
Bruce Francis is in charge there. | |
8 | The Campanile Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
Brief history of new structure; photo. | |
9 | Francis Alumni News Letter 5:2, p.8 |
Donald Francis, son of Bruce Francis and Ella M. Flater-Francis, died of diabetes. | |
10 | Bruce Francis Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.5 |
Bruce Francis, superintendent of schools (Huron, South Dakota), is in charge of new building. | |
11 | The Proposed Alumni Memorial Old Gold 0:0, p.208 |
A letter proposing the building of the Campanile; committee appointed at June 1914 alumni meeting; may cost $12,000. | |
12 | 1890 class hold reunion College Eye 7:1, p.1 |
Eight members of the class attend. | |
13 | Official Notes College Eye 4:22, p.3 |
News of important educators; news from the recent National Education Association convention. | |
14 | Supt. Bruce Francis College Eye 4:21, p.8 |
Will be head of schools in Minot, North Dakota. | |
15 | Supt. Francis to Dakota next year College Eye 4:20, p.1 |
Cedar Falls superintendent, Bruce Francis, will serve a three year term at Minot, North Dakota. | |
16 | Aristos banquet sister Shakespeareans; twenty-sixth annual feast is held in college gymnasium; Methodist ladies serve tempting viands College Eye 4:11, p.1 |
Review of events at social gathering, with program. | |
17 | State Teachers College men in politics College Eye 3:30, p.494 |
Roster of alumni who hold or are running for public office. | |
18 | At the annual meeting College Eye 3:22, p.374 |
P. E. O. held meeting where elections took place. | |
19 | The following of our faculty College Eye 1:23, p.7 |
Members of the faculty appeared in connection with the N. E. I. T. A. in Waterloo. | |
20 | Official Notes College Eye 1:13, p.2 |
State and nationwide education news. | |
21 | Large number will attend state meeting; Teacher College recognized as leading institution for training of teachers College Eye 1:9, p.3 |
Twenty-three ISTC faculty will appear on ISTA program. | |
22 | Official Notes College Eye 1:1, p.2 |
Commercial education course available; enrollment strong in domestic science; teacher education courses are effective; faculty and staff changes. | |
23 | Alumni luncheon College Eye 1:12, p.18 |
The Alumni Association held a luncheon in honor of President Seerley's twenty-fifth anniversary as head of the school. | |
24 | Alumni business meeting College Eye 1:12, p.18 |
At the Alumni Association business meeting, new officers were elected. | |
25 | Changes and plans for the coming year College Eye 1:12, p.4 |
News about changes for past and present faculty; ISTC students will assist in domestic science in Cedar Falls schools; excavation for Training School may begin soon; may also build a "detention hospital; will let $10,000 contract for pipe organ.. | |
26 | The Board of Education and city school board make arrangements for college graduates to teach Domestic Science College Eye 1:11, p.188 |
An agreement has been made between the Cedar Falls school board and the Board of Education to allow I. S. T. C. senior students to come into the high schools and teach cooking and sewing. | |
27 | The Alumni Association; alumni business section Normal Eyte 21:0, p.11 |
Describes the meeting of the Alumni Association's Business Session; roster of officers; consider membership fee of $.50; hear reports of chapter groups. | |
28 | Oratorical contest occurs; women's societies battle for school championship next Saturday evening Normal Eyte 20:14, p.233 |
Roster of speakers and their topics. | |
29 | Superintendent Francis Normal Eyte 20:6, p.111 |
Visited chapel on Tuesday. | |
30 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 19:26, p.413 |
Elected superintendent of Cedar Falls schools. | |
31 | Official Normal Eyte 18:29, p.452 |
Bruce Francis will be superintendent in Washington, Iowa; Clarence Steele doing well in Montana; Trustees make decisions on Library and President's House; adopt plan to determine rank and salaries of faculty. | |
32 | The program of the fifty-second annual session of the Iowa State Teachers' Association contained the names of the following alumni Normal Eyte 17:16, p.251 |
Many alumni contributed to the ISTA meeting program. | |
33 | The preliminary program of the Southeastern Iowa Teachers' Association Normal Eyte 16:25, p.396 |
Program features a number of Normalites. | |
34 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 15:34, p.534 |
Will be superintendent in Mt. Pleasant. | |
35 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 15:32, p.507 |
Has been head of Williamsburg schools. | |
36 | Supt. Francis of Williamsburg Normal Eyte 14:31, p.486 |
Served as judge in contest; doing good work in Williamsburg. | |
37 | On the program of the tenth annual meeting Normal Eyte 14:26, p.405 |
Many Normalites featured on program of Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association meeting. | |
38 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 14:6, p.86 |
Bruce Francis is teaching history, economics, and reading. | |
39 | Society Normal Eyte 13:26, p.405 |
Shakes give Marine program; Aristos give athletics program; Ossolis give advertising program; Alphas present ideal program; Shakes give Lent program. | |
40 | W. H. Bender Normal Eyte 13:25, p.394 |
Will conduct institute with Bruce Francis. | |
41 | We note that Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 10:12, p.285 |
Spoke at meeting in Williamsburg. | |
42 | Ella Flater Normal Eyte 9:20, p.475 |
Married and living in Williamsburg. | |
43 | The Sigourney and Williamsburg high schools Normal Eyte 9:20, p.475 |
Bruce Francis reports results. | |
44 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 9:19, p.450 |
Received his M. Di. degree. | |
45 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 9:16, p.379 |
Is superintendent at Williamsburg schools. | |
46 | The members of the alumni Normal Eyte 9:7, p.155 |
Group of alumni organizes in Madison County. | |
47 | Aristo Normal Eyte 7:35, p.24 |
History of the Aristotelian Literary Society; photo. | |
48 | The forty-third annual meeting Normal Eyte 7:17, p.5 |
Description of the ISTA program; many Normalites took part. | |
49 | Bruce Francis Normal Eyte 6:5, p.54 |
Superintendent in Montezuma. | |
50 | Among the list of graduates Normal Eyte 5:35, p.351 |
Roster of those who graduated from the University of Iowa. |