Gorsuch--Joseph H. (Class of 1895)

Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Joseph H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 13:28, p.441
Optician in California.
2 J. H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 12:11, p.169
In drug business in California.
3 Joseph H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 9:28, p.665
Has not reported.
4 The South Eastern Iowa Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 9:25, p.589
Many faculty attend; Professor Colegrove gives address.
5 Joseph H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.139
Engaged in sales work.
6 Mr. A. L. Comstock
Normal Eyte 5:24, p.221
Reports on Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association meeting, which many Normalites attended.
7 Among the visitors last week
Normal Eyte 5:19, p.174
Roster of visitors.
8 J. H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 5:18, p.165
Selling for Collier's publishers.
9 S. N. S. Band
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.599
Group photo; photo.
10 Inter-Society debate
Normal Eyte 4:33, p.521
Extensive coverage of the debate.
11 We are very sorry to hear
Normal Eyte 4:25, p.394
J. H. Gorsuch out of school because of sister's death; now back in school.
12 Mr. J. H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 4:23, p.363
Summoned home because of sister's illness.
13 The first meeting of the M'Arey Natural History Association
Normal Eyte 4:18, p.283
Topics and speakers.
14 We miss Mr. J. H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 4:18, p.283
Has been sick.
15 The season of class organizations
Normal Eyte 4:17, p.262
Classes select officers and representatives for Commencement.
16 The M'Arey Natural History Association
Normal Eyte 4:16, p.246
Speakers and topics for next meeting.
17 Mr. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.218
Has been sick.
18 The orators of the week
Normal Eyte 4:6, p.89
Speakers and topics.
19 J. N. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 3:6, p.47
Principal at Moravia.
20 Mr. J. H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 2:26, p.208
Will be principal in Moravia.
21 Messrs. Luther Bryan and T. H. Gorsuch
Normal Eyte 2:18, p.144
Enter school.