Gipple--Caleb (Student--2018)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Students plan for a long winter break
Northern Iowan 117:27, p.1
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fall semester classes will end on November 24 and spring classes begin on January 25, resulting in a longer winter break for students. Students share their plans for the break; photo.
2 UNI Student Leadership Awards list
Northern Iowan 115:48, p.2
The winners of the Student Leadership Awards.
3 Flex meals reduced from 20 to 2
Northern Iowan 115:9, p.1
In an effort to make campus dining plans more clear and customizable, the Department of Residence (DOR) lowered the number of "flex meals" or "guest passes" from20 to 2; photo.
4 NISG Senate rejects Chief of Staff nominee
Northern Iowan 114:51, p.2
Though several of the new nominees for Drew Stenland and Kirsten Ahart's cabinet were approves by the Student Senate, their Chief of Staff Nominee was rejected.
5 NISG hosts 2018 election debate
Northern Iowan 114:40, p.1
NISG candidates faced off in the annual debate. Both presidential and senatorial candidates spoke.