Gerow--Maurice (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 106 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Staff changes in thirteen depts.
College Eye 43:34, p.1
Survey of resignations, leaves of absence, and appointments.
2 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
Brief description of the department with photos of the faculty and the Symphony Orchestra; photo.
3 A Cappella Choir
Old Gold 0:0, p.118

Member photo of the choir; photo.

4 Comic opera "The Frantic Physician" will be presented at ISTC on May 8-9
Public Relations News Release 1951:711, p.1
Cast list provided. Conductor for the opera will be Russell Baum; Maurice Gerow is rehearsing the chorus and Jane Birkhead is serving as special coach.
5 Symphony orchestra presents concert
College Eye 43:25, p.7
Program highlights.
6 The Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Myron E. Russell will present a concert Tuesday evening, April 8, in the college auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1951:563, p.1
Highlight of the program will be Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 "Choral" which will feature music department faculty members Jane Birkhead, soprano; Jane Mauck, contralto; Maurice Gerow, tenor; and John Powell, baritone, and the A Cappella Choir.
7 Annual home concert of the A Cappella Choir will be presented Thursday evening (April 3) in the college auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1952:556, p.1
Maurice Gerow conducts the 70-voice choir. Ellen Aakvik will be piano soloist. The choir recently completed its annual spring tour, giving concerts at Eldora, Coon Rapids, Manning, Glidden, Denison, Greenfield, Winterset and West Des Moines.
8 The A Capella Choir will make its annual spring tour Wednesday through Friday, March 26-28
Public Relations News Release 1952:497, p.1
During the three-day tour the 70-voice choir, under the direction of Maurice Gerow, will present programs in eight Iowa communities. Jane Mauck will appear as guest soloist with the group.
9 The A Cappella Choir will make its annual spring tour Wednesday through Friday, March 26-28
Public Relations News Release 1952:496, p.1
During the three-day tour, the 70-voice choir, under the direction of Maurice Gerow, will present programs in eight Iowa communities. Contralto Jane Mauck will appear as guest soloist with the group.
10 The Iowa State Teachers college A Capella Choir will make its annual spring tour Wednesday through Friday, March 26 - 28
Public Relations News Release 1952:505, p.1
Maurice Gerow announced that during the three-day tour the 70-voice choir will present programs in eight Iowa communities. Contralto Jane Mauck; music department faculty, will appear as guest soloist with the group. The program for each day is listed.
11 Choir to begin tour Wednesday
College Eye 43:22, p.6
Itinerary for the A Cappella Choir.
12 Two original compositions by William P. Latham will be presented tonight during the annual Choral Concert at the auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1952:546, p.1
The five-part program will open with the College Women's Chorus singing a group of folk songs. Part II will feature the Madrigal Singers. The College Chorus with Marvin Bergmann, senior from Hampton, as soloist, will be presented.
13 The annual Choral Concert of the college music department will be presented Thursday evening, March 6, in the college auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1952:396, p.1
Performers for the evening include the College Women's Chorus; Madrigal Singers, and the College Chorus assisted by the College Symphony Orchestra, organist George Samson of the music department, and accompanists Carol Jensen and Beulah Yanny.
14 Maurice Gerow (tenor)
Public Relations News Release 1952:411, p.1
Born Oct. 14, 1915, in Jackson, Michigan. Graduate of Jackson high school. Received his bachelor of music degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1938 and a master of music degree from Michigan in 1942. He is married and has three children.
15 Russell directs annual singing of 'Messiah'
College Eye 43:12, p.3
16 Community sing
College Eye 43:12, p.7
Students invited to downtown singing.
17 Maurice Gerow and John Powell will be guest soloists during the presentation of Handel's "Messiah" at the Bethany Lutheran church in Emmetsburg
Public Relations News Release 1951:259, p.1
The presentation will be conducted by John Pyleman, 1948 graduate, who is instructor in instrumental music at the Emmetsburg high school. Pyleman has organized for the first time a community chorus composed of member of various Emmetsburg church choirs..
18 Give Messiah again Sunday in Men's Gym
College Eye 43:11, p.1
Faculty will perform solos.
19 "Elijah" performance great success
Alumnus 35:4, p.7
Overflow crowd in Men's Gym enjoys performance; photo.
20 'Messiah' slated for December 9
College Eye 43:10, p.1
Faculty and students will perform.
21 The Annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" will be given Sunday, December 9, by the Department of Music
Public Relations News Release 1951:194, p.1
Myron Russell, head of the music department, will direct the oratorio which is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the Men's gymnasium. Soloists for the performance are Jane Birkhead, Jane Mauck, Maurice Gerow, and Harald Holst.
22 Special to the Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:167, p.1
An overflow crowd attended the presentation of the oratorio "Elijah" in the men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, college music department, was the conductor.
23 'Elijah' set for Sunday
College Eye 43:9, p.1
Performance preview.
24 Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah" will be presented in the men's gymnasium Sunday, Nov. 18, at 4 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1951:133, p.1
Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production which will be open to the public without charge. Soloists for the oratorio are soprano Jane Birkhead, contralto Jane Mauck, tenor Maurice Gerow, and baritone John Powell.
25 Presentation is the first in 18 years
College Eye 43:8, p.1
Performance of "Elijah" will feature faculty and students.
26 Combined choruses and orchestra to present 'Elijah' on November 18
College Eye 43:7, p.1
Preview of the performance; list of soloists.
27 Sunday concert in auditorium closes Homecoming program
College Eye 43:6, p.1
Performance program.
28 The final event of Homecoming will be the 75th Anniversary concert in the auditorium, Sunday, Oct. 28
Public Relations News Release 1951:92, p.1
The concert will be presented by the college department of music. This year's homecoming, Oct. 26-28, is the 30th in the college's history. The concert program is in five parts. Program listed.
29 College vocal groups have excellent turnout
College Eye 43:2, p.3
30 Missouri Valley-Several faculty members from the Cedar Falls campus of Iowa State Teachers college will present assembly programs during the summer
Public Relations News Release 1950:398, p.1
Director William Dreier announced these assembly appearances from June 22 to August 13: E. L. Ritter, H. A. Riebe, J. W. Maucker, Herbert V Hake, E. W. Hamilton, J. Duke Elkow, Jane Mauck, Jvone Maxwell, Maurice Gerow, John Powell, and Hazel B. Strayer.
31 Branch school has 77 enrolled
College Eye 42:33, p.4
Several faculty will visit.
32 A United Nations flag will be presented to Iowa State Teachers College at the summer convocation at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 12
Public Relations News Release 1950:390, p.1
The flag will be a gift of the Cedar Falls chapter of United World Federalists. Organist George Samson will play an organ prelude and Tenor Maurice Gerow will sing a vocal solo. The convocation will mark the first day of summer session classes.
33 A United Nations flag will be presented to the college at the summer convocation assembly
Public Relations News Release 1950:389, p.1
The flag will be a gift of the Cedar Falls chapter of United World Federalists, according to Frank Hill of the convocations committee. President J. W. Maucker will address the assembly on "Mid-Century Perspective."
34 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Brief description of the department; photo.
35 College Chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.118
List of members; photo.
36 The 75th annual Commencement exercises will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, in the Men's gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1

