Gauger--Mabel (Class of 1918 and 1930; Critic Teacher)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mabel G. Gauger
Alumnus 21:2, p.28
Married Claude E. Griffith on October 10, 1935.
2 The Upsilon chapter of Kappa Phi
College Eye 21:42, p.5
Enjoyed a weekend house party up the river; roster of guests.
3 Wesley Foundation
College Eye 21:39, p.4
Sent delegates to the National Council of the Kappa Phi in Montrest, North Carolina.
4 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.56
Graduate photos.
5 Biology Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Officers and members; photos.
6 Biology Club
College Eye 21:11, p.5
Roster of officers.
7 Second Year Elementary Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.104

Officers and class roll.

8 Kappa Phi
College Eye 20:16, p.6
Pledges announced; members attend snowball tea.
9 Biology Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.216

Club officers; honorary members; members; photos.

10 1918
Old Gold 0:0, p.91
Photos of graduates, with degree received.
11 Bartlett Hall girls
College Eye 9:30, p.8
Students who went out of town for the weekend.
12 The following girls
College Eye 9:28, p.8
Bartlett Hall women who were out of town for the weekend.
13 Wilma Freeland
College Eye 9:21, p.8
Spent the weekend in Waterloo, as did many other women.
14 The following girls
College Eye 9:19, p.8
Bartlett women who went home for the weekend.
15 Mable Gauger
College Eye 9:18, p.8
Visited F. E. Jones.
16 Mable Gauger and Wilma Raymond
College Eye 9:14, p.8
Were guests in Waterloo over the weekend.