Frederick--Marilyn Darlene (Class of 1952)

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Chapel Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.118
Photo of the members of the Chapel Choir; photo.
2 Bachelor of Arts Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
Photos of the Bachelor of Arts students; photos.
3 An informal author's tea honoring Irving H. Hart will be held in the Georgian Lounge of the Commons, April 16
Public Relations News Release 1951:611, p.1
Hart's book "The First 75 Years" is a history of ideas fundamental to the development of the college. Hart is college archivist and historian. Favors in the form of book marks will be presented to those attending.
4 Purple Arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Brief description of the group; photo.
5 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
Brief description of the group; photo.
6 Carolyn Hill and Marilyn Russell, seniors at Teachers college high school, will present a recital Thursday, April 12, at 8 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1950:288, p.1
The recital will be held in the campus school auditorium. Carolyn, daughter of Frank W. Hill, is a soprano. Marilyn, a pianist, is the daughter of Myron E. Russell.
7 "Riders to the Sea," a one-act opera, will be presented (March 9) by members of Harald Holst's opera class
Public Relations News Release 1950:256, p.1
The opera was first written as a play by J. M. Synge, Irish playright. It was later set to music by Vaughan-Williams, English composer.Five characters, a women's chorus and a men's chorus make up the cast. Character parts and chorus members are listed.
8 Nine soloists, a piano duet and a saxophone quartet will present a student recital Friday (March 2) at 3:15 p.m. in Gilchrist hall
Public Relations News Release 1950:243, p.1
Two West Union students, Shirley Anfinson and Patricia Eastman, will play the piano duet. The soloists and saxophone quartet members are listed.
9 ISTC student music recitals
Public Relations News Release 1950:200, p.1
Nine soloists and a clarinet quartette will participate in a student music recital in the Gilchrist hall chapel. Soloists and quartette members are listed.
10 ISTC student music recitals
Public Relations News Release 1950:204, p.1
Nine soloists and a clarinet quartette will participate in a student music recital in the Gilchrist Hall chapel. Soloists and quartette members are listed.
11 Students to give recital at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1950:171, p.1
Eight student soloists will present the winter quarter's first student recital Friday in Gilchrist hall. Participating students listed.
12 Fifth Student Recital at Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1950:123, p.1
Eight soloists and a brass quartet presented the fifth student recital of the fall term last Friday afternoon. Those participating were from the classes of Russell Baum, Jane Birkhead, Emil Bock, Henry Harris, and Willard Starkey. Students listed.
13 The second student piano recital of the fall quarter was presented in Gilchrist chapel Friday, October 20
Public Relations News Release 1950:76, p.1
The five musicians who performed are students of Henry Harris, Russell N. Baum, and Rose L. Ruegnitz, assistant professors of music. The students and their selections are listed.
14 Religious Groups
Old Gold 0:0, p.100
Brief description of the group; photo.
15 First-Year K. P. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
List of members; photo.