Gilbert--Winifred Mae (Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 97 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Dr. Winifred Gilbert of science staff is dead after an extended illness
Alumnus 23:3, p.20
Died June 17, 1939; had been on faculty for thirteen years.
2 Services held for Miss Gilbert
College Eye 30:36, p.1
Services held June 19, 1939, for Professor Winifred Gilbert; photo.
3 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.54

List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos.

4 Miss Gilbert appointed consultant to national committee
College Eye 30:24, p.1
Appointed to elementary school group.
5 Allie Jr. enrolls at Teachers College
College Eye 30:19, p.1
New alligator is on campus.
6 Scientists begin broadcast series
College Eye 30:10, p.5
Six science faculty will broadcast over WOI and WSUI.
7 Instructors write for education monthly
College Eye 29:16, p.3
Several faculty write articles for Midland Monthly.
8 Professors will spend vacations convening
College Eye 29:14, p.1
Many faculty will attend conventions over the Christmas break.
9 Sirtalis--sirt--snakes you say?
College Eye 29:13, p.7
Professor Gilbert keeps several snakes in the Vocational Building.
10 Faculty members speak at annual teacher's convention
College Eye 29:8, p.1
Roster of those who will participate in ISTA meeting.
11 Teachers meet for geography conference
College Eye 29:4, p.5
Highlights of conference for elementary science and geography teachers.
12 Prisoner held in laboratory; charge: snake in the grass
College Eye 28:0, p.4
Garter snake manages to elude captors.
13 Beta Beta Beta
Old Gold 0:0, p.97
Activities, officers, and members of biology honorary society; photos.
14 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
Department changes; photos.
15 Campus is host Thursday, Friday to bird lovers
College Eye 28:30, p.1
Highlights of the Iowa Ornithological Union meeting.
16 New issue off the press
College Eye 28:15, p.3
New issue of Iowa Science Teacher published; several ISTC faculty and alumni are associated with the journal.
17 Gilbert recovers from operation
College Eye 28:14, p.1
Winifred Gilbert will be in the hospital for about two weeks.
18 Scholarship not changed much by optional classes
College Eye 28:7, p.1
Little difference revealed in optional attendance experiment.
19 Twenty-one new courses are now being offered
College Eye 28:1, p.4
Twelve of the new classes will be in music.
20 Miss W. Gilbert recovers field glasses before she is aware of loss
College Eye 27:9, p.3
Someone had stolen them from her car.
21 Gilbert again takes charge of classes
College Eye 27:8, p.1
Has been completing work on doctoral degree.
22 Winifred M. Gilbert to receive degree at Iowa University
College Eye 27:7, p.1
Will receive doctorate.
23 "It's an old Japanese custom" science students have adopted; silkworms and eggs are being cared for by students of nature study
College Eye 27:7, p.1
How to care for silkworms.
24 Stanley substitutes in Gilbert's absence
College Eye 27:5, p.4
25 Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
The Natural Science Department and Physics and Chemistry Department have been combined; photos.
26 Biology Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
Purpose, speakers, officers, and members; photo.
27 Epsilon Phi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.67
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.
28 Beta Beta Beta
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Established in 1934; purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos.
29 Students pursue new activities as call of the outdoors lures them
College Eye 27:36, p.3
Campus social calendar.
30 Various proofs attempt to uphold calendar's announcement of spring; country to experience moist, cool, cycle according to cable
College Eye 27:35, p.1
Professors Cable and Gilbert comment on the unusual and difficult weather.
31 Experiment in attendance ventured; attendance is optional for three college courses spring term
College Eye 27:34, p.1
Attendance will be optional in classes taught by Professors Beard, Uttley, and Gilbert.
32 Winifred Gilbert addressed the regular faculty meeting
Public Relations News Release 1935:343, p.1
The other business of the meeting was the report of the committee on rearranging vacation periods.
33 Faculty members to attend meetings
College Eye 27:22, p.1
During Christmas holidays.
34 Scientists gather here tomorrow; conference groups to see exhibits, hear talks by specialists
College Eye 27:21, p.4
Will hold conference on teaching of the sciences.
35 Dr. H. S. Conard will address the luncheon meeting of the conference on teaching science
Public Relations News Release 1935:227, p.1
Science teachers from all Northeaster Iowa have been invited.
36 The conference on the teaching of the sciences will be held November 16
Public Relations News Release 1935:229, p.1
Description of exhibits.
37 Conard to speak at science conference here next week-end
College Eye 27:20, p.1
H. S. Conard will speak; conference highlights.
38 Dr. H. S. Conard will deliver the luncheon address
Public Relations News Release 1935:217, p.1
Schedule of events for the luncheon and the conference on teaching science.
39 Science convention here November 16
College Eye 27:19, p.1
Will speak on teaching of science at TC.
40 Faculty members to be on program at Teachers meet
College Eye 27:19, p.1
Several will give papers or panel discussions.
41 Epsilon Phi Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.221
Organized in 1931; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photos.
42 Beta Beta Beta
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Organized in 1934; advisor, officers, and members; photos.
43 Biology Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.135
Began in 1923; purpose, advisors, officers, and members; photo.
44 Natural Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
Objectives; photos.
45 Science journal to go on sale here April 22
College Eye 26:39, p.1
Published by Beta Beta Beta; intended for science teachers.
46 Members of Biology Club are entertained
College Eye 26:30, p.3
Professor Gilbert hosts students.
47 Biology members help to maintain a feeding station
College Eye 26:28, p.3
Will feed birds during winter.
48 Student catches venomous insect
College Eye 26:12, p.8
Mary Hamilton catches wasp-like insect.
49 Tri-Betas conduct business meeting; name committees
College Eye 26:5, p.4
Will develop by-laws and initiation practices.
50 Most popular bird is robin, test shows
College Eye 26:4, p.1
Professor Gilbert tests her students on their knowledge of Iowa birds.