Gilbert--Ellis T. (Class of 1895)

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ellis T. Gilbert
Normal Eyte 19:27, p.428
Principal in Oklahoma.
2 Ellis T. Gilbert
Normal Eyte 15:31, p.489
Is living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and has three children.
3 Ellis T. Gilbert
Normal Eyte 14:19, p.295
Ellis Gilbert is principal in Douglas County, Nebraska.
4 Ellis T. Gilbert
Normal Eyte 9:28, p.665
Principal of schools at Millard, Nebraska; now teaches country school near Council Bluffs; married Viola Baxter.
5 E. T. Gilbert
Normal Eyte 7:5, p.52
Principal at Emerson.
6 At a recent teachers meeting
Normal Eyte 6:12, p.137
E. T. Gilbert made presentation.
7 The IV class of '95
Normal Eyte 5:1, p.3
List of marriages.
8 Fourth Year class
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.590

Composite class photo on two pages; photo.

9 The need of industrial reorganization
Normal Eyte 4:33, p.519
10 They say that all things decay
Normal Eyte 4:32, p.507
Roster of chapel orations and topics.
11 The inter-society debate
Normal Eyte 4:22, p.342
Detailed account of the men's societies' debate.
12 Mr. E. T. Gilbert
Normal Eyte 4:16, p.249
13 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:15, p.233
Meeting leaders announced; description of term reception.
14 Ellis Gilbert
Students' Offering 8:36, p.9
Teaching near Council Bluffs.
15 Ellis Gilbert
Students' Offering 8:32, p.8
Called home on death of brother.