Graduate Council

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 AAUP releases report on cuts
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.1
The report addressed five "issues of concern". According to the report, several faculty members expressed a lack of trust in President Allen's administration that started before the events of 2012; photo
2 UNI honors May graduate-program graduates, prepares for the future
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Students completing the graduate program will be honored May 5.
3 Syed N. U. A. Kirmani selected as the 1999-2000 University of Northern Iowa Distinguished Scholar
Public Relations News Release 1998:239, p.1
UNI named mathematics professor Syed N. U. A. Kirmani as their Distinguished Scholar for the 1999-2000 school year.
4 Forum created for grads' concerns
Northern Iowan 95:31, p.3
Graduate Dean's Student Advisory Committee has been created to address graduate students' concerns, ideas, and experiences.
5 Syed N.U.A. Kirmani named Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 9:9, p.2
Graduate Council named Syed N.U.A. Kirmani 1999-2000 Distinguished Scholar; photo.
6 David Buch named 1998-99 UNI Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 8:9, p.2
David Buch was named Distinguished Scholar for 1998-99; photo.
7 Graduate Council unanimously names Shivesh C. Thakur 1997-98 UNI Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 7:11, p.4
Shivesh C. Thakur named Distinguished Scholar.
8 Albert Gilgen named 1996 Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 6:7, p.1
Alber Gilgen named 1996 Distinguished Scholar by the Graduate Council; former scholars listed; photo.
9 Dissertation and thesis awards announced
Campus News Network 6:7, p.2
Bruce S. Frana received Outstanding Dissertationi Award; first place for Outstanding Master's Thesis Award went to Sergio Chaigneau, second to Heather Rhoads, and third to Saed Jamal Abu-Hijleh.
10 Awards/honors/services: Keith Crew and Philip East
Campus News Network 6:3, p.4
Keith Crew elected chair and Philip East vice chair of Graduate Council for 1995-96.
11 UNI seeks to implement its mission
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.441
UNI attempts to expand its curriculum on undergraduate and graduate levels; photo.
12 Barbara Lounsberry named 1994 Distinguished Scholar
Campus News Network 4:8, p.1
"Barbara Lounsberry named 1994 Distinguished Scholar".
13 University of Northern Iowa implementing several steps to enhance faculty productivity
Public Relations News Release 1992:264, p.1
Nancy Marlin presents to the Board of Regents UNI's plan to improve productivity of the faculty. She also presented facts stating that most faculty were heavily involved in teaching.
14 Graduate Council names 1992 Distinguished Scholar
Northern Iowan 88:29, p.4
Professor Allen Jedlicka honored; biographical profile.
15 Four University of Northern Iowa graduate students receive awards for outstanding theses and dissertations
Public Relations News Release 1990:413, p.1
Graduate College and Graduate Council named four graduate students for outstanding scholarship.
16 Council clarifies grad hours
Northern Iowan 77:15, p.5
Graduate Council considers what should constitute a full course load for graduate students.
17 Plus-minus grading for grads Oked
Northern Iowan 74:54, p.3
Graduate Council approves change to begin in fall 1978.
18 Approves Ed. Dept. request; Faculty discusses Grad Council
Northern Iowan 72:8, p.7
Faculty Senate postpones action on permanent status of Graduate Council; re-affirms faculty status for librarians; approves establishment of Center for Economic Education.
19 Graduate Council seats UNIGSO representatives; full voting privileges granted
Northern Iowan 68:13, p.1
Will hold two seats.
20 Twenty staff members elected to Faculty Senate
College Eye 59:31, p.3
List of those elected to Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Committee on the Administration of Faculty Personnel, Educational Policies Commission, Committee on Committees, and the Student Loan Fund.
21 Poage to speak to grad students on German trip
College Eye 50:36, p.1
At reception for graduate students.
22 Graduate Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
Brief description of the group; photo.
23 Graduate Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.77
Photo of the members of the Graduate Council sitting around a table and a description of what they do; photo.
24 Student Council requests changes in grad study
College Eye 44:36, p.3
Graduate Council responds to questions about graduate study.
25 Council approves six assistantships
College Eye 43:27, p.3
List of those who will be receiving graduate assistantships.
26 Seven departments have been authorized by the state board of education to offer graduate level courses leading to the Master of Arts in Education
Public Relations News Release 1951:31, p.1
In outlining the board of education's decision, Dean M. J. Nelson said graduate work offered by the education departments will be in four areas-elementary teaching, elementary supervisor, elementary principalship, and secondary principalship.
27 Grad Council meets, plans new program
College Eye 42:41, p.1
First Graduate Council meeting; photo.
28 The Newly-Formed Graduate Council at the college pauses so the photographer can record the groups first meeting held recently
Public Relations News Release 1950:421, p.1
During the coming year the council will formulate graduate policy. Actual instruction in courses leading to the degree of master of arts in education will begin with the 1952 summer session. Council members are listed.
29 Faculty-drafted recommendations for the graduate program have been approved by the state board of education
Public Relations News Release 1950:412, p.1
The approval authorizes the college to begin offering graduate level courses in the summer of 1952 and to confer the degree of Master of Arts in Education. Administration of the program will vest in an in an elected graduate council.