Fulton--Arleen (Class of 1934)
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Mrs. Warren L. Hanson (Arlene Fulton) Alumnus 24:2, p.28 |
Resides at Odebolt, where Warren is engaged in dairy farming. They have two children, Richard Warren and Jean Arleen. Before her marriage in 1937, Arleen taught for two years in Odebolt. | |
2 | Commons is scene of W. A. A. banquet College Eye 26:1, p.5 |
3 | Physical Education Club Old Gold 0:0, p.260 |
Description, officers, and members; photo. | |
4 | Shield Club Old Gold 0:0, p.259 |
Description, officers, and members; photo. | |
5 | Life Saving Corps Old Gold 0:0, p.258 |
Motto, description of activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
6 | Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.257 |
Aims, description of activities, and members; photo. | |
7 | Pi Phi Omega Old Gold 0:0, p.230 |
Organized on May 25, 1932; purpose, officers, and members; photos. | |
8 | Bel Canto Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.194 |
Organized in 1923; officers, activities, and members; photo. |
9 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.74 |
Graduate photos. | |
10 | Physical Education Club Old Gold 0:0, p.149 |
Description of group organized in the fall of 1930; photos. |
11 | Pi Phi Omega Old Gold 0:0, p.241 |
Officers, history, purpose, members, and pledges; had been affiliated with national Pi Omega Phi; reorganized May 25, 1932, as Pi Phi Omega; photos. | |
12 | Y. W. C. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.200 |
Officers and history; campus chapter began in 1886, with formal organization February 5, 1887; photo. | |
13 | Delphian Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.192 |
Officers, history, and members; organized February 3, 1908; photos. | |
14 | Associated Student Council Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
Representatives and officers; group consists of heads of campus student organizations; photos. | |
15 | Shield Club sponsoring all college mixer; cards, dancing, games and stunts on program tonight College Eye 24:27, p.1 |
Women's physical education honorary will provide variety of activities. | |
16 | Lame Duck Cabinet chosen to officiate at April conference College Eye 24:24, p.3 |
YWCA elections will be held later. | |
17 | Women's Athletic Association will sponsor play day College Eye 24:22, p.4 |
Women will come from other Iowa colleges to play basketball. | |
18 | Alice Brown, Grace Hoover to assist in 'Y' conference plans College Eye 24:18, p.3 |
Assist in state plans. | |
19 | W. A. A. members to stage debate on awarding letters College Eye 24:16, p.4 |
Will debate WAA point system. | |
20 | Sports awards for women are made at dinner College Eye 24:12, p.1 |
Women's awards presented for intramural sports. | |
21 | When the faculty goes hunting for snipe----It's news College Eye 24:7, p.4 |
An old-fashioned snipe hunt. | |
22 | Morris Isle is scene of weekend retreat College Eye 24:2, p.3 |
YWCA will meet. | |
23 | Sophomore B. A. and B. S. Old Gold 0:0, p.88 |
Photos and names of the Class of 1934. | |
24 | Bartlett Hall West Council Old Gold 0:0, p.49 |
Roster and photo of the Bartlett Hall West Council. | |
25 | Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
Names of members and photo. | |
26 | Y. W. C. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.219 |
Description of Y. W. C. A. and names of members; photos. | |
27 | Y. W. C. A. elects next year's officers College Eye 23:32, p.1 |
Roster of officers. | |
28 | Untitled College Eye 23:16, p.5 |
Arleen Fulton will hold appreciation. |