Gerlach--Allison M. (Class of 1993)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Play examines death of friendships
Northern Iowan 90:22, p.11
Students produce independent play, "Sickness and Light"; photo.
2 Behind the Scenes; Students Assist in Theatre
Old Gold 0:0, p.38
A lot of behind the scenes work of students goes into UNI's theatre productions; photo.
3 Movie reviewer gets rated; earns
Northern Iowan 89:42, p.3
Believes reviewer needs to approach movies with open mind.
4 Humor scores in "Wake of Jamey Foster"
Northern Iowan 89:11, p.8
Review of Theatre UNI production.
5 Vampires swoop down on Strayer-Wood Theatre; They're here!
Northern Iowan 88:15, p.6
Studio Series presents "Lesbian Vampires of Sodom".
6 Iowa women celebrated with UNI Interpreters Theatre piece April 4-6.
Public Relations News Release 1990:451, p.1
UNI Interpreters Theatre will focus on the strengths of Iowa women during performances.
7 Rappers win it all in Air Band contest
Northern Iowan 86:46, p.5

Description of the winning performances; photo.