Golubowich--John N. (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Sixteen faculty members submit resignations, retire
College Eye 58:32, p.4

Roster of changes and assignments.

2 Series of folk music begins Thursday night
College Eye 57:3, p.1
John Golubowich organizing meeting.
3 John Golubowich to preview folk singer Odetta
College Eye 56:17, p.1
Will talk about folk singing.
4 27 faculty members named to SCI staff
College Eye 56:1, p.1
Roster of new faculty.
5 SCI Dean announces eight faculty appointments
Public Relations News Release 1960:560, p.1
Professor William C. Lang, dean of instruction, announces eight new faculty appointments. Newly appointed faculty members include John Golubowich, Henry Chabert, Joseph Bohme, Vernon Harmelink, Ira Johnson, Robert Goss, Albert Haman, and Ronald Budensiek.