Gibson--Paul (Class of 1977)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Paul Gibson
Northern Iowa Today 91:2, p.16
Paul Gibson was promoted to project manager in John Deere Waterloo Works total quality department.
2 They deserve recognition
Northern Iowan 73:55, p.2
Congratulates Ann Brenden, UNI Student Association president, and Paul Gibson, chairman of the Union Policy Board, for a job well done this past year.
3 Committee urges support of SIIF
Northern Iowan 73:50, p.2
Explains SIIF and asks for student support.
4 Thanks . . .
Northern Iowan 73:47, p.2
A thank you to those who contributed to UNI's Days for Women.
5 Untitled
Northern Iowan 73:36, p.1
President of the Union Policy Board, Paul Gibson, compares the size of Hardee's draws to draws of the bars on the Hill.
6 Reminder
Northern Iowan 73:34, p.2
Reminder that the northwest bay of the Union is now a self-enforced no smoking area.
7 Elections!
Northern Iowan 73:32, p.2
The UNI Student Association will be holding elections on February 23 for Senate positions; believes that this is a great chance for the students to make a difference.
8 Thanks to . . .
Northern Iowan 73:20, p.2
Thanks given to area merchants for the prizes donated to the Election Night Program.
9 Get involved with UPB
Northern Iowan 73:16, p.2
Gives ways to express ideas for Union activities to Union Policy Board.
10 He erred . . .
Northern Iowan 73:15, p.3
Corrected his previous letter in which he stated an incorrect meeting date for Union Policy Board.
11 Urges work through system
Northern Iowan 73:14, p.2
Says any complaints of Union Services need to be brought before the Union Policy Board.
12 Openings
Northern Iowan 73:13, p.5
Union Policy Board announced positions for ongoing committees.
13 Thanks from FUNION '76
Northern Iowan 73:7, p.2
Thanks from FUNION '76 and Union Policy Board; ask for student suggestions.