Galloway--George (Class of 1895; Rural Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 33 of 33 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 George Galloway
Alumnus 27:1, p.32

Died on September 16, 1942, after retiring from teaching in 1939.

2 George Galloway
Alumnus 14:4, p.26
Galloway is writing articles for newspapers and magazines. The July 3 issue of The Arcata Union contains a few of his articles. During July he was located in a famous fishing station on Humboldt Bay, California.
3 Mrs. George Galloway
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.7
Mrs. George Galloway died on September 13, 1921 after seven months of battling chronic nephritis.
4 County Superintendent in Iowa, 1921-24
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.6
Graduates and former students listed.
5 County superintendents
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.4
List of graduates elected as county superintendents.
6 Brief Reports 29
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.2
George Galloway is member of Iowa Reading Circle Board and Director of Fourth District.
7 Iowa State Teachers Association
College Eye 8:4, p.3
Roster of faculty and alumni attending sixty-second annual session.
8 The alumni
Quarterly News Letter to the Alumni 0:0, p.1
Reports of activities of ISTC alumni.
9 Among the I. S. T. C. graduates
College Eye 4:30, p.6
Roster of graduates re-elected to county supervisor positions.
10 The Dunlap high school is prospering
Normal Eyte 16:17, p.268
George Galloway is in charge there; Roxy Peterson is teacher there.
11 George Galloway
Normal Eyte 15:11, p.168
Is now superintendent of the Dunlap schools. Edwin Bronson will engage in the drug business in Council Bluffs.
12 The program of the Iowa State Teachers' Association
Normal Eyte 14:17, p.262
Many Normal alumni were on the program for the Teachers Association meeting.
13 George Galloway
Normal Eyte 14:3, p.38
George Galloway is teaching in Allamakee County.
14 Good reports come to us
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.215
George Galloway doing well in Lansing.
15 George Galloway
Normal Eyte 11:35, p.861
Re-elected principal at Panora.
16 In general; candidates for graduation in June
Normal Eyte 11:32, p.783
Roster of members of the June 1901 graduating classes.
17 George Galloway
Normal Eyte 9:28, p.665
Principal at Valley Junction; now principal at Panora schools; married Bertha Seward.
18 George Galloway
Normal Eyte 8:27, p.376
Re-elected in Panora.
19 The good people of Valley Junction
Normal Eyte 6:24, p.280
Re-elect George Galloway as principal.
20 Geo. Galloway
Normal Eyte 6:9, p.106
Happy with new daughter.
21 A baby girl
Normal Eyte 6:8, p.88
Mr. and Mrs. George Galloway have child.
22 Geo. Galloway
Normal Eyte 6:5, p.58
Teaching in Valley Junction.
23 George Galloway
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.351
Will be principal at Valley Junction.
24 Mr. George Galloway
Normal Eyte 5:15, p.131
Marries Bertha Seward.
25 The following of our alumni
Normal Eyte 5:2, p.13
Roster of those enrolled at University of Iowa.
26 The following persons
Normal Eyte 4:31, p.490
Roster of orators and topics.
27 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:20, p.312
Meeting leaders announced; delegates selected for state convention.
28 The annual open session
Normal Eyte 4:18, p.277
Description of the Orio program.
29 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:17, p.265
Meeting leaders announced; other activities scheduled.
30 The Orios
Normal Eyte 4:16, p.251
Program for open session.
31 The Orios
Normal Eyte 4:15, p.235
Roster of officers.
32 The first inter-society debate
Normal Eyte 4:8, p.117
Extensive descriptions of debates.
33 Speakers for the third intersociety debate
Normal Eyte 4:5, p.76
Roster of speakers.