Gnagy--Lloyd George (Classes of 1937 and 1938)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 83 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Gnagy
Alumnus 30:3, p.30
Announce the birth of a son, Gary Wallace. They reside at Forest City, where Lloyd is director of athletics. They also have a daughter, Kay Lenore.
2 College Hill golfers win honors at Traer
College Eye 29:44, p.4
Jerry Cross, O. M. Nordly, Lee Parman, Lloyd Gnagy, F. W. Wellborn, and Tom Miller won the invitational golf tournament by a large margin.
3 Seniors 1937-1938
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
List of seniors and the activities they were involved in; photos.
4 Panthers prance cinder path
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
5 Pep and Power
Old Gold 0:0, p.96

Two groups show school spirit; photos.

6 Trackmen to challenge reign of the Nodaks; but loss of nine lettermen roughens the road to glory
Alumnus 22:2, p.13

1938 track season preview.

7 Dating reversed on 'gentleman's holiday'
College Eye 29:10, p.3
Men talk about how they will act for Femmes Fancy dance; photo.
8 Panther gridders will be stronger--but so will everybody else, says Coach Starbeck
Alumnus 21:4, p.19
1937 football season preview; photo.
9 Gnagy, Hutchison named most valuable squad members by Board
Alumnus 21:4, p.20
Lloyd Gnagy is track MVP; George Hutchison is baseball MVP; list of other letter-winners.
10 The Line
College Eye 28:0, p.2
Campus gossip.
11 Gnagy high scorer
College Eye 28:41, p.4
On ISTC track team.
12 Kittenball news
College Eye 28:41, p.4
The Sooners won the first game in the second round defeating the Gnats, 8-1, and the Gophers defeated the Braggarts, 10-3.
13 Gnagy second in A.A.U. meet; tosses spear 207 feet
College Eye 28:40, p.4
Lloyd Gnagy captured second place in the javelin at the A .A. U. track and field meet with a throw of 207 feet.
14 T. C. trackmen tie Coe for first in triangular
Alumnus 21:3, p.14
1937 track season wrap-up.
15 Flash!! Flash!!
Alumnus 21:3, p.16
Lloyd Gnagy wins javelin competition.
16 Athletes honored at assembly
Alumnus 21:3, p.17
John Tolan wins scholarship award; Ivan Moore and Robert Curtis win MVPs; list of other letter-winners.
17 Gnagy beats big time javelin tossers; wins first with throw of 203 feet
College Eye 28:36, p.4
Lloyd Gnagy threw the javelin 203 feet 1/4 inch to win the javelin throw against the best in the Big Ten Conference; photo.
18 Warm-up throw is 213
College Eye 28:36, p.4
Lloyd Gnagy's warm up throw was 213 prior to his recorded throw of 203 feet.
19 Cuff is second
College Eye 28:36, p.4
Lloyd Gnagy is also training to participate in the javelin throw in the A. A. U. track and field meet, a national event.
20 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.103

Description, activities, officers, and members; photo.

21 Panthers defend crown
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
Coach Dickinson started the season with half of last year's squad and had to work on filling the gaps; photos.
22 Panther eleven wins five
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Season schedule and highlights; photos.
23 Phi Sigma Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.71
Activities, officers, members, and advisors; photos.
24 The Line
College Eye 28:32, p.2
Campus gossip.
25 George Pederson and Lloyd Gnagy will be only Panther participating in Drake relays
College Eye 28:29, p.4
George Pederson and Lloyd Gnagy will participate in the javelin throw and the high jump at the Drake relays.
26 1936 varsity football squad
Alumnus 21:2, p.16
Team photo; photo.
27 Loss of nine lettermen worries track coach
Alumnus 21:2, p.14
Season preview.
28 Panthers display brilliant, spirited football
Alumnus 21:1, p.18
1936 season wrap-up; photo.
29 Punts and passes for Panthers
College Eye 28:5, p.6
Lloyd Gnagy is playing his third year for the Panthers and is the quarterback and punter; photo.
30 Cedar Falls merchants
College Eye 28:4, p.5
Merchants support ISTC football team; photo.
31 White, Blanchard named most valuable by board, coaches
Alumnus 20:4, p.20
Roster of letter-winners, including first major letters in tennis.
32 Purple Panther looks to 1936 and finds outlook dark, grim
Alumnus 20:3, p.18
1936 football season preview; season schedule
33 Tracksters win second straight loop crown
Alumnus 20:3, p.19
1936 season wrap-up.
34 Roland White takes second honors in meet at Milwaukee
College Eye 27:3, p.4
Roland White and Lloyd Gnagy competed in the Central Intercollegiate meet.
35 White, Gnagy enter Central track meet
College Eye 27:2, p.6
Roland White and Lloyd Gnagy will compete in the Central Intercollegiate track and field meet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
36 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Description, officers, and members; photo.
37 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
Season schedule and highlights; photos.
38 Phi Sigma Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.63
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.
39 Kings of the cinder path
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
1936 track season schedule and highlights; photos.
40 Six Panther trackmen and band, cheerleaders go to Drake Relays Saturday; Coach Dickinson enters two-mile relay team, White, and Gnagy
College Eye 27:40, p.4
ISTC Marching Band will lead the parade for the Drake Relays, in which six Tutor men will participate.
41 Eight records fall in Relays; Gnagy wins javelin throw; Schmelling takes two-mile event
College Eye 27:40, p.4
Approximately 350 high school and college trackmen competed in the 15th annual Teachers College Relays.
42 Record holder
College Eye 27:40, p.4
Lloyd Gnagy throws the javelin; photo.
43 Magic touch needed to point for track meet
Alumnus 20:2, p.17
Done with Iowa Conference; season preview.
44 Rival coach joins up to lead Panther pack
Alumnus 20:2, p.15
Clyde L. "Buck" Starbeck named head football coach; will conduct spring practice for first time; photo.
45 Champlin most valuable gridder
Alumnus 20:1, p.14
John Champlin is football MVP; Orville Nichols named to all-state team; list of other letter-winners.
46 Major awards were granted to twenty one Teachers College football players
Public Relations News Release 1935:313, p.1
John Champlin was named as the player of the greatest value to the team.
47 Three Cedar Falls athletes will be in the lineup when the 1935 football season is concluded here
Public Relations News Release 1935:255, p.1
48 Champlin leads Panther scoring with 25 points
College Eye 27:20, p.6
Halfback Johnny Champlin holds top scoring with 13 points for the season; Orville Nichols is in second with 12 points.
49 The Teachers College football team will make its bid for the eigth win in the Homecoming series
Public Relations News Release 1935:144, p.1
Probable starting lineups.
50 The Teachers College makes its second bid for gridiron victory tomorrow
Public Relations News Release 1935:106, p.1
Starting lineup.