Glenn--George David (Theater Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 100 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Women take the stage in "Enchanted April"
Northern Iowan 105:10, p.10
Cedar Falls Community Theatre will perform "Enchanted April" October 3-5 and continuing October 10-12; photo.
2 UNI 1999-2000 retirees; guess who's who
Campus News Network 10:18, p.1
List of this year's retirees honored at the 42nd Annual Recognition Breakfast; photo.
3 Director George Glenn ends career with 'Macbeth'
Northern Iowan 96:48, p.9

George Glenn retires after teaching for thirty-four years and directing twenty-nine plays; photo.

4 UNI theatre presents cure for semester end blues
Northern Iowan 94:22, p.10
Preview of the play "Noises Off"; photo.
5 "Equus" performances set to continue through weekend
Northern Iowan 92:39, p.12
Director tells about production; photo.
6 Professional leaves announced
Campus News Network 4:14, p.1
Fall, spring, and academic year leaves are announced for 1994-1995.
7 George Glenn
Campus News Network 4:7, p.4
George Glenn elected vice-president/president elect of the Mid-America Theatre Conference.
8 Theatre UNI sponsors London trip
Northern Iowan 90:9, p.13
Group forming for trip.
9 Time to register for Theatre UNI'S London tour, December 27, 1993-January 4, 1994
Public Relations News Release 1993:60, p.1
The second annual London Tour is presently taking applications for this exciting trip.
10 Are you Shakespearienced?
Northern Iowan 89:54, p.10
A review of Theatre UNI's production of "Hamlet"
11 Theatre UNI sets second annual London theatre tour December 29-January 7, 1993
Public Relations News Release 1992:42, p.1
Dates have been announced for the second annual London theatre tour.
12 Theater UNI combines familiar faces, updated script in summer production "Born Yesterday"
Northern Iowan 87:62, p.3
Preview of "Born Yesterday".
13 A sunny classroom
Northern Iowan 86:16, p.1
Professor Glenn conducts a class outdoors; photo.
14 Regents approve professional development leaves for 23 Northern Iowa faculty
Public Relations News Release 1987:217, p.1
The Board of Regents approves Professional Development Leaves for 1988-89. Five leaves are planned for fall semester, seven for spring, and eleven for the academic year.
15 Valentine's Dance; Guest speaker; CHFA Forum
Northern Iowan 83:36, p.15
Omicron Delta Kappa and American Marketing Association will sponsor dance; Carole Baumgarten will speak to local alumnae; CHFA will sponsor panel discussion;
16 Theater class given
Northern Iowan 80:19, p.15
George Glenn will teach class that will look at three Shakespeare classes.
17 The "shows go on" in Iowa's old theaters
Northern Iowan 80:8, p.14
George Glenn talks about his research into Iowa small town theaters; photo.
18 Swordplay, rock music highlight state's first Shakespeare Festival
Alumnus 68:2, p.17
Involves all three Regents universities; UNI produces Henry IV, part I; photo.
19 Theater history students 'discover' vaudeville team
Northern Iowan 79:51, p.7
George Glenn's students study the papers of the Rosenthals.
20 Theater discussions
Northern Iowan 79:48, p.11
Symposia to be held in conjunction with Shakespeare Festival.
21 Cast at Theatre UNI prepares for battle
Northern Iowan 79:47, p.9
Professor Glenn teaches students stage-fighting techniques; photo.
22 Zelda project on the lookout
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.10
Professor Glenn's class is researching theater activity in the Cedar Falls and Waterloo area.
23 New title for department
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
The title Department of Communication and Theater Arts replaced that of Department of Speech.
24 Workshops to be held on film and TV criticism
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.15
Highlights of the upcoming Student as Critic conference.
25 En garde!!
Northern Iowan 78:14, p.9
George Glenn talks about teaching stage fighting techniques; photo.
26 Theatre prof pursues hobby as muzzleloader
Northern Iowan 78:4, p.7
George Glenn talks about his adventures as a buckskinner and muzzleloader.
27 Musket toting professor
Alumnus 66:3, p.6
Professor George Glenn uses interests in frontier skills in class; photo.
28 UNI prof (Glenn) combines musket loading, theatre
Public Relations News Release 1981:24, p.1
Professor Glenn brings knowledge from being a member of the Longrifles musket loading club to the classroom and stage; he teaches a class titled "Stage Weapons and Fight Choreography;" discusses his previous play experience.
29 Computers on campus
Alumnus 66:2, p.4
Broad survey of computer uses and needs on campus; photo.
30 Faculty aids Conference
Northern Iowan 76:50, p.8
Members of UNI's Speech/Theatre faculty participated at a conference held in Omaha, Nebraska.
31 Individual Studies to offer seminars
Northern Iowan 75:61, p.4
Seminars on frontier living and the medieval epic will be offered through the Individual Studies program.
32 Glenn to head fall seminar on aspects of life on the frontier
Northern Iowan 75:57, p.2
An Individual Studies seminar exploring frontier living will be offered. George Glenn of the theatre faculty will instruct the seminar.
33 Speech
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
Majors and minors in the department of Speech focus on interpretation, public address, radio and television, and theatre; this department is housed in the newly opened Communication Arts Complex; photo.
34 From swords to John Wayne
Northern Iowan 75:42, p.8
Offers course in stage fighting; photo.
35 Macbeth to open Thursday; presented by Theatre UNI
Northern Iowan 75:10, p.5
George Glenn, Harvey Sweet, and Kathy Runge talk about the production; photo.
36 "Indians:" a classy whodunnit; Theatre UNI presents second play
Northern Iowan 74:62, p.4
Review of play "Ten Little Indians"; photo.
37 Strayer-Wood: unbelievable!
Northern Iowan 74:39, p.1
The opening of the Strayer-Wood; is it better than Guthrie?
38 Strayer-Wood to open Wednesday: "Lion in Winter"
Northern Iowan 74:38, p.1
Preview of the play; photo.
39 Documentaries
Northern Iowan 73:28, p.3
Will show student films made last semester.
40 The lights dim, show rolls; no Bergman's, at least not yet
Northern Iowan 73:24, p.4
Beginning fiction film production class will be offered at UNI and taught by George Glenn.
41 Why we support UNI/AFT
Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10
Professors offer their opinions.
42 Samuels, Glenn, and Jenkins give final lyceum programs
Northern Iowan 72:55, p.3
Brief descriptions of upcoming lectures.
43 "Playboy" to open next week
Northern Iowan 72:11, p.1
Extended preview for "Playboy of the Western World".
44 "Playboy" cast chosen
Northern Iowan 72:5, p.7
Professor Glenn announces list of cast members.
45 ISP offers diversity seminars; exploratory courses
Northern Iowan 71:20, p.4
Description of ten exploratory seminars.
46 "She Stoops . . " employs authenticity
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.4
Play preview.
47 Seminar on Marxism, diseases available; individual studies offers alternatives
Northern Iowan 70:48, p.5
Individual Studies will offer nine exploratory courses.
48 UNI film receives four-star rating
Northern Iowan 70:47, p.10
"Transfer . . . And Storage", by Professors Glenn and Scholz, wins London award.
49 Exploratory seminar offered
Northern Iowan 70:47, p.3
Professor Glenn will teach course on muzzle-loading firearms.
50 Student movies make debut
Northern Iowan 70:46, p.9
Students from Professor Glenn's class will show their work.