Of the 498 candidates for graduation, 265 are candidates for the bachelor of arts degree and 233 for the two-year diploma. President J. W. Maucker will confer the degrees and award the diplomas. Candidates listed.

37 The 75th annual Commencement exercises will be held June 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Men's gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1950:367, p.1
President J. W. Maucker will present the traditional Purple and Old Gold awards to graduates outstanding in scholarship and extra-curricular achievement. He'll also name the winners of ten special scholarships.
38 Music department prepares 'Elijah'
College Eye 42:30, p.3
39 The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song at the college, Sunday, May 20
Public Relations News Release 1950:360, p.1
The public is invited to the performance of the oratorio, "Elijah" by Felix Mendelssohn, in the Men's gymnasium. Roland Searight, of the college music faculty, will direct the production.
40 Maurice Gerow, of the music faculty will sing the tenor solos in Haydn's oratorio
Public Relations News Release 1950:351, p.1
Gerow will sing the tenor solos from "The Creation," Sunday, May 13, at Knox college, Galesburg, Illinois.
41 The biblical story of Elijah the Prophet will be told in song Sunday, May 20, at the college
Public Relations News Release 1950:350, p.1
Roland Searight will direct the production. Tenor Maurice Gerow prepared the A Cappella choir, the College chorus and the Women's chorus for their roles in the oratorio. The song text is taken from many of the books of the bible.
42 Dr. Edward Kurtz was honored Tuesday night, April 17, at a dinner party given by fellow musicians and music faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:320, p.1

The 69-year-old violinist, composer and conductor will retire at the end of the summer quarter. He has been head of the music department since 1934, and a member of that department since 1924.

43 Symphony performance jams ISTC auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1950:291, p.1
Conducted by Maurice Gerow, the 62-voice choir completed its annual three-day spring tour on March 30. Over 1200 persons jammed the auditorium Wednesday morning to hear a one-hour performance by the Symphony orchestra conducted by Roland Searight.
44 ISTC concerts April 4-5
Public Relations News Release 1950:282, p.1
On Wednesday (April 4) the 60-piece orchestra will play a morning concert directed by Roland Searight. The 62-voice college choir will sing its home concert Thursday (April 5) conducted by Assistant Professor Maurice Gerow.
45 Sketch of Conductor Maurice Gerow
Public Relations News Release 1950:282, p.1
Gerow's experience includes work under such famous conductors as F. Melius Christiansen and Fred Waring. He received his bachelor and master's degrees from the University of Michigan and has studied at Juilliard School of Music and Columbia University.
46 A music workshop, with emphasis on the junior high level, will be held Saturday, March 31
Public Relations News Release 1950:259, p.1
Maurice Gerow, assistant professor of music education, announced the program which will feature two famous music educators. Beatrice Krone of the University of Southern California faculty will conduct the morning session.
47 ISTC choir plans March tour
Public Relations News Release 1950:251, p.1
The 62-voice College Choir will sing nine concerts during a three-day tour in late March of northcentral Iowa.Conductor Maurice Gerow has announced a spring concert that also includes six performances besides those of the three-day tour. Tour sites listed
48 A six-part choral concert featuring two choruses, two harpists and three soloists will be presented Thursday (March 1) at 8 p.m. in the auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1950:238, p.1
Conductor Maurice Gerow said the 150-voice College chorus and the 65-voice college Women's chorus will present five parts of the program. Harpist LaVerne Hodges of the music faculty will play two solos for the concert's sixth part.
49 Messiah to be Given at ISTC, Sunday, Dec. 10
Public Relations News Release 1950:149, p.1
A chorus of 300, a symphony orchestra, and four vocal soloists will be the cast for the annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" in the men's gymnasium.
50 Music department to give 'Messiah'
College Eye 42:11, p.1
Several groups will perform.