Gibson--Robert R. (Class of 1924)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Robert R. Gibson
Alumnus 23:2, p.29

Died December 2, at the Mayo Brothers' Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, after an illness of three weeks. He is survived by his wife, the former Margaret L. Johnk, his son, Richard; his parents R. W. Gibson (formerly Cora F. Spargur), and a sister, Edna.

2 Xanho
College Eye 20:8, p.8
Fall dance, pledges elect officers, visitors, and visits.
3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson
College Eye 18:41, p.5
Visited Mr. Gibson's parents on their way home to Auburn, Iowa, from the Drake Relays.
4 Bob Gibson
College Eye 18:37, p.5
Visited Cedar Falls.
5 Xanho
College Eye 18:37, p.8
News about members.
6 Xanho
College Eye 17:46, p.8
Held annual dinner dance; will hold house party.
7 Xanho
College Eye 17:33, p.8
Held smoker.
8 Robert Gibson
College Eye 16:24, p.10
Visited friends in Baird.
9 Second Year Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.175
Names of students and officers; photo.
10 Second Year Manual Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
11 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.330
Photo and names of members.
12 83 granted diplomas from college yesterday; March class larger than fall graduation
College Eye 15:26, p.1

Roster of graduates.

13 The following people
College Eye 13:33, p.8
Attended the Drake Relays.