Fryman--James F. (Geography Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 32 of 32 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI honors retirees
Public Relations News Release 2007:709, p.1

The University of Northern Iowa's 50th annual recognition breakfast was held in the Georgian Lounge at the Commons, honoring 43 employees retiring within the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

2 Several geography faculty presented papers at the annual conference of the Association of American Geographers held in New York City
Campus News Network 11:17, p.
Geography faculty goes to New York to present papers.
3 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Department of Geography
Campus News Network 7:17, p.
Department of Geography faculty members participated in Association of American Geographers conference.
4 James F. Fryman and Bonnie R. Sines
Campus News Network 7:7, p.
Give presentation on cartography.
5 James F. Fryman
Campus News Network 6:17, p.
Presented "Academic Cartographic Training in the United States and Canada" at a conference.
6 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Department of
Geography faculty

Campus News Network 5:14, p.
The Department of Geography faculty presented papers at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers.
7 James F. Fryman
Campus News Network 4:16, p.2
James F. Fryman organized and was a panelist in a discussion on cartography.
8 Professional leaves announced
Campus News Network 3:13, p.1
Roster of those who received leaves and their research topics.
9 Regents approve promotion of 25, tenure for 13 Northern Iowa faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1989:479, p.1
The Board of Regents approves the promotion of twenty-five, and tenure for thirteen faculty members. All promotions and tenure will be effective fall semester of 1990.
10 Southern colleges recruit more in North
Northern Iowan 86:6, p.5
Professor Fryman talks about his research relating to where African-American students go to college.
11 Black college students more likely than whites to migrate to institutions far from home, says University of Northern Iowa professor.
Public Relations News Release 1989:84, p.1
Traditionally black colleges in the southern United States are more likely to draw their student from the northern states than are traditionally white institutions. Graphs and maps are included to support James F. Fryman's conclusion.
12 Birds do it, bees do it, even educated students do it -- (migrate that is.)
Public Relations News Release 1989:54, p.1
James Fryman says many black students in the north, are migrating to southern traditionally black colleges and universities. He says his research shows black students are migrating farther than white students.
13 How do you draw a round surface on flat piece of paper?
Public Relations News Release 1988:152, p.1
James Fryman says there are about 200 maps of the earth in use today. When geographers try and map the world the way it "really" is, some states don't come out the way people perceive them to look.
14 National Geography Awareness Week activites planned at Northern Iowa Nov. 13-19
Public Relations News Release 1988:149, p.1
Activies will be based on five themes of geography: place, location, human/enviroment, movement and regions. Displays and continuous presentations will be available for viewing.
15 Geography Dept. obtains ERDIS
Northern Iowan 85:12, p.6
James Fryman talks about new computer program.
16 Studies show Americans have acute Geography ignorance, Education is Rx.
Public Relations News Release 1988:3, p.1
The cure for geography ignorance is education.
17 National Geography Awareness Week activities planned at Northern Iowa Nov. 15-21
Public Relations News Release 1987:128, p.1
Professors Robert Clark and David May lead field trips on the cultural and geographic development of Iowa. Other activities include a forum of former geography students, and a slideshow presentation by Professor Jonathan Lu. Geography faculty are listed.
18 UNI to hold workshop for social studies educators
Public Relations News Release 1987:58, p.1
The Department of Geography organizes a workshop for social studies instructors. The conference features six instructional kits presented by Professors Jonathan Lu, James Fryman, Roy Chung, Robert Clark, and David May.
19 Cartography map helps Iowans understand neighbors
Northern Iowa Today 15:3, p.8
Geography class creates Comparative Atlas of Urban Iowa.
20 UNI professor to study student migration flow
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.4
James Fryman will track movement of students seeking higher education.
21 Radio News Network Announcements
Public Relations News Release 1987:249, p.1
Professor James Fryman compiles an atlas comparing Iowan communities. Ragbrai training begins. Price Lab students share what physical education means to them. Regents raise room and board costs. Students spend Spring Break lobbying in Washington.
22 Regents approve improvements
Northern Iowan 83:40, p.5

Will renovate Redeker plaza; recommends funding for boiler; John Ketter will retire; Rollin Evers will resign; approve appointment of Lowell Norland; approve phased retirement for five faculty; approve PDLs; photo.

23 UNI class project to help Iowans understand their neighborhoods, communities, state
Public Relations News Release 1987:221, p.1
Students of Professor James Fryman's cartography class compile a two-hundred and six page atlas of the state of Iowa, with information on community income, unemployment and crime rates, housing values, and poverty levels.
24 Geography dept. helps make map
Northern Iowan 82:48, p.8
Will make new street map of Waterloo and Cedar Falls.
25 UNI to host workshop for teachers
Northern Iowan 82:11, p.7
Faculty will present sessions at social studies conference.
26 60 Area Social Studies Teachers Expected For UNI Conference Monday (Oct. 14)
Public Relations News Release 1985:63, p.1
Social Study teachers will find six different topics at the workshop, where the teachers will work through new instructional kits.
27 Local atlas a useful project
Alumnus 70:1, p.6
Professor James Fryman's class produces Waterloo-Cedar Falls atlas; photo.
28 Class makes area atlas
Northern Iowan 81:26, p.8
Geography class, led by James Fryman, makes an atlas of the area of Cedar Falls/Waterloo; atlas includes information on crime, population, and voting, as well as economic and housing patterns; photo.
29 Students make area map
Northern Iowan 81:12, p.8
Geography students create a map of Cedar Falls and Waterloo that shows economic, population, crime zones, and voting patterns.
30 Geography colloquium scheduled for Wednesday afternoons
Northern Iowan 79:7, p.9
Professors Fryman and Wilkinson will talk about federal statistics.
31 Students alerted to job opportunities
Old Gold 0:0, p.42
Geography department exerting effort to alert students to job opportunities in geography; photo.
32 Geography
Old Gold 0:0, p.14
The geography department deals with things such as patterns of urbanization, agriculture, population characteristics, economic behavior, surface features, a photographic laboratory; photo.