Frederick--Robert J. (Career Center Staff)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 CME restructure underway
Northern Iowan 112:20, p.2
The Center for Multicultural Education is restructuring itself to be a better resource for students and faculty.
2 UNI Career Fair and Interview Day offers opportunities for students and alumni
Public Relations News Release 2008:343, p.1
More than 90 employers will talk with students and alumni about internships and full-time jobs. Attendees are encouraged to bring multiple copies of their resume to give to company and organization representatives.
3 2007 Cedar Falls RAGBRAI planning committee named
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
More than 30 community members have been named to lead committees involved with hosting RAGBRAI; list of members.
4 UNI good Samaritan passes on grant money to WRC
Northern Iowan 103:13, p.6
Target Corporation grant money given to the WRC by Bob Frederick, director of academic advising and career services.
5 Target hits the mark with a $3000 grant to college
Northern Iowan 103:8, p.1
UNI awarded grant from Target to support university activities; photo.
6 Target donates $3500 to student activities
Northern Iowan 102:8, p.1
Target Corporation made a donation to the Student Involvement and Activities Center; photo.
7 Career Center temporarily relocates to East Gym 113A
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.4
Getting ready for the new Integrated Student Services Center requires a temporary move; Marshall Nielsen paints directional arrows; photo.